Bill Gates Now Praises ChatGPT, Initially Was Doubtful

Bill Gates Now Praises ChatGPT, Initially Was Doubtful

Microsoft founder Bill Gates praised OpenAI's ChatGPT application. 
Bill Gates. [Evan Vucci/POOL/AFP]

- Microsoft founder Bill Gates praised the ChatGPT application owned by OpenAI. He admitted that he was surprised by the development of the chatbot platform based on artificial intelligence (AI). 

"I didn't expect ChatGPT to be so good, it surprised me," said Gates in a podcast with OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman, quoted from NDTV, Wednesday (17/1/2024). 
Gates was outspoken that at first he had doubts about ChatGPT's capabilities. Now he appreciates the AI ​​technology chatbot. 
"I'm honored to see your work develop, and I'm very skeptical," he continued. 

In this broadcast, the two of them talked about AI technology which has an impact on world society. Sam Altman also admitted that he was afraid of AI's ability to impact the global workforce. 
"The part that I think is potentially a little scary is just the speed at which society adapts and the labor market will change," Altman explained. 
Altman also disagrees that products like ChatGPT are making bad changes to the world. He was disturbed by the accusation. 
"If we can enter this post-scarcity world, we will find new things to do," he added. 

Meanwhile, Gates admitted that he was surprised that AI technology was the fastest technological development so far. He also asked the public to immediately adapt to artificial intelligence. 

“We have seen this in major technological revolutions in the past. Every technological revolution gets faster, and this will be the fastest yet. "The part that I think is potentially a little scary, is the speed at which society is moving forward, having to adapt, and the labor market will change," explained Altman. 

Bill Gates Kini Puji ChatGPT, Awalnya Sempat Meragukan

Pendiri Microsoft, Bill Gates melontarkan pujian pada aplikasi ChatGPT yang dimiliki OpenAI.
Bill Gates. [Evan Vucci/POOL/AFP]

- Pendiri Microsoft, Bill Gates melontarkan pujian pada aplikasi ChatGPT yang dimiliki OpenAI. Ia mengaku terkejut dengan perkembangan platform chatbot berbasis kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence/AI) itu.

"Saya tidak menyangka ChatGPT menjadi begitu bagus, itu mengejutkan saya," kata Gates dalam sebuah podcast bersama CEO OpenAI, Sam Altman, dikutip dari NDTV, Rabu (17/1/2024).
Gates blak-blakan kalau awalnya dia sempat ragu dengan kemampuan ChatGPT. Kini dia mengapresiasi chatbot berteknologi AI tersebut.
"Saya merasa terhormat melihat karya anda berkembang, dan saya sangat skeptis," lanjut dia.

Di siniar itu, mereka berdua membicarakan soal teknologi AI yang berpengaruh pada masyarakat dunia. Sam Altman pun mengaku takut dengan kemampuan AI yang berdampak pada tenaga kerja global.
"Bagian yang menurut saya berpotensi sedikit menakutkan hanyalah kecepatan masyarakat beradaptasi dan pasar tenaga kerja akan berubah," beber Altman.

Altman juga tidak sepakat kalau produknya seperti ChatGPT itu membuat perubahan buruk bagi dunia. Ia merasa terganggu dengan tudingan itu.
"Jika kita bisa memasuki dunia pasca kelangkaan ini, kita akan menemukan hal-hal baru untuk dilakukan," imbuhnya.

Sementara itu Gates mengaku heran kalau teknologi AI adalah perkembangan teknologi yang paling cepat sejauh ini. Dia pun meminta masyarakat untuk segera adaptasi dengan kecerdasan artifisial itu.

“Kita telah melihat hal ini dalam revolusi teknologi besar di masa lalu. Setiap revolusi teknologi menjadi lebih cepat, dan ini akan menjadi yang tercepat sejauh ini. Bagian yang menurut saya berpotensi sedikit menakutkan, adalah kecepatan masyarakat bergerak maju, harus beradaptasi, dan pasar tenaga kerja akan berubah,” beber Altman.

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