Tips for Preparing for Private Employee Retirement So They Don't Get Old

Tips for Preparing for Private Employee Retirement So They Don't Get Old

Tips for Preparing for Private Employee Retirement So They Don't Get Old
Pegawai swasta perlu menyiapkan dana pensiun agar di masa tua mereka tak merana. Berikut tipsnya.
Private employees need to prepare retirement funds so that when they get old they don't languish. (REUTERS/KAI PFAFFENBACH). 

HOLIDAY NEWS -- Pension funds are an important thing that needs to be prepared, including by private employees. 

Unfortunately, this is often missed by workers. Especially those with mediocre salaries. 
Head of Advisory & Financial Planner Finansialku Shierly said that his party often holds seminars to find out the public's sensitivity to pension funds. It turns out, 90 percent of participants still lack pension funds. "Even though the amount of money seems like a lot, it turns out that the monthly lifestyle is quite large. So, it could still be less," he said to, Friday (9/8). 

He suggested that every worker should really calculate the details of their pension fund shortfall. 
How to? 

1. Adjust for Age

Shierly said that efforts to set aside money could also be divided based on age. For example, private employees aged 20 to 30 years can set aside 10 percent -20 percent of their monthly salary. Meanwhile, workers who are 40 years old need to set aside 30 percent of their income because they are approaching retirement age. 
"Retirement funds should be like running a marathon. For example, in the first 2 years you reach IDR 100 million, in the 5th year you reach IDR 500 million, in the 9th year you reach IDR 1 billion, in the 17th year you reach IDR 2 billion, and so on," he explained. 

"As long as you are still productive, don't stop preparing retirement funds. Then, before you retire, have various types of income. For retirees, the income you need to have is passive income," said Shierly. 

2. How to calculate savings and retirement needs

According to him, there are several types of pension fund calculations. If you want to keep it simple, the formula is annual income multiplied by 25. Shierly gave the example that if a private worker has a salary of IDR 12 million per month, then a year they can earn IDR 144 million. He estimates his estimated pension fund needs at IDR 3.6 billion. 
"If your retirement is long-term or more than 7 years, you can allocate 70 percent to shares, stock mutual funds, or gold. The remaining 30 percent can be paid in installments to fixed income mutual funds or bonds," suggested Shierly. "If you are approaching retirement, aka less than 5 years, 60 percent - 70 percent will be in income mutual funds or bonds. Meanwhile, 30 percent to 40 percent can be in core stocks or high dividend stocks," he added. 

Additional pension funds from BPJS Employment

On the other hand, PINA Financial Planner Rista Zwestika emphasized the importance of preparing retirement funds. He said BPJS Employment and similar social programs were not enough. There are three main reasons why BPJS Employment cannot guarantee life after work. 
First, the nominal value is limited. Rista emphasized that the pension benefits from BPJS Employment may not be enough to meet living needs in old age. 
Second, there is inflation. He emphasized that the value of money will continue to decrease over time, so that the funds prepared today may not be enough to buy similar goods and services in the future. 
Third, uncertainty. Rista said that economic conditions and government policies could change so it was important to have sufficient pension funds. 
"For example, with a salary of IDR 7 million per month, you can allocate around 10 percent - 15 percent (per month) or IDR 700 thousand to IDR 1.05 million for pension funds," explained Rista. 

"Preparing retirement funds is a very important long-term investment. With careful planning and discipline, you can achieve financial freedom in old age," he continued. 

What is the ideal retirement fund? 

According to him, there is no definite number that can be said to be ideal for everyone. Rista emphasized that each individual's needs are different. He then gave four considerations for collecting pension funds. 

First, start calculating your current expenses and income. Workers can start by recording all monthly income and expenses, because this can be the basis for estimating expenses in retirement. 

Second, start estimating future expenses. He said that some expenses might decrease after retirement, for example transportation costs to the office, although health expenses could potentially increase. 

"Third, consider inflation. The average inflation rate in Indonesia is around 3 percent-5 percent per year. This means that the prices of goods and services will continue to rise every year," he said. 

Fourth, Rista advised workers to continue consulting with a financial planner. Calculations about how much pension funds can be more accurate, including recommendations for appropriate investment products. 

Tips Menyiapkan Pensiun Pegawai Swasta Agar Tua Tak Merana

Pegawai swasta perlu menyiapkan dana pensiun agar di masa tua mereka tak merana. Berikut tipsnya.
Pegawai swasta perlu menyiapkan dana pensiun agar di masa tua mereka tak merana. ( REUTERS/KAI PFAFFENBACH).

Dana pensiun menjadi hal penting yang perlu disiapkan, termasuk oleh pegawai swasta.

Sayang, ini kerap dilewatkan oleh para pekerja. Apalagi mereka yang bergaji pas-pasan.

Head of Advisory & Financial Planner Finansialku Shierly mengatakan pihaknya sering mengadakan seminar untuk mengetahui kepekaan masyarakat terhadap dana pensiun. Ternyata, 90 persen peserta masih kekurangan dana pensiun.

"Walaupun jumlah uangnya terkesan sudah banyak, tapi ternyata gaya hidup per bulannya cukup besar. Jadi, bisa saja tetap kurang," ucapnya kepada, Jumat (9/8).

Ia menyarankan setiap pekerja harus betul-betul menghitung rincian kekurangan dana pensiun mereka.

Bagaimana caranya?

1. Menyesuaikan Usia

Shierly menyebut upaya menyisihkan uang ini juga bisa dibagi berdasarkan usia. Misal, untuk karyawan swasta yang berusia 20 tahun hingga 30 tahun bisa menyisihkan 10 persen-20 persen dari gaji bulanan.

Sedangkan pekerja yang berusia 40 tahun, perlu menyisihkan 30 persen dari penghasilan karena sudah mendekati usia pensiun.

"Dana pensiun sebaiknya seperti lari maraton. Misal, 2 tahun pertama capai Rp100 juta pertama, tahun ke-5 capai Rp500 juta, tahun ke-9 capai Rp1 miliar pertama, tahun ke-17 capai Rp2 miliar, dan seterusnya," jelasnya.

"Selama masih produktif, jangan berhenti menyiapkan dana pensiun. Kemudian, sebelum pensiun miliki berbagai jenis penghasilan. Untuk pensiunan, penghasilan yang perlu dimiliki yaitu penghasilan pasif," pesan Shierly.

2. Cara menghitung tabungan dan kebutuhan pensiun

Menurutnya, ada beberapa jenis perhitungan dana pensiun. Jika ingin sederhana, rumusnya adalah penghasilan tahunan dikali 25.

Shierly mencontohkan jika pekerja swasta punya gaji Rp12 juta per bulan, maka setahun bisa menghasilkan Rp144 juta. Ia memperkirakan estimasi kebutuhan dana pensiunnya sebesar Rp3,6 miliar.

"Kalau pensiunnya masih jangka panjang atau lebih dari 7 tahun, boleh 70 persen alokasi ke saham, reksadana saham, atau emas. Sisa 30 persennya bisa cicil reksadana pendapatan tetap atau obligasi," saran Shierly.

"Kalau sudah menjelang pensiun alias kurang dari 5 tahun, 60 persen-70 persen di reksadana pendapatan atau obligasi. Sedangkan 30 persen sampai 40 persen bisa di saham core stock atau saham berdividen tinggi," tambahnya.

Tambahan dana pensiun dari BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Di lain sisi, Perencana Keuangan PINA Rista Zwestika menekankan pentingnya mempersiapkan dana pensiun. Ia menyebut BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan program sosial sejenis belum cukup.

Ada tiga alasan utama mengapa BPJS Ketenagakerjaan tak bisa menjamin kehidupan setelah bekerja.

Pertama, nominalnya terbatas. Rista menegaskan tunjangan pensiun dari BPJS Ketenagakerjaan kemungkinan tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di masa tua.

Kedua, ada inflasi. Ia menegaskan nilai uang akan terus menurun seiring waktu, sehingga dana yang disiapkan hari ini mungkin tidak cukup untuk membeli barang dan jasa serupa di masa depan.

Ketiga, ketidakpastian. Rista menyebut kondisi ekonomi dan kebijakan pemerintah dapat berubah sehingga penting memiliki dana pensiun yang cukup.

"Misalnya, dengan gaji Rp7 juta per bulan, Anda bisa mengalokasikan sekitar 10 persen-15 persen (per bulan) atau Rp700 ribu hingga Rp1,05 juta untuk dana pensiun," jelas Rista.

"Persiapan dana pensiun adalah investasi jangka panjang yang sangat penting. Dengan perencanaan yang matang dan disiplin, Anda dapat mencapai kebebasan finansial di masa tua," sambungnya.

Berapa dana pensiun yang ideal?

Menurutnya, tidak ada angka pasti yang bisa dikatakan ideal untuk semua orang. Rista menegaskan kebutuhan setiap individu berbeda-beda.

Ia lantas memberikan empat pertimbangan untuk mengumpulkan dana pensiun.

Pertama, mulai menghitung pengeluaran dan pendapatan saat Ini. Pekerja bisa memulai dengan mencatat semua pendapatan dan pengeluaran bulanan, karena bisa menjadi dasar perkiraan pengeluaran di masa pensiun.

Kedua, mulai memperkirakan pengeluaran di masa depan. Ia menyebut beberapa pengeluaran mungkin akan berkurang setelah pensiun, misalnya biaya transportasi ke kantor, walau pengeluaran untuk kesehatan berpotensi meningkat.

"Ketiga, pertimbangkan Inflasi. Tingkat inflasi rata-rata di Indonesia sekitar 3 persen-5 persen per tahun. Artinya, harga barang dan jasa akan terus naik setiap tahunnya," ucapnya.

Keempat, Rista menyarankan pekerja untuk tetap konsultasi dengan perencana keuangan. Perhitungan tentang berapa banyak dana pensiun bisa lebih akurat, termasuk rekomendasi produk investasi yang sesuai.

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