How to make photos run on a blog
The photos running on the blog are really interesting to look at. how to make ? yupz.. In this post I will explain how to make photos run on a blog. Just like the running text, this running image also uses the marquee effect. Let's just practice, hehehehe
Follow these steps to make images run on a blog
Copy and paste the following code into your blog:
<table border="10" cellpadding="3" height="135" width="195"/>
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="192" height="132" align="center">
<img src="" height="130" width="190" />
<img src="" height="130" width="190" />
The results are as follows:
Remarks replace the blue link with the link where you put the image, for example the image you put on
Make the image run from left to right
Copy and paste the following code into your blog:
<marquee align="center" direction="left" height="200" scrollamount="3" width="100%" >
<img src="" width="190" height="130" />
The results are as follows:
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