Fly 400 km 'without' a pilot
On 25 Jan 2024 TU, the Airbus A320-200 PK-LUV flight ID6723 flew from Kendari to Cengkareng carrying 153 passengers. In the cockpit there is a pilot & copilot.
The co-pilot had just finished moving house and was blessed with twin babies (1 month old). The effect is that he doesn't sleep enough. In this flight, the copilot is tasked with flying the plane while the pilot monitors communications. After taking off at 08.00 WITA, the pilot asked permission to sleep in his seat. As a result, the co-pilot, who was exhausted (but didn't feel comfortable with his seniors?) was forced to take on all the duties in the plane's cockpit.
Above Kep. Karimunjawa, after 08.43 WIB, the co-pilot fell asleep. For 28 minutes the plane (which was set on autopilot) flew itself ~400 km to the southwest. Passing over Cirebon, Majalengka, Bandung & Garut. Places that should not be on the flight route. Efforts by Jakarta air traffic controllers (ATC) & pilots on other nearby aircraft to contact flight ID6723 were unsuccessful.
At 09.11 WIB the pilot woke up. Found the co-pilot asleep & the radio noisy with calls. Only then did he realize that the plane was already over Garut. Immediately the pilot returned to control communications & woke up the copilot. The plane immediately diverted north, following the unique Cianjur - Bekasi route and landed safely in Cengkareng.
Nobody was hurt. No damage. But this incident was recorded as a serious incident.
#ecliptic #aviationgeek #flight
#flightID6723 #secondsfromdisaster #physicsofeverydaylife
Source: FB Ma'rufin Sudibyo
Terbang 400 km 'tanpa' pilot
Pada 25 Jan 2024 TU lalu, pesawat Airbus A320-200 PK-LUV flight ID6723 terbang dari Kendari ke Cengkareng mengangkut 153 penumpang. Di kokpit ada pilot & kopilot.
Sang kopilot baru saja usai beres² pindah rumah & dianugerahi bayi kembar (usia 1 bulan). Efeknya dia kurang tidur. Dalam penerbangan itu kopilot ditugasi menerbangkan pesawat sementara pilot mengawasi komunikasi. Setelah lepas landas pada 08.00 WITA, sang pilot minta ijin untuk tidur di kursinya. Alhasil kopilot yang kelelahan (tapi gak enakan dengan seniornya?) terpaksa pegang semua tugas di kokpit pesawat.
Di atas Kep. Karimunjawa, selepas jam 08.43 WIB, sang kopilot tertidur. Selama 28 menit kemudian pesawat (yg diset autopilot) terbang sendiri hingga ~400 km ke barat daya. Lewat di atas Cirebon, Majalengka, Bandung & Garut. Tempat² yg seharusnya tak ada dalam rute terbangnya. Upaya pengatur lalu lintas udara (ATC) Jakarta & pilot² pada pesawat² lain didekatnya untuk menghubungi flight ID6723 ini tak berhasil.
Pukul 09.11 WIB sang pilot terbangun. Mendapati kopilot tertidur & radio berisik dengan panggilan². Barulah ia sadar kalo pesawat sudah di atas Garut. Segera pilot kembali mengontrol komunikasi & membangunkan sang kopilot. Pesawat segera dibelokkan ke utara, menyusuri rute unik Cianjur - Bekasi lalu mendarat dengan selamat di Cengkareng.
Tak ada yang terluka. Tak ada kerusakan. Tapi peristiwa ini didata sebagai insiden serius.
#ekliptika #aviationgeek
#penerbangan #flightID6723
Source : FB Ma'rufin Sudibyo