Inspirational Story Founder Kentucky Fried Chicken

Inspirational Story Founder Kentucky Fried Chicken
At the age of 5 his father died
At the age of 16 he stopped going to school, At the age of 17 he had been fired 4 times from work
At 18 he married, At 18 - he became a conductor and failed
Then he joined the military and was expelled

Then he tried the law school entrance test and failed again
AT 19 he became a father
At the age of 20, his wife left him and took his baby daughter with him

He worked in a small cafe as a dishwasher and cook, He tried to take his daughter back from his wife who had left him and finally succeeded in convincing his wife to return home

At the age of 65 he retired from work, And on his first day as a retiree, he received a check from the government for $105, He felt that the government thought he could not support his living so he had to provide old age benefits
He decided to attempt suicide, because he felt that throughout his 65 years of life, he had always been a failure in any field

He sat under a tree, writing down his intention to commit suicide on a piece of paper, But... in the end he gave up his intention, And instead he wrote... What HE WANT TO ACHIEVE in the rest of his life at this old age. He realized he still had skills.Namely cooking.

He borrowed 87 dollars against his check and bought a chicken,
cook it according to the recipe.. 
Then he sold door to door and was rejected thousands of times from one house to another in the city of Kentucky

Remember, at the age of 65 he was already preparing to commit suicide, But at the age of 88, he became a Billionaire from the Kentucky Fried Chicken business

Moral of the story: IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO START, The important thing is attitude and persistence..., No matter how hard you fail, keep getting up. 

All the keys and capital for success are already within ourselves, Find it within yourself and create, It's never too late to dream.... #Inspirational story

Kisah Inspiratif Pendiri Kentucky Fried Chicken
Di usia 5 tahun Ayahnya meninggal, Di usia 16 tahun dia berhenti bersekolah, Di usia 17 dia sudah dipecat 4 kali dari pekerjaan, Di usia 18 dia menikah
Di usia 18 - dia menjadi konduktor dan gagal, Lalu ikutan militer dan dikeluarkan

Lalu mencoba tes masuk fakultas hukum dan lagi lagi gagal, DI usia 19 dia menjadi ayah, Di usia 20 istrinya meninggalkannya dan mengajak serta putri nya yg masih bayi

Dia bekerja di cafe kecil sebagai tukang cuci piring dan tukang masak, DIa mencoba mengambil lagi putrinya dari istrinya yg pergi meninggalkannya dan akhirnya berhasil meyakinkan istrinya untuk kembali pulang

Di usia 65 tahun dia pensiun dari pekerjaan, Dan di hari pertama menjadi pensiunan, dia mendapat cek dari pemerintah senilai 105 dollar, Dia merasa pemerintah pun menganggap dia tidak bisa membiayai hidupnya sehingga harus memberi tunjangan hari tua
Dia memutuskan untuk melakukan percobaan bunuh diri, karena merasa selama 65 tahun hidup, dia selalu menjadi orang gagal di bidang apapun

Dia duduk di bawah pohon, menuliskan niatnya bunuh diri di secarik surat, Tapi ... akhirnya dia mengurungkan niat, Dan sebaliknya dia menulis... Apa YANG DIA MAU CAPAI di sisa hidupnya ini di usia yg sudah senja. Dia sadar dia masih punya keahlian. Yaitu memasak.

Dia meminjam 87 dollar dengan jaminan cek nya dan membeli ayam, memasaknya dengan resepnya.., Lalu berjualan door to door dan ditolak ribuan kali dari 1 rumah ke rumah lainnya di kota Kentucky

Ingat, di usia 65 dia sudah menyiapkan niat untuk bunuh diri
Tapi di usia 88 tahun , dia menjadi Billionaire dari usaha Kentucky Fried Chicken

Moral cerita: TIDAK PERNAH ADA KATA TERLAMBAT UNTUK MEMULAI, Yang penting sikap dan kegigihan..., Seberapapun gagalnya, bangkitlah terus.

Semua kunci dan modal keberhasilan itu sudah ada di dalam diri kita sendiri, Temukan di dalam diri dan berkaryalah
Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk bermimpi ..... #Kisahinspiratif

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