Gal Gadot Urges 109 Million Followers to Support Israel, Netizens: Palestinian Children Have Been Killed for Decades, Where Have You Been?

Gal Gadot Urges 109 Million Followers to Support Israel, Netizens: Palestinian Children Have Been Killed for Decades, Where Have You Been? 

"The world must realize what is happening and stand with us in these difficult times," Gadot asked. 

Gal Gadot fills Red Notice. - Gal Gadot, a big Hollywood star from Israel, recently made a surprise in cyberspace. Through her Instagram upload, Gadot expressed her sadness and concern over the attacks Israel received from Hamas. 

"The losses received by the Israeli people are truly heartbreaking. At least 250 citizens have lost their lives, many of whom are women, children and the elderly who are now hostages in Gaza," said Gadot, quoted on Wednesday (11/10/2023 ). 
Using her platform which has a reach of up to 109 million followers, the actress who once served in the Israeli army asks for moral and material support for the Israeli people. 
"The world must realize what is happening and stand with us in these difficult times," Gadot asked. 

He even added a donation link in his Instagram profile bio to help those affected by the attack. 

However, the response Gadot received was mixed. Many netizens responded by calling for "Free Palestine". 
A number of comments accused Israel of also carrying out attacks on Palestine since 2008, with thousands of casualties, especially children. 
Criticism also emerged regarding Gal Gadot's history as a former Israeli soldier and the country's role in this conflict. 
Despite this, Gadot remains firm in her stance, hoping that peace can soon be established in the area. 
Contributor : Rizky Islam

Gal Gadot Desak 109 Juta Followers Dukung Israel, Netizen: Puluhan Tahun Anak-anak Palestina Dibunuh, Anda Kemana?

"Dunia harus menyadari apa yang sedang terjadi dan berdiri bersama kami di saat-saat sulit ini," pinta Gadot.

Gal Gadot di fill Red Notice. - Gal Gadot, bintang besar Hollywood yang berasal dari Israel, baru-baru ini membuat kejutan di dunia maya. Lewat unggahan Instagramnya, Gadot mengungkapkan kesedihan dan keprihatinannya atas serangan yang Israel terima dari Hamas.

"Kerugian yang diterima oleh rakyat Israel sungguh memilukan. Setidaknya 250 warga telah kehilangan nyawa, dengan banyak di antaranya adalah wanita, anak-anak, dan lansia yang kini berstatus sandera di Gaza," ungkap Gadot, dikutip hari Rabu (11/10/2023).
Menggunakan platformnya yang memiliki jangkauan sampai 109 juta pengikut, aktris yang pernah berdinas di tentara Israel ini meminta dukungan moral dan material bagi rakyat Israel.
"Dunia harus menyadari apa yang sedang terjadi dan berdiri bersama kami di saat-saat sulit ini," pinta Gadot.

Ia bahkan menambahkan link donasi di bio profil Instagramnya untuk membantu mereka yang terdampak oleh serangan tersebut.

Namun, respons yang diterima oleh Gadot ternyata beragam. Banyak netizen yang merespons dengan menyerukan "Free Palestine".
Sejumlah komentar menuding Israel juga telah melakukan aksi serangan ke Palestina sejak tahun 2008, dengan ribuan korban jiwa, terutama anak-anak.
Kritik pun muncul mengenai sejarah Gal Gadot sebagai mantan tentara Israel dan peran negara tersebut dalam konflik ini.
Meskipun demikian, Gadot tetap berdiri teguh dengan pendiriannya, berharap agar kedamaian bisa segera tercipta di kawasan tersebut.
Kontributor : Rizky Islam

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