Live Streaming: High Mass with Pope Francis

Live Streaming: High Mass with Pope Francis

Live Streaming: High Mass with Pope Francis
Pope Francis has attended an inter-religious dialogue at the Istiqlal Mosque which is located opposite the Cathedral Church, Thursday (5/9). This afternoon, the Pope's agenda continued with a joint High Mass at the GBK Main Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta. 

Catholics from all over Indonesia did not miss this opportunity. They came in droves to fill the GBK Stadium. This High Mass will be attended by 90 thousand Catholic congregants. In fact, many people arrived at GBK at 08.00 WIB this morning. Even though Pope Francis is planned to arrive at GBK at around 16.00 WIB. 

President Jokowi is also scheduled to attend Pope Francis' High Mass. 

To reduce traffic jams, the National Police has prepared a drop off route for the congregation. Karo PID of the National Police Public Relations Division and Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Ops Tribrata Jaya 2024, Brigadier General Pol Tjahyono Saputro, explained that providing this drop off route would make it easier for congregation members who are prohibited from bringing private vehicles. So you don't miss any information, watch the Live High Mass at GBK with Pope Francis via the streaming video above. 

Live Streaming: Misa Agung Bersama Paus Fransiskus

Paus Fransiskus telah menghadiri dialog antaragama di Masjid Istiqlal yang letaknya berseberangan dengan Gereja Katedral, Kamis (5/9). Sore ini, agenda Paus dilanjutkan dengan ⁠Misa Agung bersama di Stadion Utama GBK , Senayan, Jakarta.

Umat Katolik dari penjuru Indonesia tak melewatkan kesempatan ini. Mereka berbondong-bondong datang memenuhi Stadion GBK.

Misa Agung ini akan dihadiri 90 ribu jemaah Katolik . Bahkan, banyak Umat yang sudah tiba di GBK pukul 08.00 WIB pagi tadi. Padahal Paus Fransiskus direncanakan sampai di GBK sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB.

Presiden Jokowi juga dijadwalkan akan hadir di acara Misa Agung Paus Fransiskus.

Untuk mengurai kemacetan, Polri telah menyiapkan rute drop off untuk jemaat. Karo PID Divisi Humas Polri sekaligus Kasatgas Humas Ops Tribrata Jaya 2024, Brigjen Pol Tjahyono Saputro, menjelaskan bahwa pengadaan rute drop off ini akan mempermudah para jemaat yang dilarang membawa kendaraan pribadi. Supaya tidak ketinggalan informasi, saksikan Live Misa Agung di GBK bersama Paus Fransiskus melalui video steraming di atas.

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