Thousands of Indonesian Citizens Move to Singapore, This is the Reason

Thousands of Indonesian Citizens Move to Singapore, This is the Reason
 - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) recorded that there were 3,912 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who decided to move to become Singaporean citizens (WN) during 2019-2022. 

It was revealed that the reason why Indonesians choose to change citizenship to become Singaporeans is to improve their welfare. The reason is, in Indonesia it is said that employment opportunities are starting to decline. 
Responding to this, the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia opened his mouth. 
He explained, from the results of investment realization during January-June 2023 (YoY) amounting to IDR 678.7 trillion, the workforce absorbed was 849,181 people. 

The absorption rate has continued to grow since the third quarter of 2021, amounting to 288,687 people, then the fourth quarter of 2021 295,491 people, the first quarter of 2022 319,013 people, and the second quarter of 2022 320,534 people. 
"So there's nothing to do with employment opportunities. If they want to work, just work outside. Maybe we'll pray that they will come back to Indonesia in 10 years," said Bahlil in his office, Friday (21/7/ 2023) ago. 
"In my opinion, if you just feel comfortable in someone else's country and then move, yes I question it, I'm sorry for feeling that nationality and nationalism own this nation. So that's it. Who will take care of this country then? But that's their choice and we just respect it," he said. . 
Requirements & Fees for Becoming a Singaporean Citizen
It is known that to become a Singaporean citizen, a person must undergo a number of procedures, such as submitting an application and making payments to obtain Singaporean citizenship status. 

Quoted from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Singapore, there are several categories that determine the cost of applying to become a Singaporean citizen. Adults who have obtained Permanent Resident (PR) status are required to pay S$ 100 or around Rp. 1,130,000. 
Please note, the fee is only for the application and is non-refundable, even if the application is rejected. When approved, there is an additional fee of S$70 to obtain a Singapore citizenship certificate. 

Furthermore, for children born overseas with parents from Singapore, you need to pay S$ 18 or around Rp. 203,400. If the application is approved, an additional fee of S$ 10 will apply. 
Meanwhile, the cost of naturalizing to become an Indonesian citizen is more expensive. Based on the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights website, the naturalization fee for a foreign citizen (WNA) application is IDR 50,000,000. 
The naturalization fee based on mixed marriages is IDR 15,000,000. Lastly, foreigners who have contributed to the country or for reasons of state interest are IDR 2,500,000. Lastly, children who have not yet obtained citizenship are charged IDR 5,000,000. 

Ribuan Warga RI Pindah ke Singapura, Ini Alasannya
 - Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) mencatat ada 3.912 Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) yang memutuskan pindah jadi Warga Negara (WN) Singapura sepanjang tahun 2019-2022.

Terungkap, alasan orang Indonesia memilih pindah kewarganegaraan jadi orang Singapura adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Pasalnya, di Indonesia dikatakan lapangan kerja mulai seret.
Menanggapi hal itu, Menteri Investasi/Kepala BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia pun buka-bukaan.
Dia memaparkan, dari hasil realisasi investasi sepanjang Januari-Juni 2023 (YoY) sebesar Rp 678,7 triliun, tenaga kerja yang terserap adalah sebanyak 849.181 orang.

Angka penyerapannya pun terus bertumbuh sejak kuartal III-2021 sebesar 288.687 orang, lalu kuartal IV-2021 295.491 orang, kuartal I-2022 319.013 orang, dan kuartal II-2022 320.534 orang.
"Jadi kaitannya dengan lapangan kerja nggak ada urusan lah. Mereka kalau mau kerja, kerja aja di luar, ya mungkin kita doakan mudah-mudahan mereka sadar 10 tahun balik lagi ke Indonesia," kata Bahlil di kantornya, pada Jumat (21/7/2023) lalu.
"Menurut saya kalau baru ngerasa nyaman di negara orang kemudian pindah, ya saya mempertanyakan, mohon maaf merasa kebangsaan dan nasionalisme memiliki bangsa ini. Jadi itu. Nanti kalau semua begitu negara ini siapa mengurus? Tapi itu pilihan mereka dan kita hargai saja," tukasnya.
Syarat & Biaya Jadi WN Singapura
Diketahui, ternyata untuk menjadi WN Singapura orang tersebut harus menjalani sejumlah prosedur, seperti mengajukan permohonan dan melakukan pembayaran untuk mendapat status kewarganegaraan Singapura.

Dikutip dari Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Singapura, ada beberapa kategori yang menentukan biaya pengajuan menjadi WN Singapura. Orang dewasa yang sudah mendapatkan status Permanent Resident (PR) wajib membayar S$ 100 atau sekitar Rp1.130.000.
Perlu dicatat, biaya itu hanya untuk pengajuan dan tidak bisa dikembalikan, bahkan jika permohonan ditolak. Ketika disetujui, ada biaya tambahan S$ 70 untuk mendapatkan sertifikat kewarganegaraan Singapura.

Selanjutnya, untuk anak-anak yang lahir di luar negeri dengan orang tua berasal dari Singapura, perlu membayar S$ 18 atau sekitar Rp203.400. Jika permohonan disetujui, biaya tambahan dikenakan S$ 10.
Sementara itu, biaya naturalisasi menjadi WNI lebih mahal. Berdasarkan Situs Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI, biaya naturalisasi atas permohonan Warga Negara Asing (WNA) adalah Rp50.000.000.
Biaya naturalisasi berdasarkan perkawinan campur adalah Rp15.000.000. Terakhir, WNA yang berjasa bagi negara atau dengan alasan kepentingan negara adalah Rp2.500.000. Terakhir, anak yang belum memperoleh kewarganegaraan dikenakan biaya Rp5.000.000.

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