Google suddenly causes chaos in India, apparently this is the trigger

Google suddenly causes chaos in India, apparently this is the trigger
Photo: Infographics/ Google Search will be obsolete, there is already a replacement/ Ilham Restu

 - A number of applications from India have been removed by Google from the Play Store. This decision made the local government speak up. 
"This cannot be allowed," stressed Minister of Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw, quoted by Reuters, Sunday (3/3/2024). 
He added that his party had held Google talks. Apart from that, Vaishnaw will meet with startups to discuss their protection in the country. 

Reuters noted that Google refused to comment on this matter. 
Google's policy was carried out on the grounds that it did not comply with in-app payment guidelines. Previously the startup wanted Google to stop in-app payments by 11-26%. 

Photo: Google Doodle
New Year's Eve Google Doodle

Meanwhile, local antitrust authorities asked Google not to implement the previous system by 15-30%. But Google was allowed to charge fees or remove apps after two court rulings. 
Google's policy has also been criticized by many startups who have protested and legally challenged the company's fees practices. Some of the apps removed include Bharat Matrimony and Naukri job seeker. 

Google removes 150 Matrimony applications. Founder Murugavel Janakiraman confirmed that the action bankrupted the company. If the decision continues in the long term, he said it is possible that his company's income will collapse. 
"If this continues in the long term, our income will drop significantly," said Janakiraman. 
Meanwhile, Info Edge has not only lost Naukri. But also other real estate search apps, some of which have been restored. 

Google Tiba-Tiba Bikin Rusuh India, Ternyata ini Pemicunya
Foto: Infografis/ Google Search Bakal Usang, Sudah Ada Penggantinya/ Ilham Restu

- Sejumlah aplikasi asal India dihapus oleh Google dari Play Store. Keputusan itu membuat pemerintah setempat angkat bicara.
"Tidak dapat dibiarkan," tegas Menteri Teknologi Informasi Ashwini Vaishnaw, dikutip dari Reuters, Minggu (3/3/2024).
Dia menambahkan pihaknya telah melakukan pembicaraan Google. Selain itu Vaishnaw akan bertemu dengan para startup membahas perlindungan mereka di dalam negeri.

Reuters mencatat Google menolak berkomentar terkait hal tersebut.
Kebijakan Google itu dilakukan dengan alasan tidak mematuhi pedoman pembayaran dalam aplikasi. Sebelumnya startup ingin Google menghentikan pembayaran dalam aplikasi sebesar 11-26%.

Foto: Google Doodle
Google Doodle Malam Tahun Baru

Sementara otoritas antimonopoli setempat meminta Google tidak menerapkan sistem sebelumnya sebesar 15-30%. Namun Google diizinkan membebankan biaya atau menghapus aplikasi setelah dua keputusan pengadilan.
Kebijakan Google juga dikritik oleh banyak startup yang telah melakukan protes dan menantang secara hukum praktik perusahaan soal biaya. Beberapa aplikasi yang dihapus termasuk Bharat Matrimony dan pencari kerja Naukri.

Google menghapus 150 aplikasi milik Matrimony. Pendiri Murugavel Janakiraman memastikan aksi tersebut membuat perusahaan bangkrut. Jika keputusan terus dilakukan dalam jangka panjang, dia mengatakan kemungkinan pendapatan perusahaannya akan ambles.
"Jika terus berlanjut dalam jangka panjang, maka pendapatan kami akan turun secara signifikan," kata Janakiraman.
Sementara itu, Info Edge bukan hanya kehilangan Naukri. Namun juga aplikasi pencarian real estate lainnya, beberapa di antaranya telah dipulihkan.

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