Mark Zuckerberg Lost IDR 46.8 Trillion Because Facebook and Instagram Down

Mark Zuckerberg Lost IDR 46.8 Trillion Because Facebook and Instagram Down
FILE - This photo shows the mobile phone app logos for, from left, Facebook and Instagram in New York, Oct. 5, 2021. The European Union is expanding its strict digital rulebook on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024 to almost all online platforms in the bloc, in the next phase of its crackdown on toxic social media content and dodgy ecommerce products that began last year by targeting the most popular services. 

 -- Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg suffered a loss of nearly 3 billion US dollars (around Rp. 46.8 trillion) in one day, after his company's main platforms, Facebook and Instagram, experienced a global outage. This condition also affects millions of users worldwide. 

According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Zuckerberg's net worth fell by 2.79 billion US dollars (around Rp. 43.6 trillion) in one day, which brought him down to 176 billion US dollars (around Rp. 2.7 quadrillion). Despite this, he still maintains his position as the fourth richest person in the world. 

Reported by India Today on Friday (8/3/2024), after an hour-long global outage, Meta shares fell by 1.6 percent, which had a direct impact on Mark Zuckerberg's net worth. Meta shares closed at 490.22 US dollars (around Rp. 7.6 million) per share in the last trading session on Wall Street. 

Users experienced difficulty accessing the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Threads on Tuesday (5/3/2024) evening US time. In fact, Meta Quest users have also reported problems when trying to log into their // headsets. At the same time, a number of YouTube users have also reported errors while using the platform. 

The outage lasted about an hour, before all applications returned to normal functioning. During the outage, users reported getting "failed to load" error pages on Instagram and Facebook. Some Instagram users observed that they were still able to view old stories despite the error. However, many Facebook accounts automatically //logout// during outages. 

The effects of the outage were also visible on another social media platform, X, which was flooded with //posts// from affected individuals. X owner Elon Musk even took the opportunity to mock rival Meta after its flagship platforms, Facebook and Instagram, experienced the outage. 
“If you're reading this //post//, it's because our servers are working,” Musk said, in a post on social media platform X. 

Mark Zuckerberg Kehilangan Rp 46,8 Triliun Karena Facebook dan Instagram Down
FILE - This photo shows the mobile phone app logos for, from left, Facebook and Instagram in New York, Oct. 5, 2021. The European Union is expanding its strict digital rulebook on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024 to almost all online platforms in the bloc, in the next phase of its crackdown on toxic social media content and dodgy ecommerce products that began last year by targeting the most popular services.

 -- CEO Meta, Mark Zuckerberg mengalami kerugian hampir 3 miliar dolar AS (sekitar Rp 46,8 triliun) dalam satu hari, setelah platform utama perusahaannya, Facebook dan Instagram mengalami pemadaman global. Kondisi itu juga mempengaruhi jutaan pengguna di seluruh dunia.

Menurut Bloomberg Billionaires Index, kekayaan bersih Zuckerberg turun sebesar 2,79 miliar dolar AS (sekitar Rp 43,6 triliun) dalam sehari, yang membuatnya turun menjadi 176 miliar dolar AS (sekitar Rp 2,7 kuadriliun). Meskipun demikian, ia masih mempertahankan posisinya sebagai orang terkaya keempat di dunia.

Dilansir India Today pada Jumat (8/3/2024), setelah pemadaman global selama satu jam, saham Meta mengalami penurunan sebesar 1,6 persen, yang berdampak langsung pada penurunan kekayaan bersih Mark Zuckerberg. Saham Meta ditutup pada harga 490,22 dolar AS (sekitar Rp 7,6 juta) per saham pada sesi perdagangan terakhir di Wall Street.

Kesulitan mengakses platform media sosial Facebook, Instagram, dan Threads dialami oleh pengguna pada Selasa (5/3/2024) malam waktu AS. Bahkan, pengguna Meta Quest juga melaporkan masalah saat mencoba masuk ke headset// mereka. Pada saat yang sama, sejumlah pengguna YouTube juga melaporkan kesalahan saat menggunakan platform.

Pemadaman tersebut berlangsung sekitar satu jam, sebelum semua aplikasi kembali berfungsi normal. Selama pemadaman, pengguna melaporkan mendapatkan halaman kesalahan "gagal memuat" di Instagram dan Facebook. Beberapa pengguna Instagram mengamati bahwa mereka masih dapat melihat cerita lama meskipun ada kesalahan. Namun, banyak akun Facebook yang secara otomatis //logout// selama pemadaman.

Efek pemadaman tersebut juga terlihat di platform media sosial lainnya, X, yang dibanjiri oleh //postingan// dari individu yang terkena dampak. Pemilik X, Elon Musk bahkan mengambil kesempatan untuk mengejek saingannya, Meta, setelah platform andalannya, Facebook dan Instagram, mengalami pemadaman tersebut.
“Jika Anda membaca //postingan// ini, itu karena server kami berfungsi,” kata Musk, dalam unggahannya di platform media sosial X.

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