Megawati Praised by Red Sparks Captain: He's a Good Striker

Megawati Praised by Red Sparks Captain: He's a Good Striker
Red Sparks captain Lee So Young praised Megawati as a good striker. (Doc. Korea Volleyball Federation KOVO)

 -- Red Sparks captain Lee So Young praised Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi as a good striker after being a star again when she beat GS Caltex in the Korean Volleyball League, Wednesday (21/2). 

Megawati again became Red Sparks' top scorer when they beat GS Caltex 3-0. Mega scored 21 points when he brought Red Sparks to victory while strengthening his position in third place in the Korean Volleyball League standings. 

Lee So Young, who scored nine points when Red Sparks beat GS Caltex, said her duties on the team had become easier following the presence of Megawati and Giovanna Milana (Gia). Lee said the two Red Sparks foreign players were good attackers. 

"Megawati and Gia are good strikers. I will play more defensively than attacking, so I asked them to hit without pressure," said Lee, quoted from Seoul. 

Lee So Young then highlighted Gia's mentality, which often blamed herself when she failed to carry out an attack. 
"Gia also has a big sense of responsibility, so she gets stressed easily if she makes mistakes, but she does a pretty good job. There's nothing to worry about. I'm happy to be able to meet them both," said the player who helped Korea finish fourth at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. . 

The victory over GS Caltex brought the Red Sparks closer to ensuring a ticket to qualify for the Korean Volleyball League playoffs this season. The Red Sparks have not qualified for the playoffs since the 2016/2017 season. 
However, Lee So Young reminded the Red Sparks players that the struggle was not over. There are still six games in the sixth round that could see the Red Sparks eliminated. 

"I'm happy that we won three points in an important match. But until now there is no playoff semifinal in my mind," said Lee So Young. 

Red Sparks will next face Pink Spiders in the continuation of the Korean Volleyball League at Chungmu Gymnasium, Daejeon, Saturday (24/2). 

Megawati Dipuji Kapten Red Sparks: Dia Penyerang Bagus
Kapten Red Sparks Lee So Young memuji Megawati sebagai penyerang yang bagus. (Dok. Korea Volleyball Federation KOVO)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --
Kapten Red Sparks Lee So Young memuji Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi sebagai penyerang yang bagus usai kembali menjadi bintang saat mengalahkan GS Caltex pada lanjutan Liga Voli Korea, Rabu (21/2).

Megawati kembali menjadi pendulang poin terbanyak Red Sparks saat mengalahkan GS Caltex 3-0. Mega mencetak 21 poin saat membawa Red Sparks menang sekaligus memantapkan posisi di peringkat tiga klasemen Liga Voli Korea.

Lee So Young, yang mencetak sembilan poin saat Red Sparks mengalahkan GS Caltex, mengatakan tugasnya dalam tim semakin ringan menyusul kehadiran Megawati dan Giovanna Milana (Gia). Lee menyebut kedua pemain asing Red Sparks itu penyerang yang bagus.

"Megawati dan Gia penyerang yang bagus. Saya akan lebih banyak melakukan permainan bertahan daripada menyerang, jadi saya minta mereka untuk memukul tanpa tekanan," ujar Lee dikutip dari Seoul.

Lee So Young kemudian menyoroti mental Gia yang sering menyalahkan diri sendiri ketika gagal melakukan serangan.
"Gia juga punya rasa tanggung jawab yang besar, jadi dia mudah stres jika melakukan kesalahan, tapi dia melakukan tugas cukup bagus. Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Saya senang bisa bertemu mereka berdua," ucap pemain yang membawa Korea finis keempat di Olimpiade 2020 Tokyo.

Kemenangan atas GS Caltex membuat Red Sparks semakin dekat dengan memastikan tiket lolos ke playoff Liga Voli Korea musim ini. Red Sparks sudah tidak pernah lolos ke babak playoff sejak musim 2016/2017.
Namun, Lee So Young mengingatkan para pemain Red Sparks bahwa perjuangan belum selesai. Masih ada enam pertandingan di putaran keenam yang bisa membuat Red Sparks tersingkir.

"Saya senang kami meraih tiga poin di pertandingan penting. Tapi hingga saat ini belum ada semifinal playoff di pikiran saya," ucap Lee So Young.
Red Sparks selanjutnya akan menghadapi Pink Spiders pada lanjutan Liga Voli Korea di Chungmu Gymnasium, Daejeon, Sabtu (24/2).

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