Satria-1 Reaches Orbit, Get Ready for Free Internet Access at 3T

Satria-1 Reaches Orbit, Get Ready for Free Internet Access at 3T

Satria-1 satellite launch on June 18 2023. Photo: Doc. SpaceX

The Satria-1 satellite has reached an orbital slot of 146 degrees East Longitude after being launched almost four months ago from Cape Caneveral, Florida, USA. Get ready for internet access in regional, disadvantaged, frontier and outermost areas (3T) to get free internet access. 

Not intended for the public, the internet connection transmitted by Satria-1 is intended for public service facilities, such as school areas, health centers, local governments, as well as security for the TNI-Polri at the border. 


The Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (Bakti) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) will operate Satria-1 and will focus on serving 37,000 public facility points in Indonesia. 
President Director of PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), Adi Rahman Adiwoso, explained that the satellite had successfully gone through the Electrical Orbit Raising (EOR) process where the satellite makes periodic movements using its propulsion system to go to the specified orbit and the satellitedeclared to have arrived in orbit successfully. 

He said that the deployment of the three satellite antennas as one of the critical stages had also been completed well. 
"Currently, communication trials (communication payload) will begin soon and the target is to be completed by the end of November, then it will continue with overall trials to be fully operational in December 2023," said Adi in his written statement. 

"This is an important milestone for Indonesia because the Satria-1 network can immediately provide internet connections that reach the entire archipelago," said Adi. 
Adi added that Satria-1 is the first satellite with Very High-Throughput Satellite (VHTS) technology in Indonesia with a total capacity of 150 Gbps. This capacity is projected to become a satellite that can help digital transformation programs in Indonesia. 

"After ensuring that everything is functioning properly, the Satria-1 satellite will be used by (Bakti Kominfo) to provide internet services to regions throughout Indonesia," concluded Adi. 

Satria-1 Capai Orbit, Siap-siap Akses Internet Gratis di 3T

Peluncuran satelit Satria-1 pada 18 Juni 2023. Foto: Dok. SpaceX

 - Satelit Satria-1 telah mencapai slot orbit 146 derajat Bujur Timur usai diluncurkan hampir empat bulan lalu dari Cape Caneveral, Florida, AS. Siap-siap akses internet di wilayah daerah, tertinggal, terdepan, dan terluar (3T) dapat akses internet gratis.

Tidak diperuntukkan masyarakat, koneksi internet yang dipancarkan Satria-1 ditujukan bagi fasilitas layanan publik, seperti area sekolah, puskesmas, pemerintah daerah, maupun keamanan untuk TNI-Polri di perbatasan.


Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi (Bakti) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) akan mengoperasionkan Satria-1 akan fokus melayani 37.000 titik fasilitas publik di Indonesia.
Direktur Utama PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), Adi Rahman Adiwoso, menjelaskan bahwa satelit telah berhasil melalui proses Electrical Orbit Raising (EOR) di mana satelit melakukan pergerakan secara berkala menggunakan sistem pendorongnya untuk menuju ke orbit yang ditentukan dan satelit dinyatakan telah sampai di orbitnya dengan sukses.

Disampaikannya, deployment ketiga antena satelit sebagai salah satu tahapan kritis telah juga dilalui dengan baik.

"Saat ini ujicoba komunikasi (communication payload) akan segera dimulai dan targetnya pada akhir November selesai, lalu akan dilanjutkan dengan uji coba secara keseluruhan untuk dapat beroperasi penuh pada Desember 2023," ujar Adi dalam keterangan tertulisnya.
"Ini milestone penting bagi Indonesia karena jaringan Satria-1 bisa segera menghadirkan koneksi internet yang menjangkau seluruh Nusantara," kata Adi.

Adi menambahkan bahwa Satria-1 adalah satelit dengan teknologi Very High-Throughput Satellite (VHTS) pertama di Indonesia dengan total kapasitas 150 Gbps. Kapasitas tersebut diproyeksikan menjadi satelit yang dapat membantu program transformasi digital di Indonesia.
"Setelah dipastikan semuanya berfungsi dengan baik, satelit Satria-1 akan digunakan oleh (Bakti Kominfo) untuk memberikan layanan internet bagi daerah-daerah di seluruh penjuru Indonesia," tutup Adi.

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