5 Safe Ways to Access M-Banking Using Public Wi-Fi You Must Know to Avoid Getting Malware

5 Safe Ways to Access M-Banking Using Public Wi-Fi You Must Know to Avoid Getting Malware

5 Safe Ways to Access M-Banking Using Public Wi-Fi You Must Know to Avoid Getting Malware
BCA M-Banking illustration. Here's how to safely access M-Banking via public WiFi. 

- Here's how to safely use mobile banking (M-Banking) with public WiFi. The M-Banking application can be accessed anywhere using just a mobile phone (HP). There are only two ways to access M-Banking, via mobile data or wifi. 
M-Banking can also be accessed via public wifi in times of need. 

However, accessing M-Banking via public wifi is very risky. 
The reason is, it is vulnerable to malware or phishing. Moreover, accessing M-Banking via public wifi can trigger Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks are cyber attacks where an attacker infiltrates and monitors communications between two parties via a cellphone that he hacks. 

So how do you safely access M-Banking via public WiFi? 
Safe Ways to Access M-Banking Via Public Wifi

1. Check and pay attention to the wifi name

Before using public WiFi, you must be careful in choosing the public WiFi you want to use. 
You can check and see the WiFi name detected on your device, and make sure the public WiFi name used is an official WiFi network or genuine or not fake. 
Sometimes criminals deliberately fake the name of a wifi network and provide free access to the network so that the data on the victim's device is easily accessible. 

So, make sure you use an official public WiFi network and have a password, don't easily connect your device to a public WiFi network without a password. 

2. Disable automatic connection to wifi

On devices such as mobile phones and laptops, there is usually a feature to automatically connect to open networks such as public wifi. On some devices, this feature is usually active due to the default settings of the device. Unfortunately, this feature that automatically connects devices to a wifi network allows cybercriminals to spread malware or steal personal data such as passwords and Bank account PINs. To avoid this, you can disable the WiFi feature on the device when not in use, disable the automatic connection feature to WiFi networks, and select "Forget" public WiFi networks after use so that they don't connect automatically when the device is turned on. 

3. Avoid accessing personal data when using public wifi

When using public wifi, make sure you do not access personal data such as bank accounts (internet and mobile Banking), passports, social media or other personal data. If you want to access private data, you should use a private cellular network which is much more secure. 

4. Install a VPN

The next safe tip for using public wifi is to use a VPN on your device. VPN provides two main services to maintain the confidentiality and security of your information. Firstly, a VPN will encrypt your data, which is useful because most public wifi networks are not encrypted. 

With this encryption, cybercriminals will find it difficult to see the information you send and receive. Second, a VPN can mask your IP address and hide your geographic location. 
By using a VPN, you can use public wifi more safely. 
However, make sure you choose a VPN that is paid and trusted. 
5. Use a private cellular network
If you are hesitant about using public wifi, you can use a private hotspot network from your phone. Connecting your cell phone hotspot to another device such as a laptop or other personal cell phone can access your personal data more safely, such as bank accounts, passports, social media and other personal accounts. 

5 Dangers of Mobile Banking Transactions Using Random WiFi

Office workers look at their mobile phones to check the local online banking app Toss as they gather at Seoul Museum of Art during a lunch break in Seoul, South Korea, April 13, 2023. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji

- We will usually look for internet access anywhere. Including trying to connect to public wifi. 

However, there are many dangers lurking in accessing public Wifi. For example, related to data security and hacking threats. 
For this reason, don't access important data when using WiFi carelessly. One of them is not opening mobile banking. 
So what are the dangers of opening WiFi carelessly? Here's the summary:

1. Man-in-the-middle

This attack allows hackers to attack as data moves from the device to the Wifi router. They will be able to directly see the personal data of the victims. Including viewing passwords and account information if you are opening mobile banking. 

2. Evil Twins

Attackers will try to deceive potential victims by using a name that is similar to the original WiFi. So those who are connected can be directly connected to the hackers' traps. 

3. Unencrypted Data

Another problem is that our data is not properly encrypted. So it makes data open to anyone and can be stolen by criminals. 

4. Malware

Public WiFi is also the best place to spread malware and spyware. Downloading malicious files can make your device accessible to other people. 

5. Phishing

Phishing can also happen to you if you use wifi carelessly. You could enter a fake site and end up exposing your personal information to hackers. 

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