Considered an Illegal Monopoly, Google Asked to Sell Chrome and Android by US Court
Considered an Illegal Monopoly, Google Asked to Sell Chrome and Android by US Court
Monopoly practices are greatly feared in Uncle Sam's country. The reason is that this practice is said to hinder competition because it deliberately hinders the development of their rival companies in competition.
This is the kind of thing that the United States Department of Justice is currently investigating against Google. This technology giant is said to be carrying out illegal monopoly practices that have made them the biggest players in the technology industry.
Google Asked to Sell Chrome and Android by United States DoJ
Forced to sell Chrome
The US Department of Justice through judge Amit Mehta decided that Google had carried out an illegal monopoly by pouring billions of dollars into hindering their competitors. From information on Bloomberg, it is stated that the US court is planning to separate several parts of Google into new business units.
This step means that several crucial Google products such as Android, Chrome and AdWords have the potential to be forced to sell. The United States DoJ is also considering other alternatives such as forcing data sharing on their competitors.
United States Department of Justice
One effort being contemplated by US courts is to sell Android and AdWords, Google's global advertising program. Not only that, Google was also asked to impose restrictions on their AI development.
Several Tech Giants Have Been Hit by the DoJ's Iron Fist
Several Google units were forced to sell
The news about Google dealing with a US court is not that surprising. Companies that have a scale of this size will sooner or later be detected because they have the potential to carry out illegal monopolies.
Other massive companies in the technology sector such as Microsoft, Meta, Amazon and Apple have also experienced the same thing. Google itself was caught because it was caught paying Apple tens of billions of dollars a year to keep Google Search as the default search engine in the Safari browser.
Currently Google is trying to file an appeal. However, the biggest hurdle has yet to be crossed by the tech giant. Tags: google
Dianggap Monopoli Ilegal, Google Diminta Jual Chrome dan Android oleh Pengadilan AS
Praktik monopoli sangat ditakuti di negara Paman Sam. Pasalnya, praktik tersebut disebutkan akan menghambat persaingan karena sengaja menghambat perkembangan perusahaan rival mereka dalam persaingan.
Hal seperti ini yang kini tengah diinvestigasi oleh Departemen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat terhadap Google. Raksasa teknologi ini disebut melakukan praktik monopoli ilegal yang memuluskan mereka sebagai pemain terbesar di industri tekno.
Google Diminta Jual Chrome dan Android oleh DoJ Amerika Serikat
Dipaksa jual Chrome
Department of Justice AS lewat hakim Amit Mehta memutuskan kalau Google telah melakukan monopoli ilegal dengan menggelontorkan uang miliaran Dollar demi menghambat pesaing mereka. Dari informasi di Bloomberg, disebutkan kalau pengadilan AS sedang merencanakan untuk memisahkan beberapa bagian dari Google menjadi unit usaha baru.
Langkah ini berarti membuat beberapa produk krusial Google seperti Android, Chrome, dan AdWords berpotensi dipaksa jual. DoJ Amerika Serikat juga mempertimbangkan alternatif lain seperti memaksakan pembagian data terhadap pesaing mereka.
Departemen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat
Salah satu upaya yang dipikirkan oleh pengadilan AS adalah dengan menjual Android dan AdWords, program iklan seardh milik Google. Tak cuma itu, Google juga diminta untuk menerapkan pembatasan pada pengembangan AI mereka.
Beberapa Tech Giant Sudah Kena Tangan Besi DoJ
Beberapa unit Google dipaksa jual
Berita soal Google berurusan dengan pengadilan AS ini memang tidak begitu mengejutkan. Perusahaan yang memiliki skala sebesar ini cepat atau lambat juga akan terendus karena berpotensi melakukan monopoli ilegal.
Perusahaan dibidang tekno lainnya yang masif seperti Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, dan Apple juga sudah mengalami hal serupa. Google sendiri terendus karena kedapatan membayar Apple puluhan miliar Dollar pertahun kepada Apple agar Google Search tetap sebagai mesin pencari bawaan di browser Safari.
Saat ini Google tengah berupaya mengajukan banding. Namun, rintangan terbesar masih belum dilewati oleh raksasa tekno tersebut.