US Finds "Treasure" That Can Shake the World

US Finds "Treasure" That Can Shake the World
 - An ancient volcano in the United States (US) is reportedly hiding a 'treasure trove' of lithium deposits. It is reported that these findings could make significant changes to the world. 

Based on the study's hypothesis, the McDermitt Caldera treasure contains twice the concentration of lithium compared to other layers of clay. Namely reaching 20 to 40 million tons. 
Lithium was produced from volcanic eruptions 16 million years ago. Experts from Lithium Nevada, the University of Oregon, and the GNS Science research institute in New Zealand, said the eruption caused hot liquid magma to gush through fissures and ultimately enrich the clay with lithium. 
Most of the clay in the caldera contains magnesium smectite. This is a source for lithium. 

Lithium Nevada, a subsidiary of Lithium Americas Corporation that conducted the research, said the southern rim of the caldera, including Thacker Pass, contains the highest concentrations of lithium. There a type of clay called illite was found there, and researchers say this type is especially concentrated with lithium. 
The research team said the hot spots occurred due to the rise of magma after the ancient caldera lake dried up. Chemical reactions replaced the lithium-smectite in the lake sediments with a layer of lithium-illite clay. 
Geologist Anouk Borst explained that this finding could have a big impact on the world. Such as price, security, and political issues. "If you believe their estimates, this is a very, very significant lithium deposit," said Borst, who was not involved in the research. 
"This could change the dynamics of lithium globally, in terms of pricing, security of supply and geopolitics," he added. 

Meanwhile, research is full of controversy. because many environmental scientists, ranchers, and First Nations people (Native American/Indian tribes) expressed concern with the US government's permission for Thacker Pass Lithium mining. 
This location is sacred land for a number of Native American tribes. Apart from that, there is also a wildlife habitat. 

AS Temukan "Harta Karun" yang Bisa Guncang Dunia
 - Sebuah gunung berapi purba Di Amerika Serikat (AS) dilaporkan menyembunyikan 'harta karun' deposit litium. Kabarnya temuan tersebut dapat membuat perubahan signifikan pada dunia.

Berdasarkan hipotesis studi, harta karun Kaldera McDermitt mengandung dua kali lipat konsentrasi litium dibandingkan lapisan tanah liat lain. Yakni mencapai 20 hingga 40 juta ton.
Litium itu dihasilkan dari letusan gunung berapi 16 juta tahun lalu. Ahli dari Lithium Nevada, Universitas Oregon, dan lembaga penelitian GNS Science di Selandia Baru, mengungkapkan letusan menyebabkan magma cair panas menyembur melalui celah dan akhirnya memperkaya tanah liat dengan litium.
Sebagian besar tanah liat dalam kaldera tersebut mengandung magnesium smektit. Ini merupakan sumber bagi litium.

Lithium Nevada, anak usaha Lithium Americas Corporation yang melakukan penelitian mengatakan tepi selatan kaldera, termasuk Thacker Pass, mengandung konsentrasi litium tertinggi. Di sana ditemukan jenis tanah liat bernama ilit, dan para peneliti menyebutkan jenis tersebut secara khusus terkonsentrasi dengan litium.
Tim peneliti mengatakan titik panas terjadi karena adanya kebangkitan magma setelah danau kuno kaldera mengering. Reaksi kimia menggantikan litium-smektit di sedimen danau dengan lapisan tanah liat litium-illit.
Ahli geologi, Anouk Borst menjelaskan temuan ini bisa berdampak besar pada dunia. Seperti harga, keamanan, hingga masalah politik. "Jika Anda memercayai perkiraan mereka, ini adalah deposit litium yang sangat, sangat signifikan," kata Borst yang tidak terlibat dalam penelitian.
"Hal ini dapat mengubah dinamika litium secara global, dalam hal harga, keamanan pasokan, dan geopolitik," imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, penelitian penuh dengan kontroversi. karena banyak ilmuwan pemerhati lingkungan, peternak, dan orang-orang First Nations (suku asli Amerika/indian) menyatakan keprihatinannya dengan izin dari pemerintah AS untuk penambangan Thacker Pass Lithium.
Lokasi tersebut adalah lahan suci sejumlah suku asli Amerika. Selain itu juga terdapat habitat satwa liar.

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