This is Nostradamus Balkan Baba Vanga's prediction about the end of the world and disaster in 2025

This is Nostradamus Balkan Baba Vanga's prediction about the end of the world and disaster in 2025

This is Nostradamus Balkan Baba Vanga's prediction about the end of the world and disaster in 2025
Baba Vanga. (

London, - Baba Vanga, whose real name was Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, died in 1996 at the age of 85. However, his predictions are still valid today and are believed by his followers. 

Baba Vanga was nicknamed the Nostradamus of the Balkans. This woman lost her sight at the age of 12. Since then, he claims to have gained the ability to predict the future. 

One of his most surprising predictions was the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001. "Two metal birds will crash into our American brothers, wolves will howl from the bushes and the blood of innocent people will flow in rivers," he predicted. 

A clear and powerful message, whose similarities to what actually happened are unmistakable. Baba Vanga's vision has attracted the attention of her followers. However, one of the predictions that is very clear is the year the world will end. 

Baba Vanga predicted that the world would end in 5079 as a result of a cosmic event. 

According to Baba Vanga, in 2025 there will be a major conflict in Europe, which will lead to a decrease in the population of the continent. In 2028, humanity managed to reach Venus to try to find new energy sources, and five years later, in 2033, melting of the polar ice caps significantly raised sea levels. In the world of politics, Baba Vanga predicted that communism would once again triumph throughout the planet. 

Baba Vanga's prophecies continued until the year 5079, the date on which, according to her, the end of the world would occur. 
His other predictions include human contact with extraterrestrial civilizations in 2130, a global drought in 2170, a war on Mars in 3005, and the destruction of Earth in 3797. 
Whatever happens, humanity can already move to other planets in the solar system. 

Judgment Day,

Doomsday Prediction,

Baba Vanga's Doomsday Prediction,

Nostradamus from the Balkans,

Baba Vanga,

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