Elon Musk Implants Chips in Brains, Netizens Worried About Humans being Cyborgs
Elon Musk. Photo: REUTERS/Leah Millis
- Elon Musk claims his startup company, Neuralink, has successfully implanted a chip into the human brain. Netizens are divided regarding the development of this technology, whether it is good or not.
According to Musk, who is now the richest person in the world, Neuralink technology aims to allow someone to control a cellphone or other device with their mind.
"The first human received an implant from @Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well. Initial results show promising neuron spike detection," Musk wrote on X's previous Twitter.
The Tesla boss then explained how the technology works. He said the first Neuralink product was called Telepathy. "Enables control of your phone or computer and almost any device, just by thinking. "The initial users are those who have lost the use of their limbs," he explained.
The company previously said Neuralink's mission is to restore autonomy to individuals with unmet medical needs, with a vision to unlock human potential in the future.
Neuralink received FDA clearance for its first human clinical trial in May. They initially wanted to test on 10 humans, then changed to six. This brain chip has 1,000 electrodes and is expected to help people carry out computer functions wirelessly just by thinking through a 'think-and-click' mechanism.
Neuralink, the startup Musk founded in 2016, said last month it was looking for quadriplegics under 40 to take part in human trials. Now, testing has been carried out.
People's reactions to this news vary. "The potential negatives of this make me very uncomfortable," one person wrote in a reply to Musk's X post.
"I'm scared to think about it," said another. "Matrix time," said another, referring to the dystopian film. "The first cyborg is born," wrote one user, referring to robot humans.
Others were surprised and happy. "Well done Neuralink and Elon! This will probably be a watershed moment in history," wrote one user. "This is great news, can't wait for the next company update. So excited!" said another.
"This is crazy, my goodness. I can't wait to get more info. Can you share more about what you're treating?" asked a follower. "I was wondering about the neuron spikes. Good to hear," wrote another.
Previously, Musk promised to be careful. "We want to be very careful and sure it works before putting the device on a human. "Progress at first, especially when applied to humans, may seem very slow, but we are doing everything to make it happen in parallel," he said at the time.
April 2021, Neuralink shocked the world with a video of a monkey named Pager playing Pong. The animal is seen using the joystick manually and then operating it with its mind via a wireless connection with an attached chip.
Quoted by detikINET from the Mirror, Neuralink reportedly implanted Bluetooth-enabled chips into the brains of several monkeys to see if they could communicate with computers.
According to a complaint by The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), some test subjects were believed to be infected as a result of electrodes implanted in the brain.
In 2022, the USDA opened an investigation. It found that around 1,500 animals, including more than 280 sheep, pigs and monkeys, died as a result of Neuralink tests since 2018.
Elon Musk Tanam Chip ke Otak, Netizen Khawatir Manusia Cyborg
Elon Musk. Foto: REUTERS/Leah Millis
- Elon Musk mengklaim perusahaan startup-nya, Neuralink, berhasil menanamkan chip ke otak manusia. Netizen pun terbelah mengenai perkembangan teknologi ini, apakah baik atau tidak.
Menurut Musk yang kini adalah orang terkaya di dunia, teknologi Neuralink bertujuan untuk memungkinkan seseorang mengendalikan ponsel atau perangkat lain dengan pikirannya.
"Manusia pertama menerima implan dari @Neuralink kemarin dan pulih dengan baik. Hasil awal menunjukkan deteksi lonjakan neuron yang menjanjikan," tulis Musk di X sebelumnya Twitter.
Bos Tesla itu lalu menjelaskan cara kerja teknologinya. Ia mengatakan produk Neuralink pertama bernama Telepathy. "Memungkinkan kendali atas ponsel atau komputer kalian dan hampir semua perangkat, hanya dengan berpikir. Pengguna awal adalah mereka yang kehilangan fungsi anggota tubuhnya," papar dia.
Perusahaan sebelumnya mengatakan misi Neuralink adalah memulihkan otonomi bagi individu dengan kebutuhan medis yang belum terpenuhi, dengan visi untuk membuka potensi manusia di masa depan.
Neuralink mendapat izin FDA untuk uji klinis pertama ke manusia di bulan Mei. Mereka awalnya ingin menguji pada 10 manusia, lalu berubah menjadi enam. Chip otak ini memiliki 1.000 elektroda dan diharapkan dapat membantu orang menjalankan fungsi komputer secara nirkabel hanya dengan berpikir melalui mekanisme 'pikir-dan-klik'.
Neuralink, perusahaan rintisan yang didirikan Musk tahun 2016, mengatakan bulan lalu sedang mencari penderita lumpuh di bawah 40 tahun untuk mengambil bagian dalam uji coba pada manusia. Kini, pengujian sudah digelar.
Reaksi orang terhadap berita ini berbeda-beda. "Potensi negatif dari hal ini membuat saya sangat tidak nyaman," tulis seseorang dalam balasan postingan X Musk.
"Aku takut memikirkan hal itu," kata yang lain. "Matrix time," sebut yang lain, merujuk pada film distopia. "Cyborg pertama telah lahir," tulis seorang pengguna, merujuk pada manusia robot.
Yang lain terkejut dan senang. "Bagus sekali Neuralink dan Elon! Ini mungkin akan menjadi momen penting dalam sejarah," tulis salah satu pengguna. "Ini adalah berita luar biasa, tidak sabar menunggu kabar perusahaan berikutnya. Sangat bersemangat!" kata yang lain.
"Ini gila, astaga. Saya tak sabar mendapatkan info lebih lanjut. Bisakah Anda berbagi lebih banyak tentang apa yang Anda obati?" tanya seorang pengikut. "Saya bertanya-tanya tentang lonjakan neuron. Senang mendengarnya," tulis yang lain.
Sebelumnya, Musk berjanji berhati-hati. "Kami ingin sangat berhati-hati dan yakin alat ini berfungsi sebelum memasangkan perangkat ke manusia. Kemajuan pada awalnya, terutama jika diterapkan pada manusia, mungkin akan tampak sangat lambat, tapi kami melakukan semua hal untuk mewujudkannya secara paralel," ujarnya saat itu.
April 2021, Neuralink mengejutkan dunia dengan video seekor monyet bernama Pager memainkan Pong. Hewan tersebut terlihat menggunakan joystick secara manual dan kemudian mengoperasikannya dengan pikirannya melalui koneksi nirkabel dengan chip yang terpasang.
Dikutip detikINET dari Mirror, Neuralink dilaporkan menanamkan chip berkemampuan Bluetooth ke otak beberapa monyet untuk melihat apakah mereka dapat berkomunikasi dengan komputer.
Menurut keluhan The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM, beberapa subjek uji diyakini terinfeksi akibat elektroda yang ditanamkan di otak. Tahun 2022, USDA membuka penyelidikan. Ditemukan sekitar 1.500 hewan, termasuk lebih dari 280 domba, babi, dan monyet, mati akibat tes Neuralink sejak 2018.
News, Entertainment, Health
Elon Musk Implants Chips in Brains
Netizens Worried About Humans being Cyborgs