Profile of Saudi Arabian Executioner Saad al-Beshi: 7 People Beheaded One Day, Audience Fainted

Profile of Saudi Arabian Executioner Saad al-Beshi: 7 People Beheaded One Day, Audience Fainted
Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, the executioner of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who beheaded death row inmates. Photo/via Mail Online

RIYADH - Muhammad Saad al-Beshi is the leading executioner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His figure attracted attention after the kingdom executed seven men in one day last Tuesday on charges of treason and financing terrorists. 

As the leading executioner, al-Beshi had a fierce face and rarely smiled. However, who would have thought that he was nervous when he first worked on cutting the necks of death row inmates. 
In 2003, al-Beshi beheaded seven people in one day. 
“It doesn't matter to me: Two, four, 10- As long as I do God's will, it doesn't matter how many people I execute,” he told the Okaz newspaper in an interview. 

He started working in a prison in Taif, where his job was to handcuff and blindfold prisoners before executing them. 
“Because of this background, I developed a desire to become an executioner,” he said. 
He applied for the job and was accepted. 
His first job came in 1998 in Jeddah. “The criminal was tied up and blindfolded. With one blow of the sword I cut off his head. It rolled several meters away.”
Of course he was nervous, he said, because there were so many people watching, but now the stage fright is no longer there. 

Profil Algojo Arab Saudi Saad al-Beshi: Sehari Penggal 7 Orang, Penonton Pingsan
Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, algojo Kerajaan Arab Saudi yang memenggal para terpidana mati. Foto/via Mail Online

RIYADH - Muhammad Saad al-Beshi adalah algojo terkemuka di Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Sosoknya menarik perhatian setelah kerajaan mengeksekusi tujuh pria dalam sehari pada Selasa pekan lalu atas tuduhan makar dan mendanai teroris.

Sebagai algojo terkemuka, al-Beshi berwajah sangar dan jarang tersenyum. Namun, siapa sangka bahwa dia pernah gugup ketika pertama kali bekerja memenggal leher para terpidana mati.
Pada 2003, al-Beshi, pernah memenggal tujuh orang dalam sehari.
“Tidak masalah bagi saya: Dua, empat, 10- Selama saya melakukan kehendak Tuhan, tidak masalah berapa banyak orang yang saya eksekusi,” katanya kepada surat kabar Okaz dalam sebuah wawancara.

Dia mulai bekerja di sebuah penjara di Taif, di mana tugasnya adalah memborgol dan menutup mata para tahanan sebelum dieksekusi.
“Karena latar belakang ini, saya mengembangkan keinginan untuk menjadi algojo,” katanya.
Dia melamar pekerjaan itu dan diterima.

Pekerjaan pertamanya datang pada tahun 1998 di Jeddah. “Penjahat diikat dan ditutup matanya. Dengan satu pukulan pedang saya memenggal kepalanya. Benda itu berguling beberapa meter jauhnya.”
Tentu saja dia gugup, katanya, karena banyak orang yang menonton, tapi sekarang demam panggung sudah tidak ada lagi.

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