Houthi Threat of 'Full Escalation' Called Worse Than Hamas-Israel War in Gaza Strip

Houthi Threat of 'Full Escalation' Called Worse Than Hamas-Israel War in Gaza Strip

Houthi Threat of 'Full Escalation' Called Worse Than Hamas-Israel War in Gaza Strip

The Houthi threat with its full escalation is said to be a worse threat than the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza. 

Quoted from AL Jazeera on (14/12), it is said to refer to economic and security calculations. This was revealed by Zoran Kusovac, a geopolitical and security analyst, war correspondent and producer who has covered conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. 
According to him, the war in Gaza is not a major threat to world peace and international security. 

Despite the intensity, cruelty and number of civilian casualties, the security level of the war in Gaza is only a regional war. While showing that it is a narrow war where only two parties are fighting seriously, especially in the Gaza Strip. However, it can be said that the West Bank is increasingly becoming a battlefield but is still under full escalation. Unless you look at the Yemeni Houthi threat in the Red Sea, this is a small but determined step. 

According to him, it is Yemen's Houthis who are endangering shipping through the strategic Bab el-Mandeb between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. 
A narrow strip which is the third largest narrow strip in the world. 

So, even though the war in Gaza did not cause any harm to citizens of neutral countries. However, the Houthis' stance in the Red Sea could send prices soaring, especially oil prices, but everything else could follow. 

Ancaman Houthi 'Eskalasi Penuh' Disebut Lebih Buruk Dibandingkan Perang Hamas-Israel di Jalur Gaza

Ancaman Houthi dengan eskalasi penuhnya disebut menjadi ancaman lebih buruk ketimbang perang Hamas-Israel di Gaza.

Dikutip dari AL Jazeera pada (14/12), disebut begitu mengacu dalam perhitungan ekonomi dan keamanan.
Hal itu diungkap oleh Zoran Kusovac, seorang analis geopolitik dan keamanan, koresponden perang dan produser yang telah meliput konflik di Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara dan Asia Tengah. Menurutnya, perang di Gaza bukanlah ancaman besar bagi perdamaian dunia dan keamanan internasional.

Terlepas dari intensitas, kekejaman dan jumlah korban sipil, tingkat keamanan perang di Gaza hanya merupakan perang regional. Seraya menunjukkan itu perang yang sempit dimana hanya ada dua pihak yang berperang secara serius, terutama di Jalur Gaza. Namun, dapat dikatakan bahwa di Tepi Barat justru semakin menjadi medan perang tapi masih di bawah eskalasi penuh. Kecuali jika menilik ancaman Houthi Yaman di Laut Merah, disebut langkah kecil namun penuh tekad.

Menurutnya, Houthi Yaman lah yang membahayakan pelayaran melalui Bab el-Mandeb yang strategis antara Laut Merah dan Samudera Hindia.
Sebuah jalur sempit yang merupakan jalur sempit ketiga terbesar di dunia.

Sehingga, walaupun perang di Gaza tidak menimbulkan kerugian apa pun bagi warga negara netral.
Namun, sikap Houthi di Laut Merah dapat membuat harga melonjak, terutama harga minyak, tapi bisa saja semua hal lainnya akan menyusul.

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