List of 9 Countries Not Recognized by the UN, Palestine Included

List of 9 Countries Not Recognized by the UN, Palestine Included
Photo: iStock/Joel Carillet/UN

 - The United Nations (UN) is the largest intergovernmental organization in the world with 193 member countries. Each member state has equal representation in the UN General Assembly. However, it turns out that there are still countries that have not been recognized by the UN. Which countries? 

The United Nations was formed in 1945 after World War II. This formation was carried out through the UN Charter created by the United States, Britain, Russia and China and signed by 50 countries on June 26 1945. 
The Charter came into force on October 24, 1945, marking the official birth of the United Nations and its associated International Court of Justice. 

Purpose of Establishing the United Nations

The UN was founded with the mission of, among other things, maintaining international peace and security by preventing conflict, mediating for countries in conflict, and creating conditions for maintaining peace. 

In addition, the UN also protects human rights, provides humanitarian assistance, enforces international law, and promotes sustainable development. 
Since its founding in 1945, the UN has had 193 members (plus two permanent non-member observer countries). 
The criteria for joining the PBB are as follows. 
- Countries/territories wishing to join submit an application pledging to accept the obligations of the UN Charter, such as pursuing peace, advancing human rights, and cooperating with other countries in the spirit of global cooperation. 

- The UN Security Council votes on the applicant's eligibility. 
- Applicants must be approved by all five permanent members of the council (United States, Russia, Britain, China and France) as well as at least four of the 10 interim members of the council, which rotate every two years. 

- If the applicant is approved, the vote will proceed to the General Assembly. Later, a two-thirds majority is needed to admit the region into the UN. 

Two Non-Permanent UN Observer States

There are two "non-permanent observer states" admitted to the General Assembly and have access to most of the benefits and opportunities of UN service, but cannot vote. 
These countries are the Vatican and Palestine. The Vatican is the only independent country that has chosen not to apply for UN membership. 
While Palestine has applied several times for full membership in the UN, its status as a permanent observer is limited due to violent territorial disputes carried out by Israel, a member of the UN. 
Although the majority of UN members (138 of 193, as well as the Vatican's observer states) have recognized Palestine as a sovereign state worthy of membership, the three permanent members of the Security Council have refused to allow Palestine to become a member until its conflict with Israel is resolved amicably. peace. 
If Israel and Palestine reach a peaceful agreement, it is likely that the UN will vote to grant Palestine full membership status. 

However, as the conflict has persisted for more than 50 years and there have been no repeated attempts to reach a peaceful resolution, it is unlikely that such a solution will materialize. 

List of 9 Countries Not Recognized by the UN

So, to date, including the Vatican and Palestine, there are several countries that are not or have not been recognized as permanent members of the UN. The following is the list as quoted from the World Population Review. 

1. Vatican
2. Palestine
3. Kosovo
4. Taiwan
5. Western Sahara (80% of the territory is controlled by Morocco)
6. South Ossetia (only recognized by five members)
7. Abkhazia (only recognized by five members)
8. Northern Cyprus (only recognized by one member)
9. Transnistria (located between Ukraine and Moldova). 

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