PPATK: Monitor Online Gambling Transaction Accounts Reaching Rp. 600 Trillion

PPATK: Monitor Online Gambling Transaction Accounts Reaching Rp. 600 Trillion

PPATK Continues to Monitor Account Movements Used for Online Gambling Transactions
Ivan Yustiavandana. (Between)

PPATK Continues to Monitor Account Movements Used for Online Gambling Transactions

- The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) continues to monitor account mutations used for online gambling transactions. This was stated by the Head of PPATK, Ivan Yustiavandana when confirmed regarding this matter.  "Account mutations are continuously monitored even though they have been blocked," said Ivan when confirmed by Beritasatu.com, Sunday (23/6/2024). Meanwhile, until the first quarter of 2024, PPATK recorded that the turnover in online gambling reached around IDR 600 trillion. 

When asked about the extent to which transaction funds were confiscated by the state and the potential for funds suspected to be related to online gambling to be confiscated by the state, Ivan said that the data was with investigators. 

"More than Rp. 600 trillion is the turnover of transactions related to online gambling for the period of the past few years up to the first quarter of 2024. Details regarding the potential that could be confiscated by the state are all with the investigators," he said. 

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 21 of 2024 concerning the Task Force for the Eradication of Online Gambling on Friday (14/6/2024). 

SOURCE: Beritasatu.com

#PPATK #Online Gambling #Account Transactions #Online Gambling Account

PPATK: Pantau Rekening Transaksi Judi Online Tembus Rp. 600 Triliun

PPATK Terus Pantau Mutasi Rekening yang Dipakai untuk Transaksi Judi Online
Ivan Yustiavandana. (Antara)

PPATK Terus Pantau Mutasi Rekening yang Dipakai untuk Transaksi Judi Online

- Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) terus melakukan pemantauan terkait mutasi rekening yang dipergunakan untuk transaksi judi online. Hal itu diungkapkan Kepala PPATK, Ivan Yustiavandana saat dikonfirmasi terkait hal tersebut. "Kan mutasi rekeningnya dipantau terus walaupun sudah diblokir," kata Ivan saat dikonfirmasi Beritasatu.com, Minggu (23/6/2024). Sementara itu, hingga kuartal I 2024, PPATK mencatat perputaran uang dalam judi online mencapai sekitar Rp 600 triliun.

Saat ditanya mengenai sejauh mana dana transaksi itu disita oleh negara dan potensi dana yang diduga terkait judi online disita oleh negara, Ivan menyebut data itu ada di penyidik. 
"Rp 600 triliun lebih itu perputaran transaksi terkait judi online periode beberapa tahun ini sampai dengan kuarter pertama 2024. Detail mengenai potensi yang bisa disita negara semua ada di penyidik ya," ucapnya. 
Sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) telah menandatangani Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) Nomor 21 Tahun 2024 tentang Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Pemberantasan Perjudian Daring pada Jumat (14/6/2024).

#PPATK #Judi Online #Transaksi Rekening #Rekening Judi Online

SOURCE: Beritasatu.com

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