Starlink Connects Directly to Cell Phones, the Fate of Cell Phones is Threatened
- Starlink is known to have launched its Direct-to-Cell service earlier this year. It is feared that this service could compete with operators because it allows users to directly utilize SMS, telephone and internet features with this satellite-based service.
XL Axiata Chief Corporate Affairs Marwan O. Baasir said Starlink's services could compete with operators. Even though cellular operators have made quite large investments.
"Now let's say that outside, in the open air, he [Starlink] can do it directly, he will definitely be the main competitor [for cellular operators]," explained Marwan in Jakarta, Monday (3/6/2024).
This service will also have an impact on many parties. Including the cellphone industry, and workers in operators, production and promotions.
"Suddenly a player came who was given convenience. I was worried that the industry would collapse in 1-2 years," said Marwan.
Previously, the General Chair of the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) Muhammad Arif hoped that this service would not exist. Because Direct-to-Cell can destroy the entire telecommunications ecosystem.
Direct-to-Cell technology can be implemented but the frequency remains to be implemented. It again depends on the government whether to provide this service or not.
"It's up to the government whether they want to let us in or not," he said.
The owner of SpaceX which provides Starlink, Elon Musk, once said that Direct-to-Cell will not compete with operators.
"So while this is a great solution for locations without cellular connectivity, [Direct-to-Cell] won't be able to compete with existing terrestrial cellular networks," Musk said.
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Starlink Langsung Nyambung ke HP, Nasib Opsel Terancam
- Starlink diketahui meluncurkan layanan Direct-to-Cell awal tahun ini. Layanan tersebut ditakutkan bisa menyaingi operator karena memungkinkan pengguna langsung memanfaatkan fitur SMS, telepon, hingga internet, dengan layanan berbasis satelit tersebut.
Chief Corporate Affairs XL Axiata Marwan O. Baasir mengatakan layanan Starlink bisa menyaingi operator. Padahal investasi operator seluler sudah mengeluarkan investasi yang cukup besar.
"Sekarang gini katakanlah di luar, di alam terbuka dia [Starlink] bisa langsung, dia pasti akan jadi pesaing utama [bagi operator seluler]," jelas Marwan di Jakarta, Senin (3/6/2024).
Layanan tersebut juga akan berdampak pada banyak pihak. Termasuk industri ponsel, dan tenaga kerja di operator, produksi, hingga promosi.
"Tiba-tiba datang satu pemain yang dikasih kemudahan. Saya khawatir 1-2 tahun ambruk industrinya," kata Marwan.
Sebelumnya, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) Muhammad Arif mengharapkan jangan sampai layanan itu ada. Karena Direct-to-Cell bisa menghancurkan semua ekosistem telekomunikasi.
Teknologi Direct-to-Cell bisa diimplementasikan namun tinggal frekuensi untuk bisa dijalankan. Ini bergantung lagi ke pemerintah apakah akan memberikan layanan tersebut atau tidak.
"Balik lagi ke pemerintah mau membiarkan masuk ke kita atau enggak," ungkapnya.
Pemilik SpaceX yang menyediakan Starlink, Elon Musk pernah mengungkapkan Direct-to-Cell tak akan bersaing dengan operator.
"Jadi walaupun ini adalah solusi luar biasa untuk lokasi tanpa konektivitas seluler, [Direct-to-Cell] tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan jaringan seluler terestrial yang sudah ada," kata Musk.
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