Google Still Tracks Your Movements Even If You Use Incognito
Photo: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
- Google users are still being tracked even though they are using Incognito mode. Even though the company also paid a penalty of US$5 billion related to this mode.
The lawsuit filed in California, United States (US), says Google continues to track user activity even when activating Incognito mode. The explanation about the mode is also said to be misleading and deliberately deceiving consumers.
Google denied the lawsuit and tried to drop the case. But in the end the technology giant chose to solve the problem by paying US $ 5 billion.
XDA Developers notes the settlement does not mean the company admits wrongdoing. In an explanation, Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda also stated that information was still being collected even though Incognito mode was turned on.
"Incognito mode in Chrome gives you the option of browsing the internet without your activity being stored in the browser or device," he explained to Reuters at the time.
"As we state every time you open a new Incognito tab, the website may be able to collect information about your browsing activity during your session," he added.
In the Incognito mode explanation, Google explains what happens when the mode is activated. Including some data that is stored or not.
The data that is still visible is the websites visited. Apart from that, it is also related to internet service provider data used by users.
"Chrome will not save the following information: browsing history, cookies and site data, information entered in forms. Activities that may still be visible are visited websites, companies or schools, internet service providers," wrote Google.
Google Masih Lacak Gerak-Gerik Anda Walau Pakai Incognito
Foto: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
- Pengguna Google ternyata masih tetap dilacak meski menggunakan mode Incognito. Padahal perusahaan juga pernah membayar sanksi US$5 miliar terkait mode tersebut.
Tuntutan yang diajukan di California, Amerika Serikat (AS), mengatakan Google tetap melacak aktivitas pengguna meski mengaktifkan mode Incognito. Penjelasan soal mode itu juga dikatakan menyesatkan dan sengaja menipu konsumen.
Google membantah gugatan itu dan sempat berusaha membatalkan kasus. Namun akhirnya raksasa teknologi itu memilih menyelesaikan masalah dengan membayar US$5 miliar.
XDA Developer mencatat penyelesaian bukan berarti perusahaan mengakui kesalahannya. Dalam penjelasan juru bicara Google Jose Castaneda juga menyebutkan informasi masih dikumpulkan meski mode Incognito dinyalakan.
"Mode Incognito di Chrome memberikan pilihan menjelajahi internet tanpa aktivitas Anda disimpan dalam browser maupun perangkat," jelasnya kepada Reuters saat itu.
"Seperti yang kami nyatakan tiap kali membuka tab Incognito baru, website kemungkinan bisa mengumpulkan informasi mengenai aktivitas browsing selama sesi Anda," imbuhnya.
Dalam penjelasan mode Incognito, Google menjelaskan apa yang terjadi saat mode diaktifkan. Termasuk beberapa data yang disimpan maupun tidak.
Data yang masih terlihat adalah situs web yang dikunjungi. Selain itu juga terkait data penyedia layanan internet yang digunakan oleh pengguna.
"Chrome tidak akan menyimpan informasi berikut: riwayat browsing, cookies, dan data situs, informasi yang dimasukkan dalam formulir. Aktivitas yang mungkin masih terlihat adalah situs web yang dikunjungi, perusahaan atau sekolah, penyedia layanan internet," tulis Google.