Amazing! Raja Ampat Heavens of the World

Amazing! Raja Ampat Heavens of the World
The beautiful view of Indonesia on an international scale is called Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat is the name of an archipelagic district consisting of a series of four large islands and hundreds of small islands that are very close to each other. 

The position of Raja Ampat Regency is located at the westernmost tip of the island of Irian (Papua) in the Bird's Head section. Raja Ampat has an area of ​​approximately 881,953 km2, with a land area of ​​only around 6,084.50 km2, the rest consists of sea, with a geographical location at latitude 2 degrees 25' N - 4025' and 130-132 degrees 55' E. This district consists of 610 small islands, and there are four large islands, this series of islands consists of Waigeo Island, Misool Island, Salawati Island and Batanta Island. 

To reach Raja Ampat, you can fly to Sorong Airport, namely Domine Eduard Osok, after that, go to the island via the inter-island crossing pier using public boats or express ferries and speedboats. 

This area consists of many islands and narrow straits, so most other dive destinations have strong currents. There are at least three facts that make Raja Ampat famous in the world. 

First, the Raja Ampat area was discovered by accident. At that time, a diver from the Netherlands named Max Ammer visited this area. The initial goal was to explore the whereabouts of planes and ships that were thought to have been used in World War II in the sunken area. Max Ammer was very fascinated by the diversity of biota in Raja Ampat. Then in 1998 he was invited by Gerry Allen, a fisheries expert from Australia, to conduct a survey in this place. Searches for the wreck and the plane itself also yielded no results. On the seabed of Raja Ampat Island, several war remains were found, including war machines, ships and airplanes from World War II. Thus, it could be said that the richness of Raja Ampat is not only the diversity of its biota, but also its rich history. 

Second, Raja Ampat is a paradise for coral reefs. There are several coral reefs that are still in clean condition with a percentage of live coral cover reaching 90%, namely in the Dampier Strait (strait that separates Waigeo Island and Batanta Island), Kofiau Islands, Wayag and Southeast Misool Islands. 
The types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat are generally fringing coral reefs with gently sloping contours that slope upwards. However, atoll types and charred or taka types were also found. In Saondarek Village, when the sea water recedes, you can see coral reefs that can still live even though they are in the open air and exposed to direct sunlight. 

Third, Raja Ampat is one of the best dive sites in the world. There are several well-known diving spots in Raja Ampat, such as Manta Point, Mike's Point, Sardine Reef and Shark Point. Each point has its own special features. For example, at Manta Point, you can easily find stingrays with a wingspan of 9 meters. 

Around Batu Island, Kaboei Bay, there is a bay which is a tunnel under a rock. In Batu Kaboei Bay coral caves were also found inhabited by bats, and in several places human bone remains were found. Because the area has many islands and narrow straits, most dives at any given time have strong currents. It is also possible, diving, to follow the strong current in very clear water as it breaks through schools of fish. What's even more special is that there are still many coral reef sites that have not been explored. 

As an international tourist attraction, entering this area certainly requires a lot of money because flights to Sorong City are already quite expensive, not to mention accommodation in the form of hotels and homestays for 3-4 days. Plus rent a boat while at the location

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