Chinese Hacker Has 19 Million Computers, Arrested in Singapore

Chinese Hacker Has 19 Million Computers, Arrested in Singapore
- Wang Yunhe (25) from China is suspected of being a hacker and was arrested in Singapore. From the results of the investigation, he had 19 million protocol (IP) addresses with botnets. 

The arrest on May 24 2024 was led by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). The Singapore Police are also part of the multi-jurisdictional operations team. The arrest was made at Wang's house. One week after being arrested, or May 30, 2024, Wang was submitted for extradition. Wang is accused of working with many parties from 2014 to July 2022. His job was to spread the Botnet 911 S5 malware to millions of computers around the world. 

The 911 S5 botnet is said to have infected computers in almost 200 countries. Next, Wang will sell access to the infected computer to cyber criminals. Later they will use it for various crimes, from fraud and spying on people on the internet. 

Wang allegedly received US$99 million from his actions over those four years. The money from his crimes bought 21 properties spread across the US, St Kitts and Nevis, Singapore, Thailand, China and the United Arab Emirates. 
His wealth is also quite abundant. According to US court records, Wang lives in properties located in Singapore, China and Thailand. He also operates several companies in a number of countries. 

One of them is a director in two companies. Namely Gold Chick, a holding company and management consultant called Universe Capital Management. 
Apart from that, he is listed as the only shareholder in a software wholesaler called Eternal Code. The company was delisted January 9, 2023 after opening December 30, 2020. Other assets Wang owns are a 2022 Ferrari F8 Spider registered in Singapore, accounts at CIMB Bank, Citibank Singapore and banks in Thailand, a condominium unit at Angullia Park, as well as Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches. 

Hacker China Punya 19 Juta Komputer, Ditangkap di Singapura
- Wang Yunhe (25) asal China diduga sebagai hacker dan ditangkap di Singapura. Dari hasil penyelidikan, dia memiliki 19 juta alamat protokol (IP) dengan botnet.

Penangkapan pada 24 Mei 2024 lalu itu dipimpin oleh Departmen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat (DOJ). Kepolisian Singapura juga ikut dalam tim operasi multi-yuridiksi. Penangkapan dilakukan di rumah milik Wang. Satu minggu setelah ditangkap, atau 30 Mei 2024, Wang diajukan untuk diekstradisi. Wang dituding bekerja dengan banyak pihak dalam kurun waktu 2014 hingga Juli 2022. Tugasnya adalah menyebarkan malware Botnet 911 S5 ke jutaan komputer di dunia.

Botnet 911 S5 disebut telah menginfeksi komputer hampir di 200 negara. Berikutnya Wang akan menjual akses komputer yang terinfeksi itu dijual kepada penjahat dunia siber.
Nantinya mereka akan menggunakannya untuk beragam kejahatan, dari penipuan dan memata-matai orang di internet.
Wang diduga menerima US$99 juta dari aksinya selama empat tahun tersebut. Uang hasil kejahatannya dibelikan 21 properti yang tersebar di AS, St Kitts dan Nevis, Singapura, Thailand, Tiongkok, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

Kekayaannya juga cukup berlimpah. Dari catatan pengadilan AS, Wang tinggal di properti yang terletak di Singapura, China dan Thailand. Dia juga mengoperasikan beberapa perusahaan yang ada di sejumlah negara.

Salah satunya adalah direktur di dua perusahaan. Yakni Gold Chick sebuah perusahaan induk serta konsultan manajemen bernama Universe Capital Management.
Selain itu dia tercatat sebagai satu-satunya pemegang saham di pedagang grosir software bernama Eternal Code. Perusahaan telah dihapus dari daftar 9 Januari 2023 setelah dibuka 30 Desember 2020.
Aset lain yang dimiliki Wang adalah Ferrari F8 Spider 2022 yang terdaftar di Singapura, rekening di CIMB Bank, Citibank Singapura dan bank-bank di Thailand, unit kondominium di Angullia Park, serta jam tangan Patek Philippe dan Audemars Piguet.

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