Threatened with Fines, Google and TikTok Asked Eradicate Online Gambling

Threatened with Fines, Google and TikTok Asked Eradicate Online Gambling
Economic News, Jakarta -
The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) issued a strong warning to digital platform organizers in Indonesia to eradicate online gambling content which is still rampant. 

In a virtual Online Gambling Press Conference, Minister Budi Arie Setiadi emphasized the importance of this firm step for all digital platform managers, including X, Telegram, Google, Meta and Tiktok. 
According to Kominfo monitoring, there is still a lot of content with keywords related to online gambling. From November 2023 to May 2024, Google recorded 20,241 keywords related to online gambling, while Meta recorded 2,702 keywords from December 2022 to May 2024. 
Budi Arie explained the top 10 keywords related to online gambling in the last week, including live slots, RTP slots, online casinos and lottery. To follow up on this, Kominfo will fine digital platform organizers IDR 500 million per content if they continue to allow online gambling content to spread. 

"If you are not cooperative in eradicating online gambling on your platform, I will impose a fine of up to IDR 500 million per content," he said as quoted on Sunday (26/5). 

This step is in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia, including Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions as well as the provisions for amendments and related Minister of Communication and Information Regulations. 
Fines on digital platforms will be imposed in accordance with Government Regulation Number 43 of 2023 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue which apply to the Ministry of Communication and Information. 
Kominfo also refers to Minister of Communication and Information Regulation Number 5 of 2020 concerning Private Electronic System Operators and provisions for amendments thereto, and Minister of Communication and Information Decree Number 172 of 2024 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of PNPB originating from the Imposition of Administrative Fines forViolation of UGC Private Scope PSE Obligations to Terminate Access. 

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