Google Drained IDR 40 Trillion, Turns Out This Was a Mistake

Google Drained IDR 40 Trillion, Turns Out This Was a Mistake

Google Drained IDR 40 Trillion, Turns Out This Was a Mistake
Photo: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

HOLIDAY NEWS - Google has just been fined 2.4 billion euros (Rp. 40.9 trillion). The fine was given by Europe's top court because Google was said to be abusing its position in its own shopping service. 

Google has appealed the decision to the European Union's second highest court. However, it was decided to strengthen the previous decision. It didn't stop there, Google filed a case at the highest court in the region, the European Court. The company still lost and the appeal was rejected and the fine remains outstanding. "We are disappointed with the Court's decision," a Google spokesperson told CNBC International, quoted on Wednesday (11/9/2024). 

According to a spokesperson, Google has been working to comply with the European Commission's decision since 2017. The company considers what it has done to be successful in comparison shopping over the past seven years. "We made changes in 2017 to comply with the European Commission's decision. Our approach has been successful for more than seven years, generating billions of clicks for more than 800 comparison shopping services," explained a spokesperson. 

The fine is the latest effort by regulators around the world to put pressure on Google and its parent company Alphabet. Tech giants are subject to many investigations or in cases reported by regulators. For example, the European Union launched an investigation into Google's parent Alphabet regarding the Digital Markets Act regarding the practices of technology companies in Europe. Apart from that, Google is in an antitrust case by the Department of Justice in the United States (US). 

Google Dikuras Rp 40 Triliun, Ternyata Ini Kesalahannya

REFILE - CLARIFYING CAPTION Silhouettes of mobile users are seen next to a screen projection of Google logo in this picture illustration taken March 28, 2018.  REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
Foto: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

HOLIDAY NEWS - Google baru saja dikenakan denda senilai 2,4 miliar euro (Rp 40,9 triliun). Denda diberikan pengadilan tinggi Eropa karena Google disebut menyalahgunakan posisi dalam layanan belanja milik sendiri.

Google telah mengajukan banding atas keputusan itu ke pengadilan tertinggi kedua di Uni Eropa. Namun diputuskan menguatkan keputusan yang ada sebelumnya.

Tak sampai di situ, Google mengajukan kasus pada pengadilan tertinggi di wilayah tersebut Pengadilan Eropa. Perusahaan tetap kalah kalah banding ditolak dan denda tetap berjalan.

"Kami kecewa dengan keputusan Pengadilan," kata juru bicara Google kepada CNBC Internasional dikutip Rabu (11/9/2024).

Menurut juru bicara, Google telah berupaya mematuhi keputusan Komisi Eropa sejak 2017. Perusahaan menilai apa yang mereka lakukan telah berhasil melakukan perbandingan belanja selama tujuh tahun terakhir.

"Kami membuat perubahan tahun 2017 untuk mematuhi keputusan Komisi Eropa. Pendekatan kami berhasil lebih dari tujuh tahun, menghasilkan miliaran klik untuk lebih dari 800 perbandingan layanan belanja," jelas juru bicara.

Denda tersebut jadi upaya penekanan terbaru regulator seluruh dunia pada Google dan induk perusahaannya Alphabet. Raksasa teknologi mendapatkan banyak penyelidikan atau dalam kasus yang dilaporkan pihak regulator.

Misalnya Uni Eropa meluncurkan penyelidikan induk Google, Alphabet terkait Undang-undang Pasar Digital terkait praktik perusahaan teknologi di Eropa. Selain itu Google dalam kasus antimonopoli oleh Departemen Kehakiman di Amerika Serikat (AS).

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