Invited by Raffi Ahmad, Rossi promises to go to Mandalika: I've never been there

Invited by Raffi Ahmad, Rossi promises to go to Mandalika: I've never been there
Valentino Rossi (Photo: NurPhoto via Getty Images/NurPhoto)

Raffi Ahmad persuaded Valentino Rossi to visit Indonesia's proud circuit, the Mandalika Circuit on Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Rossi promised to come to Indonesia. 

The MotoGP team created by Valentino Rossi is now collaborating with a lubricant brand from Indonesia, Pertamina Lubricants. Carrying the name Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team, Rossi launched his racing team in Italy. 
Raffi Ahmad also attended the launch of the Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team. On that occasion, Raffi Ahmad had a chance to chat with MotoGP legend, Valentino Rossi. 


On that occasion, Raffi persuaded Rossi to come to the Mandalika Circuit. Rossi promised to go to Indonesia again. 

"Come on, come to the Mandalika Circuit," persuaded Raffi, seen from the video uploaded by the official Instagram account of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. 
"Yes. I know. Because I've never been there. But I will come (to Mandalika)," answered Rossi. 
With the Indonesian brand as the main sponsor of the VR46 racing team in MotoGP, it is possible that Valentino Rossi will return to Indonesia. Previously, Rossi had visited Indonesia several times for holidays or at the launch of the MotoGP team when he was still defending Yamaha. 
However, since the Mandalika Circuit held a MotoGP race, Rossi has never visited this proud Indonesian circuit. 

Regarding the collaboration with Pertamina Lubricants, Rossi admitted that he was enthusiastic about establishing this collaboration. Moreover, said Rossi, Indonesia is a very important place for MotoGP. 
"Because of the passion for fantastic motorbikes. Like in Italy. So, we are far away, but not that far. So I think we can do our best," said Rossi when talking with Raffi Ahmad. 

Rossi also expressed his thanks to his fans in Indonesia. He believes that there are a lot of Rossi fans in Indonesia. 
"Thank you very much for your support and see you," said Rossi. 
"Thank you," he continued using Indonesian. 

Diundang Raffi Ahmad, Rossi Janji Mau ke Mandalika: Saya Belum Pernah ke Sana
Valentino Rossi (Foto: NurPhoto via Getty Images/NurPhoto)

Raffi Ahmad membujuk Valentino Rossi untuk berkunjung ke sirkuit kebanggaan Indonesia, Sirkuit Mandalika di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Rossi berjanji akan datang ke Indonesia.

Tim MotoGP besutan Valentino Rossi kini sudah bekerja sama dengan brand pelumas asal Indonesia, Pertamina Lubricants. Mengusung nama Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team, Rossi meluncurkan tim balapnya di Italia.
Raffi Ahmad turut menghadiri peluncuran Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team. Dalam kesempatan itu, Raffi Ahmad sempat berbincang dengan legenda MotoGP, Valentino Rossi.


Pada kesempatan itu, Raffi membujuk Rossi untuk datang ke Sirkuit Mandalika. Rossi janji akan ke Indonesia lagi.

"Ayo datang ke Sirkuit Mandalika," bujuk Raffi dilihat dari video yang diunggah akun Instagram resmi Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.
"Ya. Saya tahu. Karena saya belum pernah ke sana. Tapi saya akan datang (ke Mandalika)," jawab Rossi.
Dengan merek Indonesia sebagai sponsor utama tim balap VR46 di MotoGP, tak menutup kemungkinan Valentino Rossi akan kembali datang ke Indonesia. Sebelumnya, Rossi sudah beberapa kali berkunjung ke Indonesia untuk liburan atau saat peluncuran tim MotoGP ketika dia masih membela Yamaha.
Namun, sejak Sirkuit Mandalika menggelar balapan MotoGP, Rossi belum pernah berkunjung ke sirkuit kebanggaan Indonesia ini.

Pada kerja sama dengan Pertamina Lubricants, Rossi mengaku bersemangat menjalin kerja sama tersebut. Apalagi, kata Rossi, Indonesia adalah tempat yang sangat penting untuk MotoGP.
"Karena gairah terhadap sepeda motor fantastis. Seperti di Italia. Jadi, kita memang jauh, tapi tak begitu jauh. Jadi saya pikir kita bisa melakukan yang terbaik," ujar Rossi saat berbincang dengan Raffi Ahmad.

Rossi juga menyampaikan terima kasihnya kepada penggemarnya di Indonesia. Dia menilai, penggemar Rossi di Indonesia sangat banyak.
"Terima kasih banyak buat dukungannya dan sampai jumpa," ujar Rossi.
"Terima kasih," lanjutnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

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