Erdogan is on Politico's list of the most influential people in Europe in 2024

Erdogan is on Politico's list of the most influential people in Europe in 2024

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Photo/AP

ANKARA - The United States (US) news site, Politico, ranked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan fifth on the list of “Most Influential People in Europe 2024”. 

Politico gave Erdogan the title of “mediator” for his achievements in securing the Black Sea wheat deal and his role in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. 
According to the report, Politico included 28 names from Europe on its “Most Influential People in Europe 2024” list in three separate categories, including doers, disruptors and dreamers, each of which represents a different type of power. 
Erdogan falls into the “Perpetrator” category. “Erdogan has long tried to position himself as a powerful geopolitical player,” the Politico statement said. 

After a failed coup attempt in 2016, Erdogan has attempted to mediate in two recent major geopolitical crises, including Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the conflict between Israel and Palestine, according to the website. 
The Israeli colonial regime's brutal attacks have killed more than 16,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The death toll in Israel reached 1,200 people. 

Erdogan Masuk Daftar Orang Paling Berpengaruh di Eropa pada 2024 versi Politico

Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Foto/AP

ANKARA - Situs berita Amerika Serikat (AS), Politico, menempatkan Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan di urutan kelima dalam daftar “Orang Paling Berpengaruh di Eropa 2024”.

Politico memberi Erdogan gelar “mediator” atas prestasinya dalam mengamankan kesepakatan gandum Laut Hitam dan perannya dalam konflik antara Israel dan Palestina.
Menurut laporan tersebut, Politico memasukkan 28 nama dari Eropa dalam daftar “Orang Paling Berpengaruh di Eropa 2024” dalam tiga kategori terpisah, termasuk pelaku, pengganggu, dan pemimpi, yang masing-masing mewakili jenis kekuatan berbeda.
Erdogan termasuk dalam kategori “Pelaku”. “Erdogan telah lama mencoba memposisikan dirinya sebagai pemain geopolitik yang kuat,” ungkap pernyataan Politico.

Setelah upaya kudeta yang gagal pada tahun 2016, Erdogan telah berusaha menengahi dua krisis geopolitik besar baru-baru ini, termasuk invasi besar-besaran Rusia ke Ukraina dan konflik antara Israel dan Palestina, menurut situs web tersebut.
Serangan brutal rezim kolonial Israel telah menewaskan lebih dari 16.000 warga Palestina di Jalur Gaza. Adapun korban tewas di Israel mencapai 1.200 orang.

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