Joe Biden Adds Block to China, American Giant Protests

Joe Biden Adds Block to China, American Giant Protests


- The Joe Biden administration's plan to increase limits on chip sales to China is opposed by the United States (US) giants. A number of large companies warned that additional regulations would leave the domestic industry devastated. 

A year ago, the US government launched regulations restricting semiconductor sales to China. This year, they plan to add restrictions to make important technology completely inaccessible to Beijing. 
However, protests have been launched by three US giants since last July. Nvidia, Intel and Qualcomm rejected the plan when they met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. 
The three companies asked all officials to reconsider plans to increase restrictions on chip control. According to them, additional regulations will actually set back the industry. 

In contrast, additional US regulations will develop China's industry. Ultimately it will make chips made in China dominate the world. 
"The risk is spurring the development of an ecosystem led by competitors. This could have a very negative impact on US leadership in the fields of semiconductors, advanced technology and AI," said Nvidia general counsel, Tim Teter, quoted from NYTimes, Friday (6/10/2023) . 

China is known as one of the largest global semiconductor markets. The country accounts for a third of the market and combined annual revenue of more than US$50 billion for Nvidia, Intel and Qualcomm. 

Losing revenue from China is forcing the chip giants to make operational efficiencies. For example, reductions in technology development, employment and spending at semiconductor factories spread across Arizona, Ohio and New York. 

All these companies also asked the Semiconductor Industry Association to criticize the restrictions issued by the government. They had to call it a rule that was considered 'highly ambiguous and one-sided', and that restrictions would cause harm to the industry's competitiveness. 

Joe Biden Tambah Blokir China, Raksasa Amerika Protes


 - Rencana pemerintahan Joe Biden untuk menambah batasan penjualan chip ke China ditentang para raksasa Amerika Serikat (AS). Sejumlah perusahaan besar memperingatkan aturan tambahan akan membuat industri dalam negeri babak belur.

Setahun lalu, pemerintah AS meluncurkan aturan pembatasan penjualan semikonduktor ke China. Tahun ini, mereka berencana menambahkan batasan agar teknologi penting sama sekali tak bisa diakses Beijing.

Namun, protes dilancarkan oleh tiga raksasa AS sejak Juli lalu. Nvidia, Intel, dan Qualcomm menolak rencana itu saat bertemu dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Antony Blinken dan Menteri Perdagangan Gina Raimondo.

Ketiga perusahaan itu meminta seluruh pejabat mempertimbangkan lagi rencana penambahan batasan pada kontrol chip. Menurut mereka, aturan tambahan malah membuat kemunduran pada industri.

Sebaliknya, aturan tambahan AS akan mengembangkan industri China. Akhirnya akan membuat chip buatan China mendominasi dunia.
"Risikonya memacu perkembangan ekosistem yang dipimpin oleh pesaing. Hal ini bisa berdampak sangat negatif pada kepemimpinan AS di bidang semikonduktor, teknologi canggih, dan AI," kata penasihat umum Nvidia, Tim Teter, dikutip dari NYTimes, Jumat (6/10/2023).

China diketahui sebagai salah satu pasar terbesar semikonduktor global. Negara itu menyumbang sepertiga dari pasar dan pendapatan tahunan gabungan lebih dari US$50 miliar untuk Nvidia, Intel, dan Qualcomm.
Kehilangan pendapatan dari China memaksa para raksasa chip itu melakukan efisiensi operasional. Misalnya pengurangan pengembangan teknologi, lapangan kerja dan pengeluaran pabrik semikonduktor yang tersebar di Arizona, Ohio, dan New York.

Seluruh perusahaan itu juga meminta Semiconductor Industry Association untuk mengeluarkan kritik atas pembatasan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah. Mereka harus menyebutnya sebagai aturan yang dianggap 'sangat ambigu dan sepihak', serta pembatasan akan menyebabkan kerugian pada daya saing industri.


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