Advanced! This new Google feature is anti-theft, it can predict whether your cellphone will be pickedpocketed

Advanced! This new Google feature is anti-theft, it can predict whether your cellphone will be pickedpocketed
- Cell phones, aka mobile phones (HP), are one of the valuable gadgets that "cannot be left out of your hands." However, this technology is also vulnerable to being pickpocketed in a crowd. 

You no longer need to worry about your cellphone being pickpocketed or changing hands. Because, Google has just officially launched a series of advanced anti-theft features based on artificial intelligence (AI) on Android tablet and cellphone devices. 

One of the new features is called Theft Detection Lock. This feature is claimed to be able to immediately lock the screen when the cellphone is known to have changed hands or been pickpocketed. 

This technology uses sensors and Google AI which detects moments that it suspects are pickpocketing attempts, such as when a pickpocket snatches a cellphone from the user's hand. Another incident is when you take your cell phone from the table and then run or ride a motorbike. 

This feature will also be active when an attempt is made to disconnect the internet network from the cellphone. Disconnection of the internet network is usually done to prevent cellphone owners from accessing it remotely. 
The automatic lock screen aims to protect user data stored on the cellphone. This anti-snatching technology will be available to Android users on Android 15 which will be launched in a few months. 

In the future, Theft Detection Look will also be available on older versions of Android. 
Meanwhile, Android 15 also introduces other security features. Called Private Spaces, the feature will place certain applications and information in a separate area and protect it with a PIN. 

In this way, users can still access the application after the cellphone is reset. They only need to access the application by entering the previously set password. Apart from these two features, here are a number of features that will be available in Android 15:

The Find my Device deactivation feature can only be set using a PIN, password, or biometric authentication such as fingerprints. 
Automatic lock screen when AI detects mugging or pickpocketing. 
Offline Device Lock, which can lock the screen automatically when a thief tries to cut off the cellphone's internet connection. 
Remote Lock to lock your cellphone remotely can now be activated by entering your cellphone number along with some additional information for verification, without a Google account password. 

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