800 Thousand Online Gambling Content Blocked, Majority from Meta Social Media

800 Thousand Online Gambling Content Blocked, Majority from Meta Social Media
Illustration. Meta, which hosts Facebook, Instagram, Threads, is the largest contributor of online gambling content. (REUTERS/DADO RUVIC)

-- The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) has cut off access to more than 800 thousand online gambling content during the second half of 2023. 

Based on data from the Directorate General of Informatics Applications (Dirjen Aptika) Kominfo, from 17 July to 30 December 2023 a total of 805,923 pieces of online gambling content have been handled, which includes sites, IP, applications and file sharing. 

"This achievement is equivalent to the accumulation of online gambling content blocking that has been carried out over the previous five years," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie in an official statement, Tuesday (02/01). 

In detail, the number of online gambling content blocked in the period 17 to 31 July 2023 was 30,013 content; August period as many as 55,846 content; September period as many as 96,371 content; and the October period amounted to 293,665 content, which was the highest achievement. 

Then, 160,503 pieces of online gambling content were blocked in the November period, and 168,895 pieces of content were blocked in the December period. 
Based on the platform, Kominfo cut off access to online gambling content on 596,348 sites and IPs, 173,134 from the Meta platform, 29,257 on file sharing platform accounts, 5,993 platforms on Google and Youtube, 367 on the X platform. 

In addition, 170 from the Telegram platform, 15 from the TikTok platform, 8 from the App Store platform, as well as 1 content on the Snack Video platform. 

Not only online gambling content, Budi stated that he had succeeded in blocking more than 5,000 bank accounts and e-wallet accounts that were indicated to be used for online gambling activities. 

Budi said that Kominfo was working with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to block accounts related to online gambling. 
"Kominfo collaborates with various stakeholders in eradicating online gambling. We collaborate with OJK, telecommunications and internet service providers and digital platforms," ​​he said. 

Furthermore, Budi also said that his party had asked internet service providers (ISPs) and cellular operators to increase efforts to eradicate online gambling by ensuring accurate system synchronization on databases of sites containing gambling content. 

800 Ribu Konten Judi Online Diblokir, Mayoritas dari Medsos Meta
Ilustrasi. Meta, yang membawai Facebook, Instagram, Threads, jadi penyumbang terbanyak konten judi online. (REUTERS/DADO RUVIC)

-- Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) memutus akses lebih dari 800 ribu konten judi online selama paruh kedua 2023.

Berdasarkan data Direktorat Jenderal Aplikasi Informatika (Dirjen Aptika) Kominfo, sejak 17 Juli hingga 30 Desember 2023 total konten judi online telah ditangani sebanyak 805.923 konten, yang mencakup situs, IP, aplikasi, dan file sharing.

"Capaian tersebut setara dengan akumulasi pemblokiran konten judi online yang telah dilakukan selama lima tahun sebelumnya," ujar Menkominfo Budi Arie di dalam sebuah keterangan resmi, Selasa (02/01).

Rinciannya, jumlah konten judi online yang diblokir pada periode 17 hingga 31 Juli 2023 sebanyak 30.013 konten; periode Agustus sebanyak 55.846 konten; periode September sebanyak 96.371 konten; dan periode Oktober sebanyak 293.665 konten, yang merupakan pencapaian tertinggi.

Kemudian, konten judi online yang diblokir pada periode November adalah sebanyak 160.503 konten, dan pada periode Desember sebanyak 168.895 konten.
Berdasarkan platformnya, Kominfo memutus akses konten judi online pada 596.348 di situs dan IP, 173.134 dari platform Meta, 29.257 di akun platform file sharing, 5.993 platform di Google dan Youtube, 367 di platform X.
Selain itu, 170 dari platform Telegram, 15 dari platform TikTok, 8 dari platform App Store, serta 1 konten di platform Snack Video.

Tak hanya konten judi online, Budi menyatakan telah berhasil memblokir lebih dari 5.000 rekening bank dan akun e-wallet yang terindikasi dimanfaatkan untuk aktivitas judi online.

Budi menyebut Kominfo bekerja sama dengan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) untuk melakukan pemblokiran pada rekening terkait judi online.
"Kominfo berkolaborasi dengan berbagai stakeholder dalam memberantas judi online. Kami bekerja sama dengan OJK, penyelenggara layanan telekomunikasi dan internet dan platform digital," katanya.

Lebih lanjut, Budi juga menyebut pihaknya telah meminta penyedia layanan internet (ISP) dan operator seluler untuk meningkatkan upaya pemberantasan judi online dengan memastikan ketepatan sinkronisasi sistem pada database situs yang mengandung konten perjudian.

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