North Korean Athletes Sentenced for Taking Selfies with South Koreans at the 2024 Paris Olympics
North Korean Athletes Sentenced for Taking Selfies with South Koreans at the 2024 Paris Olympics
North Korean athletes punished for taking selfies with South Korean athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics (Allkpop)
HOLIDAY NEWS - North Korean athletes reportedly face punishment for being caught taking selfies with South Korean athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
This incident was experienced by North Korean athletes during the "Victory Selfie" program, which allows medal winners to take selfie photos on the podium using Samsung's 'Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition'.
North Korean athletes Li Jong Sik and Kim Kum Yong, who won silver in mixed doubles table tennis, took selfies with South Korean bronze winners Lim Jong Hoon and Shin Yu Bin, as well as Chinese gold medalists Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha.
Although this moment was considered touching by international media, it actually resulted in the athletes being punished in North Korea.
Based on a report by Daily NK, the two athletes were considered to be smiling excessively when taking photos with South Korean athletes, who the authorities brand as the country's number one enemy.
Kim Kum Yong was criticized for smiling during photos, and Li Jong Sik for staring and smiling at other athletes after coming down from the podium.

North Korean athletes punished for taking selfies with South Korean athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics (Allkpop)
It is known that the North Korean Olympic Committee delegation and athletes participating in the Olympics have undergone comprehensive ideological checks since their return on August 15.
North Korean athletes participating in international competitions typically undergo a three-stage ideological vetting process, which includes assessments by the Central Party, the Ministry of Sports, and their own organizations, lasting about one month.
It is hoped that North Korean athletes and officials participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics will undergo the same process.
Daily NK reported that these checks were carried out because North Korea considers living abroad as exposure to so-called non-socialist culture or polluting the country.
The current review in Pyongyang is led by the Central Party, specifically the sports department under the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee.
The Central Party Review examines and evaluates the entire process from departure to return. If it is found that athletes engaged in actions contrary to Party directives or educational campaigns during the Games, they could face punishment.
Before participating in the Olympics, North Korean athletes were reportedly given special instructions not to interact with foreign athletes, including South Koreans.
If any violation of this directive is confirmed, those involved could face punishment.
Atlet Korea Utara Dihukum karena Foto Selfie dengan Warga Korea Selatan di Olimpiade Paris 2024
Atlet Korea Utara dihukum karena foto selfie dengan atlet Korea Selatan di Olimpiade Paris 2024 (Allkpop)
Kejadian ini dialami oleh para atlet Korea Utara saat program "Victory Selfie", yang memungkinkan para peraih medali untuk mengambil foto selfie di podium menggunakan 'Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition' milik Samsung.
Para atlet Korea Utara yakni Li Jong Sik dan Kim Kum Yong, yang memenangkan perak dalam tenis meja ganda campuran, mengambil foto selfie dengan peraih perunggu Korea Selatan Lim Jong Hoon, dan Shin Yu Bin, serta peraih medali emas China Wang Chuqin dan Sun Yingsha.
Meskipun momen ini dianggap mengharukan oleh media internasional, hal ini justru menyebabkan para atlet mendapatkan hukuman di Korea Utara.
Berdasarkan laporan Daily NK, kedua atlet ini dinilai tersenyum berlebihan saat berfoto dengan atlet Korea Selatan, yang oleh pihak berwenang dicap sebagai musuh nomor satu negara.
Kim Kum Yong dikritik karena tersenyum selama foto, dan Li Jong Sik karena menatap dan tersenyum pada atlet lain setelah turun dari podium.
Atlet Korea Utara dihukum karena foto selfie dengan atlet Korea Selatan di Olimpiade Paris 2024 (Allkpop)
Diketahui, delegasi Komite Olimpiade Korea Utara dan atlet yang berpartisipasi dalam Olimpiade telah menjalani pemeriksaan ideologi yang komprehensif sejak mereka kembali pada 15 Agustus lalu.
Atlet Korea Utara yang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi internasional biasanya menjalani proses pemeriksaan ideologi tiga tahap, yang meliputi penilaian oleh Partai Pusat, Kementerian Olahraga, dan organisasi mereka sendiri, yang berlangsung sekitar satu bulan.
Diharapkan atlet dan ofisial Korea Utara yang berpartisipasi dalam Olimpiade Paris 2024 akan menjalani proses yang sama.
Daily NK melaporkan bahwa pemeriksaan ini dilakukan karena Korea Utara menganggap tinggal di luar negeri sebagai paparan terhadap apa yang disebut budaya non-sosialis atau mencemari negara.
Peninjauan terkini di Pyongyang dipimpin oleh Partai Sentral, khususnya departemen olahraga di bawah Departemen Propaganda dan Agitasi Komite Sentral.
Peninjauan Partai Sentral meneliti dan mengevaluasi seluruh proses dari keberangkatan hingga kepulangan. Jika ditemukan bahwa para atlet terlibat dalam tindakan yang bertentangan dengan arahan Partai atau kampanye pendidikan selama Olimpiade, mereka dapat menghadapi hukuman.
Sebelum berpartisipasi dalam Olimpiade, atlet Korea Utara dilaporkan diberi instruksi khusus untuk tidak berinteraksi dengan atlet asing, termasuk warga Korea Selatan.
Jika ada pelanggaran terhadap arahan ini yang dikonfirmasi, mereka yang terlibat dapat menghadapi hukuman.