Rows of South Korean Players 'Victims' of Megawati Hangestri's Lightning Smash, Bounced and Pulled Off the Field
Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi's action when appearing with Red Sparks in the Korean Volleyball League. (Instagram/dhvolley) - Rows of South Korean Players 'Victims' of Megawati's Lightning Smash, Bouncing and Pulled Off the Field
- Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi, a member of the Red Sparks team, is currently being discussed because of the headshots that opposing players often receive. In fact, not one person was the victim of Megawati's lightning smash. Which Korean players were victims of Megawati's lightning smash?
One of the famous players in Korea, Lee Da-Hyeon, also did not fail to feel the hardness of the smash from Megawati's hands. The newest is Han Su Jin, GS Caltex player.
This athlete from Jember has become a strong pillar for the Daejeon Red Sparks team in the Korean Volleyball League. The smash that managed to make several of his opponents fall was given the nickname 'Lightning Smash' because it was so hard.
Most recently, in the continuation of the Korean Volleyball League at Chungmu Gymnasium, Daejeon on Saturday (6/1/2024), Mega again made her opponent fall with her lightning smash. Megawati's hard smash from behind managed to penetrate the defense and the ball went straight to GS Caltex libero Han Su Jin.
Even though two GS Caltex players blocked, the smash succeeded in making Han Su Jin lie down for around 10 seconds. Han Su Jin seemed to laugh embarrassedly when he stood up again after being hit by a headshot from Megawati.
Megawati's Lightning Smash Victim
Megawati's lightning smash against Korean players often happens when they are competing. Like the following row of Korean players who have become victims.
1. Gyselle Silva
Gysella Silva is a volleyball player who is called the spike queen of the Korean Volleyball League and is also a GC Caltex player. In the second round between Red Sparks and GS Caltex, Mega's lightning smash hit Silva's face and chest, causing him to have to rest for a moment.
2. IBK Altos Player
This Mega Headshot also occurred in the second round when Red Sparks played against IBK Altos. His lightning smash accidentally hit the right cheek of defender Libero IBK Altos who couldn't block Megawati's attack.
3. Lee Da-Hyeon
On Saturday (16/12/2023), when the match entered the set and Red Sparks was leading 10-3, Megawati Hangestri released a fairly hard smash into the Hyundai Hillstate area. Lee Da-Hyeon, who was in third position, failed to anticipate well so the ball hit his cheek.
Suddenly, Lee Da-Hyeon immediately looked in pain and was pulled off the field to get treatment on her right cheek which looked red after being hit by a volleyball.
4. Han Su Jin
The latest victim of Megawati's lightning smash is Han Su Jin. This happened in the second set when the Red Sparks were leading 14-11. Even though previously two GS Caltex players had jumped to block Mega's hard punch, the ball managed to get past the opponent's defense and hit Han Su Jin's face who was behind.
Han Su Jin immediately fell and lay on the field, then was followed by the medical team to confirm her condition. Not long after, Han Soo-jin, who was lying, compressed her cheek and returned to the field after feeling better. That's a row of Korean players who were hit by Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi's lightning smash, the victims bounced and were pulled for treatment.
Contributor : Rishna Maulina Pratama
Deretan Pemain Korea Selatan 'Korban' Smash Petir Megawati Hangestri, Terpental hingga Ditarik Keluar Lapangan
Aksi Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi saat tampil bersama Red Sparks di Liga Voli Korea (Instagram/dhvolley)
- Deretan Pemain Korea Selatan 'Korban' Smash Petir Megawati, Terpental hingga Ditarik Keluar Lapangan
- Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi, salah satu anggota tim Red Sparks tengah menjadi perbincangan karena aksi headshot yang kerap diterima pemain lawan. Nyatanya bukan satu orang yang menjadi korban smash petir Megawati. Siapa saja pemain Korea yang jadi korban smash petir Megawati?
Salah satu pemain terkenal di Korea, Lee Da-Hyeon juga tak luput merasakan langsung kerasnya smash dari tangan Megawati. Yang terbaru adalah Han Su Jin, pemain GS Caltex.
Atlet asal jember tersebut menjadi pilar kokoh bagi tim Daejeon Red Sparks dalam Liga Voli Korea. Adapun smash yang berhasil membuat beberapa lawannya tumbang itu diberi julukan 'Smash Petir' karena saking kerasnya.
Terbaru, lanjutan Liga Voli Korea di Chungmu Gymnasium, Daejeon pada Sabtu (6/1/2024), Mega kembali membuat lawannya tumbang dengan smash petir miliknya. Smash keras Megawati dari bagian belakang berhasil menembus pertahanan dan bola tepat mengarah kepada libero GS Caltex Han Su Jin.
Meski dua pemain GS Caltex melakukan block, smash itu berhasil membuat Han Su Jin terkapar sekitar 10 detik. Han Su Jin tampak tertawa malu saat kembali berdiri usai terkena headshot dari Megawati.
Korban Smash Petir Megawati
Smash petir oleh Megawati terhadap pemain asal korea sudah sering terjadi saat mereka sedang bertanding. Seperti deretan pemain korea yang pernah menjadi korban berikut ini.
1. Gyselle Silva
Gysella Silva merupakan pevoli yang disebut sebagai ratu spike Liga Volly Korea yang sekaligus pemain GC Caltex. Pada putaran kedua antara Red Sparks dengan GS Caltex, smash petir Mega mengenai bagian wajah hingga dada Silva sehingga membuatnya harus beristirahat sejenak.
2. Pemain IBK Altos
Headshot Mega ini juga terjadi pada putaran kedua saat Red Sparks melawan IBK Altos. Smash petirnya tidak sengaja mengenai pipi kanan dari pemain bertahan Libero IBK Altos yang tidak bisa membendung serangan Megawati.
3. Lee Da-Hyeon
Pada Sabtu (16/12/2023), ketika pertandingan memasuki set dan Red Sparks memimpin 10-3, Megawati Hangestri melepaskan smash yang cukup keras ke area Hyundai Hillstate. Lee Da-Hyeon yang berada di posisi tiga gagal mengantisipasi dengan baik sehingga bola mengenai pipinya.
Sontak, Lee Da-Hyeon langsung terlihat kesakitan dan ditarik keluar lapangan untuk mendapatkan perawatan di pipi kanannya yang tampak memerah usai terkena bola voli.
4. Han Su Jin
Korban terbaru smash petir Megawati yaitu Han Su Jin. Hal ini terjadi pada set kedua saat kedudukan Red Sparks unggul 14-11. Meski sebelumnya dua pemain GS Caltex sudah melompat untuk menghalau pukulan keras Mega, namun bola berhasil melewati pertahanan lawan dan menghantam wajah Han Su jin yang berada di belakang.
Han Su Jin seketika terjungkal dan terkapar di lapangan, kemudian disusul oleh tim medis untuk memastikan kondisinya. Tak lama kemudian, Han Soo-jin yang terkapar mengompres pipinya dan kembali menuju lapangan usai merasa dirinya sudah lebih baik.
Itulah deretan pemain Korea yang kena smash petir Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi, korbannya sampai terpental hingga ditarik untuk mendapatkan perawatan.
Kontributor : Rishna Maulina Pratama