These 10 professions are threatened by AI, 300 million jobs could be lost
Photo: Infographics/Getting to Know Artificial Intelligence and How It Works/Arie Pratama
- The acceleration of technology is turning almost everything digital. In fact, the era of digitalization is increasingly developing with the presence of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Since OpenAI released ChatGPT in November 2022, AI technology has been increasingly used in everyday life.
On the other hand, the existence of AI also brings anxiety regarding the negative impacts it will have on humanity. Concerns about AI revolve around its ability to reproduce hoax content that could cause division. Apart from that, its ability to develop advanced weapons for military warfare. It doesn't stop there, people are also worried that AI could replace many jobs and make many people unemployed.
Many technology giants are starting to use AI to replace humans. For example, Google recently laid off its advertising sales team. Reuters reported that the wave of layoffs at technology companies occurred in line with efforts to reduce employee workload through the adoption of AI and automation.
IBM and BT Group also mentioned AI when announcing recent layoffs.
According to a Goldman Sachs study, AI could impact 300 million jobs worldwide. This could cause significant disruption to the job market.
By 2030, it is predicted that more than 12 million jobs in the United States (US) will disappear and be replaced by new job demands, according to McKinsey analysis.
Business Insider chatted with experts to put together a list of the jobs most at risk of being replaced by AI first. The following is summarized by CNBC Indonesia, Wednesday (17/1/2023)
1. Technology Workers (programmers, software engineers, data analysts, coders)
Programmers and coders are jobs that are currently 'hot' and much sought after. However, experts believe that ChatGPT and other AI tools can easily fill this need in the future.
The reason is, AI like ChatGPT is very good at managing and analyzing numbers. In fact, if it continues to be trained, its accuracy is predicted to be higher than humans.
Advanced AI technology can produce coding faster than humans. meaning, one job completed by several employees can be replaced by one AI tool.
"Jobs that currently require a team of developers will only require one person in the future," said Mark Muro, Senior at the Brookings Institute.
2. Media Workers (advertisers, content creators, technical writers, journalists)
Media workers are one of the sectors predicted to be impacted by AI. Because AI can read, write and understand text-based data very well.
"Analyzing and interpreting the many languages of data and information is a capability that AI will fully master," said Anu Madgavkar, partner at the McKinsey Global Institute.
Several media industries have started experimenting with AI-generated content. For example, CNET uses AI to write articles. However, the media still has to correct some of these articles.
BuzzFeed also uses AI-based technology to produce content such as quizzes and tour guides.
3. Legal Workers (paralegal, legal assistant)
According to a March Goldman Sachs report, legal workers in the US could be impacted by AI implementation. One of the report's authors, Manav Raj, said that many legal services jobs were already being exported with AI automation, even before the technology became more advanced.
Like media workers, jobs in the legal industry such as paralegals and legal assistants are responsible for managing large amounts of information. Then, they will analyze it to form an opinion. This will be easily replaced by AI.
4. Market Research Analyst
Muro said AI is very good at analyzing data and predicting future outcomes. For this reason, market research analyst is also one of the jobs that could be lost because of AI.
5. Teacher
Many teachers are worried that their students are using ChatGPT for cheating and doing homework. However, according to Pengcheng Shi, assistant dean of the department of computer and information science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, teachers should think more about their work.
"ChatGPT can easily teach the classroom," Shi told the New York Post.
"Even though there are still many bugs and scientific inaccuracies, ChatGPT will quickly improve," he said.
6. Finance Jobs (financial analyst, personal financial advisor)
Such as market research analysts, financial analysts and personal financial advisors who are involved in data management, can have an impact with the emergence of AI.
"AI can identify trends in the market, see important things in investments and portfolios, so it knows which ones are performing poorly and well. AI can also communicate all of this, then combine a lot of data to provide analysis results and opinions," said Muro.
7. Traders
Experts say ChatGPT could replace many jobs in Wall Street industries, from trading to investment banking.
"ChatGPT will automate some of the work currently done by high-wage workers," said partner at KPMG Dylan Roberts.
8. Graphic Designer
In a Harvard Business Review report published in December 2022, three processors said that DALL-E, which is an AI image management tool, could have an impact on the graphic design industry.
"In my opinion, this tool is not about automation, but about democratization and competition. It could be that this will reduce salaries for people who work in the design sector," he said.
9. Acountant
Accountants have long been seen as a stable profession. However, the people in it are at risk of being replaced by AI. According to Brett Caraway, associate professor at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology at the University of Toronto, technology will not make everyone unemployed, but there are some who are at risk.
He said intellectual jobs could be one of the main targets of AI.
"Could be a lawyer and accountant," he said.
10. Customer Service
Currently there are several companies that rely on chatbots or robots to answer their clients. ChatGPT and other advanced technologies will continue this trend.
In 2022, a study from research company Gartner predicts that chatbots will become the main customer service channel in 25% of companies by 2027.
10 Profesi Ini Terancam Direbut AI, 300 Juta Pekerjaan Bisa Hilang
Foto: Infografis/Mengenal Artificial Intelligence dan Cara Kerjanya/Arie Pratama
- Percepatan teknologi mengubah nyaris segala hal menjadi serba digital. Bahkan era digitalisasi makin berkembang dengan kehadiran teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelegence (AI). Sejak OpenAI merilis ChatGPT pada November 2022, teknologi AI makin gencar dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Di sisi lain, keberadaan AI juga membawa kecemasan terkait dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan bagi umat manusia. Kekhawatiran soal AI berkutat pada kemampuannya mereproduksi konten hoaks yang bisa menyebabkan perpecahan. Selain itu, kemampuannya mengembangkan senjata canggih untuk perang militer.
Tak sampai di situ, manusia juga khawatir AI bisa menggantikan banyak pekerjaan dan membuat banyak orang menganggur.
Banyak raksasa teknologi yang mulai menggunakan AI untuk menggantikan peran manusia. Misalnya saja Google yang baru-baru ini melakukan PHK di tim sales iklan.
Reuters melaporkan bahwa gelombang PHK di perusahaan terknologi terjadi seiring dengan upaya mengurangi beban kerja karyawan lewat adopsi AI dan otomatisasi.
IBM dan BT Group juga menyebut-nyebut soal AI ketika mengumumkan PHK baru-baru ini.
Menurut studi Goldman Sachs, AI bisa berdampak pada 300 juta pekerjaan di seluruh dunia. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan disrupsi yang signifikan pada bursa kerja.
Pada 2030 mendatang, diprediksi lebih dari 12 juta pekerjaan di Amerika Serikat (AS) akan punah dan berganti dengan permintan pekerjaan baru, menurut analisis McKinsey.
Business Insider mengobrol dengan beberapa pakar untuk mengumpulkan daftar pekerjaan yang disebut paling berisiko dan duluan digantikan oleh AI. Berikut dirangkum CNBC Indonesia, Rabu (17/1/2023)
Pekerja Teknologi (programmer, software engineer, data analyst, koder)
Programmer dan koder adalah pekerjaan yang saat ini sedang 'seksi' dan banyak diincar. Namun, pakar menilai ChatGPT dan tool AI lainnya dengan mudah bisa mengisi kebutuhan tersebut di masa depan.
Pasalnya, AI seperti ChatGPT sangat baik dalam mengelola dan menganalisa angka. Bahkan, jika terus dilatih, akurasinya diprediksi akan lebih tinggi ketimbang manusia.
Teknologi AI yang canggih bisa menghasilkan pengkodean lebih cepat ketimbang manusia. artinya, satu pekerjaan yang diselesaikan oleh beberapa karyawan bisa digantikan dengan satu tool AI.
"Pekerjaan yang saat ini membutuhkan tim pengembang developer, nantinya hanya butuh satu orang saja," kata Mark Muro, Senior di Brookings Institute.
Pekerja Media (iklan, kreator konten, penulis teknis, jurnalis)
Pekerja media menjadi salah satu sektor yang diprediksi akan terdampak oleh AI. Sebab, AI bisa membaca, menulis, dan memahami data berbasis teks dengan sangat baik.
"Menganalisa dan mengintrepretasi banyak bahasa data dan informasi adalah kemampuan yang akan dikuasai penuh oleh AI," kata Anu Madgavkar, partner di McKinsey Global Institute.
Beberapa industri media sudah mulai bereksperimen dengan konten buatan AI. Misalnya saja CNET yang menggunakan AI untuk menulis artikel. Meski demikian, media tersebut masih harus mengoreksi beberapa artikel tersebut.
BuzzFeed juga menggunakan teknologi berbasis AI untuk menghasilkan konten seperti kuis dan pemandu wisata.
Pekerja Legal (paralegal, asisten legal)
Menurut laporan March Goldman Sachs, pekerja legal di AS bisa terkena dampak penerapan AI. Salah seorang penulis laporan tersebut, Manav Raj, mengatakan bahwa pekerjaan layanan legal saat ini sudah banyak yang terekspor dengan otomatisasi AI, bahkan sebelum teknologi itu berkembang lebih maju.
Seperti pekerja media, pekerjaan di industri legal seperti paralegal dan asisten legal bertanggung jawab mengelola informasi dalam jumlah yang banyak. Lalu, mereka akan menganalisanya untuk menghasilkan opini. Hal ini akan mudah digantikan oleh AI.
Market Research Analyst
Muro mengatakan AI sangat baik dalam menganalisa data dan memprediksi hasil di masa depan. Untuk itu, market research analyst juga menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang bisa tumbang gara-gara AI.
Banyak guru yang khawatir murid-murid mereka menggunakan ChatGPT untuk menyontek dan membuat pekerjaan rumah. Namun, menurut Pengcheng Shi, asisten dekan departemen ilmu komputer dan informasi di Rochester Institute of Technology, guru harusnya lebih berpikir soal pekerjaan mereka.
"ChatGPT dengan mudah bisa mengajar di kelas," kata Shi pada New York Post.
"Meski masih banyak bug dan tak akurat dalam ilmu pengetahuan, namun ChatGPT akan dengan cepat meningkat," kata dia.
Pekerjaan Keuangan (analis keuangan, penasihat keuangan pribadi)
Seperti market research analyst, analis keuangan dan penasihat keuangan personal yang berkecimpung pada pengelolaan data, bisa berdampak dengan kemunculan AI.
"AI bisa mengidentifikasi tren di pasar, melihat hal-hal penting di investasi dan portofolio, sehingga tahu mana yang berperforma buruk dan baik. AI juga bisa mengkomunikasikan itu semua, lalu menggabungkan banyak data untuk memberikan hasil analisis dan opini," kata Muro.
Pakar mengatakan ChatGPT bisa menggantikan banyak pekerjaan di industri Wall Street, mulai dari trading hingga bank investasi.
"ChatGPT akan mengotomatisasi beberapa pekerjaan yang saat ini dilakukan oleh pekerja bergaji tinggi," kata partner di KPMG Dylan Roberts.
Graphic Designer
Dalam laporan Harvard Business Review yang dipublikasikan pada Desember 2022, tiga progesor menyebut DALL-E yang merupakan tool AI pengelola gambar, bisa berdampak pada industri graphic design.
"Menurut saya, tool ini bukan soal otomatisasi, namun tentang demokratisasi dan kompetisi. Bisa jadi hal ini akan menurunkan gaji untuk orang-orang yang berprofesi di sektor design," kata dia.
Akuntan selama ini dipandang sebagai profesi yang stabil. Namun, orang-orang di dalamnya berisiko akan digantikan oleh AI. Menurut Brett Caraway, associate professor di Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology di University of Toronto, teknologi belum akan membuat semua orang nganggur, tetapi ada beberapa yang berisiko.
Ia mengatakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan intelektual bisa jadi salah satu sasaran utama AI.
"Bisa jadi pengacara dan akuntan," kata dia.
Customer Service
Saat ini ada beberapa perusahaan yang mengandalkan chatbot atau robot untuk menjawab klien mereka. ChatGPT dan teknologi canggih lainnya akan melanjutkan tren ini.
Pada 2022, studi dari perusahaan riset Gartner memprediksi chatbot akan jadi saluran utama customer service di 25% perusahaan pada 2027 mendatang.