The decline in YouTube income of Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar
The decline in YouTube income of Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar
Like the Earth and the Sky, This is How Much the YouTube Income of Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar is
Collage of Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar [Instagram]
HOLIDAY NEWS - Both Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar are known through the content they upload on YouTube. Even though they target different markets, both of them are still active in uploading YouTube videos.
It's not surprising that some people are curious about the YouTube income that Jess No Limit and Atta Halilintar receive from the platform. According to the Social Blade page, Atta Halilintar created his YouTube account first, namely on January 26 2014. Then Jess No Limit created it on September 7 2017.
However, interestingly, the number of subscribers that Jess No Limit has collected is much more than Atta Halilintar, namely 51 million followers. Meanwhile, Aurel Hermansyah's husband's YouTube account only has 31.5 million.
During that time, Atta Halilintar himself uploaded more video content, namely 4,252 content compared to Jess No Limit's only 3,009 videos.
Jess No Limit YouTube account. [socialblade]
Even so, Jess No Limit's estimated income from YouTube is much more than Atta Halilintar. It is predicted that Sisca Kohl's husband's monthly income will reach 22,100 dollars to 352,800 dollars or around Rp. 346.7 million to Rp. 5.5 billion.
Meanwhile, for her annual income, Jess No Limit is estimated to earn around 264,600 dollars to 4.2 million dollars or the equivalent of IDR 4.1 billion to IDR 65.8 billion.
On the other hand, Atta Halilintar's estimated monthly income from his YouTube AH account reaches 12,900 dollars to 205,700 dollars or around IDR 202.3 million to IDR 3.2 billion.
Atta Halilintar's YouTube account. [socialblade]
Meanwhile, Atta Halilintar's annual income from YouTube is estimated at 154,300 dollars to 2.5 million dollars or the equivalent of IDR 2.4 billion to IDR 39.2 billion. Not only that, apparently Jess No Limit's YouTube account is in first place in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Atta Halilintar's YouTube account is in fifth place.
Jomplangnya Pendapatan YouTube Jess No Limit dan Atta Halilintar
Bak Bumi dan Langit, Segini Jomplangnya Pendapatan YouTube Jess No Limit dan Atta Halilintar
Kolase Jess No Limit dan Atta Halilintar [Instagram]
HOLIDAY NEWS - Baik Jess No Limit dan Atta Halilintar dikenal melalui konten-konten yang mereka unggah di YouTube. Meski menyasar pasar yang berbeda, namun keduanya hingga kini masih aktif dalam mengunggah video YouTube.
Tak heran jika beberapa orang penasaran dengan pendapatan YouTube yang diterima Jess No Limit dan Atta Halilintar dari platform tersebut.
Menurut laman Social Blade, Atta Halilintar membuat akun YouTube miliknya terlebih dahulu, yaitu pada 26 Januari 2014. Kemudian Jess No Limit membuatnya pada 7 September 2017.
Namun menariknya, jumlah subscriber yang dikumpulkan Jess No Limit jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan Atta Halilintar, yaitu sebanyak 51 juta pengikut. Sedangkan akun YouTube suami Aurel Hermansyah itu hanya memiliki 31,5 juta.
Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, Atta Halilintar sendiri mengunggah konten video lebih banyak, yakni 4.252 konten jika dibandingkan Jess No Limit hanya 3.009 video.
Akun YouTube Jess No Limit. [socialblade]
Meski begitu, perkiraan pendapatan Jess No Limit dari YouTube jauh lebih banyak jika dibandingkan Atta Halilintar.
Diprediksi pendapatan bulanan suami Sisca Kohl itu mencapai 22,100 dolar hingga 352,800 dolar atau sekitar Rp 346,7 juta hingga Rp 5,5 miliar.
Sementara itu, untuk penghasilan tahunannya, Jess No Limit diperkirakan meraup sekitar 264,600 dolar hingga 4,2 juta dolar atau setara dengan Rp 4,1 miliar hingga Rp 65,8 miliar.
Di sisi lain, perkiraan penghasilan bulanan Atta Halilintar dari akun YouTube AH miliknya mencapai 12,900 dolar hingga 205,700 dolar atau sekitar Rp 202,3 juta hingga Rp 3,2 miliar.
Akun YouTube Atta Halilintar. [socialblade]
Sedangkan untuk pendapatan tahunan Atta Halilintar dari YouTube diperkirakan sebanyak 154,300 dolar hingga 2,5 juta dolar atau setara Rp 2,4 miliar hingga Rp 39,2 miliar.
Tak hanya itu, rupanya akun YouTube milik Jess No Limit menempati posisi pertama di Indonesia. Sementara akun YouTube Atta Halilintar berada di peringkat kelima.