64 Abbreviations Used When Sending Messages on WA, TikTok, Instagram, FB: FOMO, YOLO, TTYL, ROFL

64 Abbreviations Used When Sending Messages on WA, TikTok, Instagram, FB: FOMO, YOLO, TTYL, ROFL

64 Abbreviations Used When Sending Messages on WA, TikTok, Instagram, FB: FOMO, YOLO, TTYL, ROFL
HOLIDAY NEWS - In today's digital era, abbreviations in chats have become an inseparable part of everyday communication. 
Especially from the younger generation. 

These abbreviations can make interactions easier and add a creative touch to online conversations. 
This is also evidence that language develops along with technology 

Here are 60 cool abbreviations that are frequently used! 

64 Cool Abbreviations for Chatting

1. LOL - Laugh Out Loud (Laugh Out Loud)
2. BRB - Be Right Back (Will Be Back Soon)
3. GTG - Got To Go (Must Go)
4. TTYL - Talk To You Later (Chat Later)
5. OMG - Oh My God (Oh My God)
6. BTW - By The Way (By The Way)
7. FYI - For Your Information (For Your Information)
8. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion (In My Opinion)
9. BFF - Best Friends Forever (Best Friends Forever)
10. LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off (Laugh Out Loud)

11. ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing (Laughing Until You Fall on the Floor)
12. IDK - I Don't Know (I Don't Know)
13. TBH - To Be Honest (Honestly)
14. YOLO - You Only Live Once (You Only Live Once)
15. TMI - Too Much Information (Too Much Information)
16. DM - Direct Message (Direct Message)
17. ICYMI - In Case You Missed It (In Case You Missed It)
18. FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out (Fear Of Missing Out)
19. Bae - Before Anyone Else (Before Anyone Else)
20. HBU - How About You? (How about you?)

21. TBT - Throwback Thursday (Memory Thursday)
22. SMH - Shaking My Head (Shaking My Head)
23. L8R - Later (Later)
24. PLS - Please
25. XOXO - Hugs and Kisses (Hugs and Kisses)
26. CYA - See You Around (See You)
27. FWIW - For What It's Worth
28. IMO - In My Opinion (In My Opinion)
29. TTYS - Talk To You Soon (Chat Later)
30. ASAP - As Soon As Possible (As Possible)

31. FYI - For Your Information (For Your Information)
32. NSFW - Not Safe For Work
33. BFF - Best Friends For Life (Best Friends For Life)
34. HML - Hit My Line (Call Me)
35. K - Okay (Okay)
36. MD - Message Deleted (Deleted Message)
37. PPL - People
38. SRS - Serious (Serious)
39. GG - Good Game (Good Game)
40. RIP - Rest In Peace (Rest In Peace)

41. TMI - Too Much Information (Too Much Information)
42. G2G - Got To Go (Must Go)
43. LOLZ - Laughing Out Loud (Plural)
44. CBA - Can't Be Arsed (Don't Care)
45. LQTM - Laughing Quietly To Myself (Laughing Quietly)
46. ​​AFAIK - As Far As I Know (As Far As I Know)
47. DND - Do Not Disturb (Do Not Disturb)
48. DM - Direct Message (Direct Message)
49. GTL - Gym, Tan, Laundry (Gym, Sunbathing, Washing Clothes)
50. IDC - I Don't Care (I Don't Care)

51. JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out (The Joy Of Missing Out)
52. LDR - Long Distance Relationship
53. NBD - No Big Deal (No Problem)
54. OFC - Of Course (Course)
55. SFW - Safe For Work (Safe for Work)
56. TBA - To Be Announced (Will Be Announced)
57. TBC - To Be Continued (Will Be Continued)
58. U2 - You Too (You Too)
59. VBD - Very Bad Day (Very Bad Day)
60. WBU - What About You? (How about you?)

61. YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (Your Results May Be Different)
62. BRB - Be Right Back (Will Be Back Soon)
63. F2F - Face To Face (Face to Face)
64. TLDR - Too Long Didn't Read (Too Long Didn't Read)

Well, these abbreviations not only speed up communication but also add uniqueness to everyday online conversations. 
Mastering these abbreviations can help you be more in sync with the latest chat trends and keep the conversation on track. 
Happy Sending Messages with the Abbreviation Tribunners! 

64 Singkatan Dipakai Saat Berkirim Pesan di WA, TikTok, Instagram, FB: FOMO, YOLO, TTYL, ROFL

64 Singkatan Dipakai Saat Berkirim Pesan di WA, TikTok, Instagram, FB: FOMO, YOLO, TTYL, ROFL

HOLIDAY NEWS - Era digital saat ini, singkatan-singkatan dalam chattingan telah menjadi bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari komunikasi sehari-hari. 

Terutama dari kalangan generasi muda. 

Singkatan-singkatan ini dapat mempermudah interaksi dan memberikan sentuhan kreatif dalam percakapan online. 

Hal ini juga menjadi bukti bahwa bahasa berkembang seiring dengan teknoligo 

Berikut adalah 60 singkatan keren yang sering digunakan!

64 Singkatan Keren untuk Chattingan

1. LOL - Laugh Out Loud (Tertawa Terbahak-bahak)

2. BRB - Be Right Back (Akan Kembali Segera)

3. GTG - Got To Go (Harus Pergi)

4. TTYL - Talk To You Later (Ngobrol Nanti)

5. OMG - Oh My God (Ya Tuhan)

6. BTW - By The Way (Ngomong-ngomong)

7. FYI - For Your Information (Untuk Informasi Anda)

8. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion (Menurut Pendapat Saya)

9. BFF - Best Friends Forever (Teman Terbaik Selamanya)

10. LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off (Tertawa Keras)

11. ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing (Tertawa Sampai Jatuh ke Lantai)

12. IDK - I Don’t Know (Saya Tidak Tahu)

13. TBH - To Be Honest (Sejujurnya)

14. YOLO - You Only Live Once (Hidup Cuma Sekali)

15. TMI - Too Much Information (Terlalu Banyak Informasi)

16. DM - Direct Message (Pesan Langsung)

17. ICYMI - In Case You Missed It (Jika Anda Terlewat)

18. FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out (Takut Ketinggalan)

19. Bae - Before Anyone Else (Sebelum Orang Lain)

20. HBU - How About You? (Bagaimana Dengan Anda?)

21. TBT - Throwback Thursday (Kamis Kenangan)

22. SMH - Shaking My Head (Menggelengkan Kepala)

23. L8R - Later (Nanti)

24. PLS - Please (Tolong)

25. XOXO - Hugs and Kisses (Pelukan dan Ciuman)

26. CYA - See You Around (Sampai Jumpa)

27. FWIW - For What It’s Worth (Untuk Apa Nilainya)

28. IMO - In My Opinion (Menurut Pendapat Saya)

29. TTYS - Talk To You Soon (Ngobrol Nanti)

30. ASAP - As Soon As Possible (Sebisa Mungkin)

31. FYI - For Your Information (Untuk Informasi Anda)

32. NSFW - Not Safe For Work (Tidak Aman untuk Pekerjaan)

33. BFFL - Best Friends For Life (Teman Terbaik Seumur Hidup)

34. HML - Hit My Line (Hubungi Saya)

35. K - Okay (Oke)

36. MD - Message Deleted (Pesan Dihapus)

37. PPL - People (Orang-orang)

38. SRS - Serious (Serius)

39. GG - Good Game (Permainan Bagus)

40. RIP - Rest In Peace (Istirahat Dalam Damai)

41. TMI - Too Much Information (Terlalu Banyak Informasi)

42. G2G - Got To Go (Harus Pergi)

43. LOLZ - Laughing Out Loud (Plural) (Tertawa Terbahak-bahak)

44. CBA - Can’t Be Arsed (Tidak Peduli)

45. LQTM - Laughing Quietly To Myself (Tertawa Dengan Diam)

46. AFAIK - As Far As I Know (Sepengetahuan Saya)

47. DND - Do Not Disturb (Jangan Ganggu)

48. DM - Direct Message (Pesan Langsung)

49. GTL - Gym, Tan, Laundry (Gym, Berjemur, Cuci Pakaian)

50. IDC - I Don’t Care (Saya Tidak Peduli)

51. JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out (Kesenangan Karena Ketinggalan)

52. LDR - Long Distance Relationship (Hubungan Jarak Jauh)

53. NBD - No Big Deal (Tidak Masalah)

54. OFC - Of Course (Tentu Saja)

55. SFW - Safe For Work (Aman untuk Pekerjaan)

56. TBA - To Be Announced (Akan Diumumkan)

57. TBC - To Be Continued (Akan Dilanjutkan)

58. U2 - You Too (Kamu Juga)

59. VBD - Very Bad Day (Hari Sangat Buruk)

60. WBU - What About You? (Bagaimana Denganmu?)

61. YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (Hasil Anda Mungkin Berbeda)

62. BRB - Be Right Back (Akan Kembali Segera)

63. F2F - Face To Face (Tatap Muka)

64. TLDR - Too Long Didn’t Read (Terlalu Panjang Tidak Dibaca)

Nah, singkatan-singkatan ini tidak hanya mempercepat komunikasi akan tetapi juga menambah keunikan dalam percakapan online sehari-hari. 

Menguasai singkatan-singkatan ini dapat membantu Anda lebih sinkron dengan tren chattingan terbaru dan menjaga supaya percakapan tetap searah. 

Selamat Berkirim Pesan dengan Singkatan Tribunners!

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