Israeli Scandal! IDF "72 Virgins Uncensored" in Gaza
Disaster for Israel! The IDF is now mired in the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' scandal in the midst of the Gaza war
- In the midst of the heated Gaza conflict, the Israeli military was mired in the '72 virgins' scandal.
The content contains indecent acts which are disseminated so that the world can see the other side behind the Hamas-Israel war.
Quoted from Almayadeen Net, the Israeli military has now admitted to running a racist Telegram channel.
The Israel Defense Forces acknowledged that the Influence Department in the Operations Directorate operated the Telegram channel.
The Telegram channel is called '72 Virgins - Uncensored'
This account shared several inappropriate videos, such as the bodies of Israeli soldiers being mutilated by Hamas.
However, apparently the video was deliberately filmed by the Zionist army.
In addition, a video circulated showing Israeli soldiers dipping assault rifle bullets in pork fat to shoot at Palestinians.
The telegram channel spread racial stereotypes with the aim of dehumanizing Palestinians.
Previously, the telegram channel had been suspended on December 12, 2023.
The reason is, this account is followed by at least 7.6 thousand people.
At that time, the IDF denied any involvement with the Department of Influence in running the channel.
But now the Zionist military admits to running a racist Telegram Channel.
On the one hand, the Head of the Department involved is expected to resign from his post and retire after an investigation revealed that the channel was allegedly created without permission.
Skandal Israel! IDF "72 Virgins Uncensored" di Gaza
Petaka Buat Israel! IDF Kini Terperosok Skandal '72 Virgins - Uncensored' di Tengah Perang Gaza
- Di tengah konflik Gaza memanas, militer Israel justru terperosok dalam skandal '72 virgins'.
Adapun konten itu berisi tindakan-tindakan tidak senonoh yang disebarluaskan agar dunia melihat sisi lain di balik perang Hamas-Israel.
Dikutip dari Almayadeen Net, Militer Israel kini mengaku menjalankan saluran Telegram yang rasis.
Pasukan Pertahanan Israel mengakui bahwa Departemen Pengaruh di Direktorat Operasi mengoperasikan saluran Telegram.
Adapun saluran Telegram itu bernama '72 Virgins - Uncensored'
Dalam akun tersebut membagikan beberapa video yang tak pantas, seperti tubuh tentara Israel yang dimutilasi Hamas.
Namun rupanya video tersebut sengaja difilmkan oleh tentara Zionis.
Selain itu, beredar video yang memperlihatkan tentara Israel mencelupkan peluru senapan serbu ke dalam lemak babi untuk ditembakkan ke warga Palestina.
Saluran telegram itu disebarkan untuk stereotip rasial dengan tujuan tidak memanusiakan warga Palestina.
Sebelumnya, saluran telegram tersebut sudah mengalami penangguhan pada 12 Desember 2023.
Pasalnya, akun tersebut diikuti setidaknya 7,6 ribu orang.
Saat itu, IDF membantah keterlibatannya dengan Departemen Pengaruh dalam menjalankan saluran tersebut.
Namun kini militer Zionis mengakui menjalankan Saluran Telegram yang rasis.
Di satu sisi, Kepala Departemen terlibat diperkirakan akan mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya dan pensiun setelah penyelidikan mengungkapkan bahwa saluran tersebut diduga dibuat tanpa izin.