10 Most Regretful and Miserable College Majors
– College majors more or less determine the direction of a student's career. Unfortunately, a number of students often regret choosing a particular college major because job prospects do not meet their expectations.
This was found in a survey conducted by the labor and business exchange in the United States, ZipRecruiter, which involved 2,000 college graduates who were currently applying for jobs. The research aims to find out how campus alumni who are trying their luck in their majors during college feel. Based on the survey, 44 percent of respondents admitted that they were disappointed with studying their chosen major. Why do you regret the chosen college major?
Some of the reasons include students feeling like they are in the wrong major, feeling that the college process is difficult. There are also those who argue that job prospects are small and the salary they earn is small.
10 most regrettable college majors
The field of study of Journalism or journalism is number one in the college majors most regretted by campus alumni. 87 percent of respondents said that this major had the lowest job prospects compared to other majors.
To find out the complete data, check below
Journalism (87 percent)
Sociology (72 percent)
Arts (72 percent)
Communication (64 percent)
Education (61 percent)
Marketing (60 percent)
Medical Assistance (58 percent)
Political Science and Government (56 percent)
Biology (52 percent)
Literature/English (52 percent)
But are the 10 most regrettable majors that also have low salaries in Indonesia?
Students who register for SNBT 2024 can first find out the salaries of private, government and freelance workers from the 10 majors above.
For example, for graduates of the Education Department. If a graduate from the Department of Education chooses to become a teacher and still has honorary status at either a public or private school, the salary will vary. Some reach the minimum wage and some don't.
Meanwhile, from the selection of Candidates for State Civil Apparatus (CASN) in 2023, salaries for Government Employees with Employment Agreements (PPPK) for education graduates start from a salary of IDR 1.7 to IDR 6.7 million.
For those with civil servant status, the salary of a teacher is between IDR 1.5 to IDR 5.9 million per month. That doesn't include other allowances.
Meanwhile, permanent private school teachers also have varying salaries. Some are below the minimum wage and some reach double digits depending on the institution of each school.
Many of the Education Department graduates also do not work as teachers. For example, Bachelor of Education graduates who become PPPK with the position of First Expert - Planner at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas can earn a salary of between IDR 8 - IDR 13 million. Similar to the salary for English majors, last year's CASN selection also had a variety of salary ranges.
For example, for the position of Clerk - Intelligence Technical Reviewer who works in the Language Laboratory unit, State Intelligence College (STIN), the salary starts from IDR 2.5 - IDR 5 million. Meanwhile, for the position of First Expert - Planner for the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the salary is IDR 9 - IDR 13 million per month.
Then the position of First Expert - Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Geological Agency, the basic salary starts from IDR 8.87 - IDR 15.59 million per month. The salaries of graduates majoring in Literature or English in private companies, freelancers, also have different salary ranges. Some are small, some are large depending on ability (skill) and length of service. In fact, many English Literature and Language graduates are recruited by companies from abroad.
Other majors such as Arts, Marketing, Communication Sciences, and the rest even have the opportunity to become lecturers, civil servants, content creators, with quite high salaries in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Deputy Executive of the National Selection for New Student Admissions or SNPMB, Rahmawati, also reminded students to consider their interests and talents first.
Because, if students choose a major that suits their interests, it will be easier for them to improve their skills and achieve their dream career.
Apart from that, students can consider their talents and interests. Students are asked to pay attention to capacity, tuition fees, job opportunities and study location when registering for SNBT. "So this (the SNBT system) is the whole package of considerations for students in choosing a major," he said, during the 2024 SNBT registration socialization some time ago.
Those are the 10 majors that graduates regret the most, including how much they would earn if they worked in Indonesia. Are you ready to register for SNBT 2024?
10 Jurusan Kuliah Paling Menyesal dan Merana
10 Jurusan Kuliah Paling Disesali Lulusannya, Apa Alasannya?
– Jurusan kuliah sedikit banyak menentukan arah karier mahasiswa. Sayangnya, sejumlah mahasiswa kerap menyesal memilih jurusan kuliah tertentu karena prospek kerja yang tidak sesuai harapan.
Hal tersebut didapati dalam survei yang dilakukan bursa tenaga kerja dan bisnis di Amerika Serikat, ZipRecruiter yang melibatkan 2.000 lulusan perguruan tinggi yang sedang melamar pekerjaan.
Riset bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perasaan para alumni kampus yang sedang mencoba peruntungan karier terhadap jurusan selama kuliah.
Berdasarkan survei, 44 persen responden mengaku kecewa telah belajar pada jurusan yang dipilih. Mengapa justru menyesali jurusan kuliah yang dipilih?
Beberapa alasannya antara lain mahasiswa merasa salah jurusan, merasa proses kuliah yang sulit. Ada juga yang beralasan jika prospek kerjanya kecil dan gaji yang didapat kecil.
10 jurusan kuliah paling disesali
Bidang studi Jurnalisme atau ilmu jurnalistik ada di nomor satu jurusan kuliah paling disesali alumni kampus. Ada 87 persen responden menyebut jurusan ini punya prospek kerja paling kecil dari jurusan lainnya.
Untuk mengetahui data lengkapnya, cek di bawah ini
Jurnalisme (87 persen)
Sosiologi (72 persen)
Seni (72 persen)
Komunikasi (64 persen)
Pendidikan (61 persen)
Marketing (60 persen)
Pendampingan Medis (58 persen)
Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintah (56 persen)
Biologi (52 persen)
Sastra/Bahasa Inggris (52 persen)
Tetapi apakah 10 jurusan paling disesali di atas gajinya juga kecil di Indonesia?
Siswa yang mendaftar SNBT 2024 bisa mencari tahu dulu gaji pekerja swasta, pemerintah, maupun pekerja freelance dari 10 jurusan di atas.
Misalnya, untuk lulusan Jurusan Pendidikan. Jika lulusan Jurusan Pendidikan memilih menjadi guru dan masih berstatus honorer baik sekolah negeri atau swasta, gajinya ajan berbeda-beda. Ada yang mencapai UMR dan ada yang tidak.
Sementara dari seleksi Calon Aparatur Sipil Negara (CASN) tahun 2023, gaji Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) lulusan pendidikan dimulai dari gaji Rp 1,7 sampai Rp 6,7 juta.
Bagi yang berstatus PNS, Gaji seorang guru antara Rp 1,5 sampai Rp 5,9 juta per bulan. Itupun belum ditambah tunjangan lainnya.
Sementara guru sekolah swasta yang sudah tetap juga memiliki gaji yang beragam. Ada yang di bawah UMR dan ada yang mencapai dua digit tergantung dari lembaga masing-masing sekolah. Lulusan Jurusan Pendidikan juga banyak yang tidak bekerja sebagai guru.
Seperti lulusan S1 Ilmu Pendidikan yang menjadi PPPK dengan posisi Ahli Pertama - Perencana di Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas bisa mendapatkan gaji antara Rp 8 - Rp 13 juta. Sama halnya dengan gaji jurusan Bahasa Inggris, pada seleksi CASN tahun lalu juga memiliki rentang gaji yang beragam.
Misalnya, untuk posisi Klerek - Penelaah Teknis Intelijen yang bekerja di unit Laboratorium Bahasa, Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara (STIN) gajinya mulai Rp 2,5 - Rp 5 juta. Sementara untuk posisi Ahli Pertama - Perencana Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional / Bappenas gajinya Rp 9 - Rp 13 juta per bulan. Lalu posisi Ahli Pertama - Pranata Hubungan Masyarakat Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral Badan Geologi gaji pokoknya mulai Rp 8,87 - Rp 15,59 juta per bulan.
Gaji lulusan Jurusan Sastra atau Bahasa Inggris di perusahaan swasta, freelance, juga memiliki rentang gaji yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang kecil, ada juga yang besar tergantung pada kemampuan (skill) dan masa kerja. Bahkan banyak lulusan Sastra dan Bahasa Inggris yang direkrut perusahaan dari luar negeri.
Jurusan lain seperti Seni, Marketing, Ilmu Komunikasi, dan sisanya bahkan berpeluang menjadi dosen, PNS, content creator, dengan gaji yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia.
Sementara, Wakil Pelaksana Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru atau SNPMB, Rahmawati, juga mengingatkan siswa harus mempertimbangkan minat dan bakat terlebih dahulu.
Sebab, jika siswa memilih jurusan yang sesuai minatnya maka akan lebih memudahkan mereka untuk meningkatkan skill dan meraih karier impian.
Selain itu, siswa bisa mempertimbangkan bakat dan minat, siswa diminta memperhatikan daya tampung, biaya kuliah, peluang kerja, dan lokasi kuliah saat mendaftar SNBT. "Jadi ini (sistem SNBT) the whole package pertimbangan bagi siswa dalam memilih jurusan," kata dia, saat sosialisasi pendaftaran SNBT 2024 beberapa waktu lalu. Itulah 10 jurusan paling disesali lulusannya di atas, termasuk berapa gajinya jika bekerja di Indonesia. Sudah siap daftar SNBT 2024?