Frugal Lifestyle Princess Aiko from Japan Revealed, Amazed Netizens

The Frugal Lifestyle of Princess Aiko from Japan Revealed, Amazed Netizens
Photo: doc. Imperial Household Agency

Having money and the status of a royal princess doesn't seem to make Princess Aiko like to go on a spree. In her daily life, the 23-year-old woman is said to be quite frugal and does not wear expensive things. His simple lifestyle is currently being discussed among the Japanese public. It is said that the princess has even used the same drinking bottle since middle school. 

Recently, many bottles or tumblrs have been presented with interesting models, colors and technology. But Princess Aiko is still loyal to the drinking container she bought in the first year of junior high school. Reported by the MK website, the price of this item can be said to be cheap, namely 800 yen or around Ro 83 thousand. 

This drinking place seems quite special to Princess Aiko. It is said that the bottle has a picture of a companion dog that usually helps people who are sick or have special needs. He bought the bottle from the iMate organization which trains dogs. 
Princess Aiko Photo: doc. The Imperial Household Agency of Japan via AP

This bottle does have its own story. When she was in grade 1 of junior high school, Putri Aiko intended to help the organization but couldn't help much because of limited pocket money. At that time, Japanese Emperor Naruhito gave it to him to buy drinking vessels which were sold as a form of donation. 

Princess Aiko herself is known as a generous girl. He is known to be active in social activities and works in the Red Cross organization which has close ties to the imperial family where Empress Masako once served as honorary president. 

As a Red Cross officer located in Minato since January 2024, the princess is said to have carried out various activities, from answering the telephone to taking out rubbish. "It's not very significant but I hope it can help people and society even a little," he said. 

Aiko is the only daughter of Emperor Naruhito but will not be the heir to her father's throne. In the Japanese empire the throne would only be given to boys. 
Princess Aiko is also expected to marry a man with a Japanese noble title. Otherwise he will no longer receive titles or even wealth from the family. Meanwhile, there are not many nobles remaining in Japan. However, regarding marriage, the princess admitted that she had not thought about it yet. 

Terungkap Gaya Hidup Hemat Putri Aiko dari Jepang, Bikin Netizen Kagum
Foto: dok. Imperial Household Agency

Memiliki uang dan berstatus putri kerajaan tampaknya tak membuat Putri Aiko suka berfoya-foya. Di kesehariannya, wanita tersebut 23 tahun itu bahkan disebut cukup hemat dan tidak mengenakan barang-barang mahal. Gaya hidupnya yang sederhana tengah menjadi perbincangan di kalangan publik Jepang. Dikatakan jika sang putri bahkan memakai botol minum yang sama sejak SMP.

Belakangan banyak botol atau tumblr yang dihadirkan dengan model, warna, dan teknologi menarik. Tapi Putri Aiko masih setia dengan tempat minum yang dibelinya ketika kelas 1 SMP. Dilansir situs MK, barang itu pun harganya bisa dibilang murah yakni 800 yen atau sekitar Ro 83 ribuan.

Tempat minum tersebut tampaknya cukup spesial bagi Putri Aiko. Dikatakan jika botolnya memiliki gambar seekor anjing pendamping yang biasanya membantu orang sakit atau berkebutuhan khusus. Botol itu dibelinya dari organisasi iMate yang melakukan pelatihan pada anjing-anjing.
Putri Aiko Foto: dok. The Imperial Household Agency of Japan via AP

Botol tersebut memang memiliki kisah tersendiri. Ketika masih kelas 1 SMP, Putri Aiko berniat untuk membantu organisasi tapi tidak bisa membantu banyak karena keterbatasan uang jajan. Ketika itu, Kaisar Jepang Naruhito memberikannya untuk membeli tempat minum yang dijual sebagai bentuk donasi.

Princess Aiko sendiri dikenal sebagai gadis yang dermawan. Ia diketahui aktif menjalani kegiatan sosial dan bekerja di organisasi Palang Merah yang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan keluarga kekaisaran di mana Permaisuri Masako pernah menjabat sebagai presiden kehormatan.

Sebagai petugas Palang Merah yang berlokasi di Minato sejak Januari 2024, sang putri disebut melakukan berbagai kegiatan, mulai dari menjawab telepon hingga membuang sampah. "Itu tidak terlalu signifikan tapi aku harap itu bisa menolong orang dan masyarakat bahkan jika sedikit," ujarnya.

Aiko merupakan putri satu-satunya Kaisar Naruhito tapi tidak akan menjadi pewaris tahta ayahnya. Dalam kekaisaran Jepang tahta hanya akan diberikan ke anak laki-laki.
Putri Aiko pun diharapkan untuk menikah dengan pria bergelar bangsawan Jepang. Jika tidak ia tidak akan lagi mendapat gelar bahkan kekayaan dari keluarga. Sedangkan Bangsawan yang tersisa di Jepang sendiri kini sudah tidak banyak. Namun mengenai pernikahan, sang putri mengaku belum memikirkannya.

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