A mother wants to borrow money from her well-established child

A mother wants to borrow money from her well-established child
In a low voice accompanied by embarrassment, the mother said: "Son, can you borrow 100 thousand? I need to buy rice."His son didn't answer immediately, with a straight face he said: "Yes ma'am, I'll ask my wife first", as if it was hard to say yes, because his wife might not have said yes... 

When the child entered the house he saw that the carton of his child's milk still had a price tag of Rp. 50,000, then he thought. If 1 box runs out in 1 day x 30 days x 2 years = 36 million....!!!!. He thought, when he was a toddler he was only given breast milk by his mother, the price was infinite, super sterile, given with great love... 

If a child gets it for 2 years, how much does he have to pay? Then he turned around and looked at his mother's face, which was shady even though it was old. 
You have given all your love, wealth and everything to me without any strings attached, and I received all of that for FREE... Forgive your child who doesn't know how to return the favor... 

Immediately he hugged his mother and kissed her forehead and gave her Rp. 3 million. While crying, he said: "Mother, don't say borrow again, okay? My property is also yours. Pray for your child to always be filial to you."
While there were clear tears in the corner of her mother's eyes, she said: "Son, in every situation, mother always prays that we will all be gathered together on earth and in HEAVEN later in happiness.. 

Hope it is useful. Don't let this meaningful reading settle in your phone, make it a field of reward by giving it to others...for WIVES, remember that your husband's sustenance is also your in-laws' right. And also treat your mother-in-law
like her own mother...... 
Hopefully it will be useful for all of us.... 
...... Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds... 

Seorang ibu ingin meminjam uang kepada anaknya yang telah mapan
Dengan suara rendah disertai rasa malu ibu berkata : " Nak, bolehkah ibu meminjam uang 100 ribu,? Ibu ada perlu buat beli beras.". Anaknya tidak langsung menjawab, dengan raut muka datar ia berkata: " Iya Bu, nanti Aku tanya istriku dulu", seakan berat untuk mengiyakan, karena belum tentu isterinya mengiyakan...

Ketika Sang Anak masuk ke dalam rumah ia melihat dus susu anaknya masih ada bandrol harga Rp 50.000, kemudian dia merenung. Jika 1 dus habis 1 hari x 30 hari x 2 th = 36 juta....!!!!. Dia berfikir, waktu balita dia hanya diberikan ASI oleh ibunya, harganya tak terhingga, super steril, diberikan dengan penuh kasih sayang....

Jika didapat oleh seorang anak selama 2 tahun berapa yang harus ia bayar?? Kemudian ia berbalik dan menatap wajah ibunya yang teduh walau telah dimakan usia.
Dirimu telah memberikan semua kasih sayang, harta dan semuanya kepadaku tanpa pamrih, dan semua itu kuterima dgn GRATIS..Maafkan anakmu ini yang tidak tahu balas budi..
Segera ia memeluk ibunya dan mengecup keningnya dan memberi uang Rp 3 jt, sambil menangis ia berkata: "Ibu, jangan berkata pinjam lagi yaa, hartaku adalah juga milikmu, do'akan anakmu ini agar selalu berbakti padamu".

Sambil berkaca-kaca ada air bening di pelupuk mata ibu ia berkata: "Nak, di setiap keadaan ibu selalu berdo'a agar kita semua selalu dikumpulkan di dunia dan di SURGA nanti dalam kebahagian..

Semoga Bermanfaat. Jangan biarkan bacaan bermakna ini mengendap di telepon mu, jadikan ladang pahala dg meberikan ke orang lain..bagi PARA ISTRI ingatlah bahwa rizki dari suamimu adalah juga hak mertuamu. Dan juga perlakukan lah ibu mertua
seperti ibu kandung sendiri......
Semoga bermanfa'at bagi kita semua....
...... Amin_yarobbal_Alamin...

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