Google Opens Voice about 365 Hotel Fraud Cases in Indonesia
Google Opens Voice about 365 Hotel Fraud Cases in Indonesia
Photo: REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
HOLIDAY NEWS - Google opens its voice regarding the problem of falsifying electronic data at Google Business. Around 369 hotels experienced problems that occurred last Sunday (11/8).
In its upload to X's account, Google Indonesia said it was aware of the issue. According to the company, there was a technical problem that led to the change in information.
Google has also implemented a fix to prevent changes to Google Business user profiles. Recovery of information that occurred previously is also being carried out by the search engine giant.
"We understand there are issues related to information on Business Profiles. "Our policy clearly states that proposed changes from users must be based on real information and our team works around the clock to fight activity that violates the policy," Google said in its upload, quoted Tuesday (13/8/2024).
"We experienced a technical issue that resulted in changes to information on a number of business profiles and have implemented a fix to prevent incorrect changes from occurring again. We are also in the process of restoring accurate information," explained Google.
Previously, the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) reported that hundreds of its members experienced falsification of electronic data. Falsified data occurred in a number of areas starting from Central Java (156 hotels), East Java (92 hotels), West Sumatra (60 hotels), Bandung (35 hotels), Central Sulawesi (18 hotels), and Lampung (8 hotels).
"On August 11, we experienced what was called electronic data falsification. "If we refer to Article 35 of the ITE Law, what is precise is that electronic data falsification occurred," said the General Chair of PHRI, Hariyadi Sukamdani, during a press conference at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Monday (12/8/2024).
The data falsification changed the contact number in the Google Business account. The perpetrator also changed the room price and promoted it via personal WhatsApp.
For the time being, Hari asked the public to contact the hotel's official website or make a reservation via Online Travel Agent (OTA). Payment is also made through the hotel's official account. "Payment must be made through the hotel's official account. For clarity, please confirm the account number again via the hotel's official channel before making payment," he explained.
Google Buka Suara soal Kasus Penipuan 365 Hotel di Indonesia
Foto: REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
HOLIDAY NEWS - Google buka suara soal masalah pemalsuan data elektronik di Google Business. Sekitar 369 hotel mengalami masalah yang terjadi pada Minggu (11/8) lalu.
Dalam unggahannya di akun X, Google Indonesia mengatakan telah mengetahui adanya isu masalah tersebut. Menurut perusahaan, terdapat masalah teknis yang membuat adanya perubahan informasi itu.
Google juga telah menerapkan perbaikan untuk mencegah adanya perubahan pada profil pengguna Google Business. Pemulihan informasi yang terjadi sebelumnya juga tengah dilakukan oleh raksasa mesin pencarian itu.
"Kami memahami adanya isu terkait informasi pada Profil Bisnis. Kebijakan kami dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa usulan perubahan dari pengguna harus berdasarkan informasi yang sebenarnya dan tim kami bekerja sepanjang waktu untuk melawan aktivitas yang melanggar kebijakan," kata Google dalam unggahannya, dikutip Selasa (13/8/2024).
"Kami mengalami masalah teknis yang berdampak pada perubahan informasi pada sejumlah profil bisnis dan telah menerapkan perbaikan untuk mencegah terjadinya perubahan yang salah lagi. Kami juga dalam proses memulihkan informasi yang akurat," jelas Google.
Sebelumnya Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) melaporkan ratusan anggotanya mengalami pemalsuan data elektronik itu. Data yang dipalsukan terjadi di sejumlah daerah mulai dari Jawa Tengah (156 hotel), Jawa Timur (92 hotel), Sumatera Barat (60 hotel), Bandung (35 hotel), Sulawesi Tengah (18 hotel), dan Lampung (8 hotel).
"Tanggal 11 Agustus itu kami mengalami apa yang disebut sebagai pemalsuan data elektronik. Kalau kita mengacu pada Undang-undang ITE pasal 35 yang tepatnya adalah terjadi pemalsuan data elektronik," kata Ketua Umum PHRI, Hariyadi Sukamdani, saat konferensi pers di Hotel Sahid, Jakarta, Senin (12/8/2024).
Pemalsuan data itu mengubah nomor kontak yang ada di akun Google Business. Pelaku juga mengganti harga kamar dan dipromosikan melalui WhatsApp pribadi.
Untuk sementara waktu, Hari meminta masyarakat mengontak website resmi hotel atau melakukan pemesanan lewat Online Travel Agent (OTA). Pembayaran juga dilakukan melalui rekening resmi hotel.
"Pembayaran harus dilakukan melalui rekening official hotel. Untuk jelasnya mohon agar dapat dikonfirmasi kembali nomor rekening melalui official channel hotel sebelum melakukan pembayaran," jelasnya.