55 Chinese Soldiers Died After Nuclear Submarine Caught In Its Own Trap, Lost in Yellow Sea

55 Chinese Soldiers Died After Nuclear Submarine Caught In Its Own Trap, Lost in Yellow Sea

A total of 55 Chinese soldiers died after the Chinese military's nuclear ballistic missile (SSBN) submarine was caught in its own trap in the Yellow Sea. 

As is known, a Type 094B submarine carrying nuclear ballistic missiles (SSBN) belonging to the Chinese military was lost in the Yellow Sea. 
It is known that the nuclear-powered submarine has lost contact since August 21, 2023. 
Quoted by Tribun-Medan.com from the Daily Mail, information about the disappearance of the Chinese nuclear submarine was actually revealed by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). 

The Type 094B nuclear submarine is reportedly carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea. 

Before the accident occurred at around 08.12 local time. 
One of the mainstay fleets of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is said to have hit a net, which was installed by the Chinese military itself. 

The submarine carrying nuclear ballistic missiles (SSBN) belonging to the Chinese military was caught in its own trap in the Yellow Sea. 
The Chinese military laid this trap under the surface of the Yellow Sea to ensnare submarines of the United States Navy and its allies such as Britain, Japan and South Korea. 

But unfortunately, the ship carrying 55 crew members was believed to have all died. 
The 55 crew on board consisted of 22 officers, seven midshipmen, nine first officers, and 17 other soldiers including the ship's commander, Colonel Xue Yong Peng. 

"Intelligence reports that on August 21 there was an accident on the ship while carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea," said a statement by the British Secret Intelligence Service. 

"The submarine hit a chain and anchor barrier used by the Chinese Navy," the statement continued. 
Furthermore, the British Secret Intelligence Service predicted that the crew's deaths were caused by hypoxia, due to oxygen poisoning following a system failure. 
Damage resulting from the collision will take at least six hours to repair, so the ship can rise to the surface. During that time the oxygen system failed to function, poisoning the entire crew. 

"Our understanding is that the deaths were caused by hypoxia due to a system error on the submarine," the British Secret Intelligence Service said. "It took six hours to repair and resurface the ship. The oxygen system on board poisoned the crew after a major failure," the statement continued. 

On the other hand, China officially denies this incident. The government under the command of President Xi Jinping also did not request international assistance to search and evacuate the submarine. 
Meanwhile, according to British reports, those based on defense intelligence are at a high classification. 

“It is plausible that this would happen and I doubt China would ask for international support for obvious reasons.”
"If they get caught in the net system and the submarine's battery is low (reasonable) then eventually the air purifier and air treatment system could fail," he said. 

“We have equipment that absorbs CO2 and produces oxygen in situations like this. "Most likely other countries do not have technology like this," he said. 

The submarine carrying nuclear ballistic missiles (SSBN) belonging to the Chinese military was caught in its own trap in the Yellow Sea. 

For your information, China's Type 093 submarine began operating in the last 15 years. The ship was 351 feet long and armed with torpedoes. The Type 093 is one of China's more modern submarines and is known for its lower noise levels. The sinking of the ship is known to have occurred in the waters of Shandong Province, China. 


55 Tentara Tiongkok Tewas Usai Kapal Selam Nuklir Terjebak Perangkap Sendiri, Hilang di Laut Kuning

 Sebanyak 55 tentara Tiongkok tewas setelah kapal selam pembawa rudal balistik nuklir (SSBN) milik militer China terjebak perangkap sendiri di Laut Kuning .

Adapun diketahui, sebuah kapal selam Tipe 094B ini pembawa rudal balistik nuklir (SSBN) milik militer China hilang di Laut Kuning. Kapal selam yang bertenaga nuklir diketahui sudah hilang kontak sejak 21 Agustus 2023 lalu. Dikutip Tribun-Medan.com dari Daily Mail, informasi hilangnya kapal selam nuklir China ini justru diungkap oleh Dinas Intelijen Rahasia Inggris (MI6).

Kapal selam nuklir Tipe 094B dilaporkan tengah menjalankan misi di Laut Kuning .

Sebelum terjadi kecelakaan sekitar pukul 08.12 waktu setempat.
Salah satu armada andalan Angkatan Laut Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat China (PLAN) itu disebut telah menabrak jaring, yang justru dipasang oleh militer China sendiri.

Kapal selam pembawa rudal balistik nuklir (SSBN) milik militer China terjebak perangkap sendiri di Laut Kuning.

Perangkap itu ditebar militer China di bawah permukaan Laut Kuning , untuk menjerat kapal selam Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat (US Navy) dan negara sekutunya semisal Inggris, Jepang dan Korea Selatan (Korsel).

Namun nahas, kapal yang membawa 55 awak itu diyakini sudah tewas seluruhnya.
55 awak di dalam kapal terdiri tersebut dari 22 perwira, tujuh perwira taruna, sembilan perwira pertama, dan 17 prajurit lainnya termasuk komandan kapal, Kolonel Xue Yong Peng.

"Intelijen melaporkan bahwa pada tanggal 21 Agustus terjadi kecelakaan di kapal saat menjalankan misi di Laut Kuning," ujar pernyataan Dinas Intelijen Rahasia Inggris.

"Kapal selam itu menabrak penghalang rantai dan jangkar yang digunakan Angkatan Laut Tiongkok," lanjut pernyataan tersebut. Lebih lanjut Dinas Intelijen Rahasia Inggris memprediksi kematian para awak kapal disebabkan oleh hipoksia, akibat keracunan oksigen usai kegagalan sistem. Kerusakan akibat tabrakan setidaknya membutuhkan waktu enam jam untuk memperbaiki, agar kapal bisa naik ke permukaan. Selama itu lah sistem oksigen gagal berfungsi, sehingga meracuni seluruh awak.

"Pemahaman kami adalah kematian disebabkan oleh hipoksia karena kesalahan sistem pada kapal selam," kata Dinas Intelijen Rahasia Inggris.
"Perlu waktu enam jam untuk memperbaiki dan memunculkan kapal. Sistem oksigen di dalam pesawat meracuni kru setelah terjadi kegagalan besar," lanjut pernyataan tersebut.

Disisi lain, China secara resmi membantah insiden ini. Pemerintah di bawah komando Presiden Xi Jinping juga tak meminta bantuan internasional untuk melakukan pencarian dan evakuasi kapal selam tersebut. Sementara itu menurut laporan Inggris mengatakan bahwa yang didasarkan pada intelijen pertahanan, berada pada klasifikasi tinggi.

“Adalah masuk akal bahwa hal ini terjadi dan saya ragu Tiongkok akan meminta dukungan internasional karena alasan yang jelas,”
“Jika mereka terjebak dalam sistem jaring dan baterai kapal selam hampir habis (masuk akal) maka pada akhirnya alat pembersih udara dan sistem pengolahan udara bisa saja gagal,” ujarnya.

“Kami memiliki peralatan yang menyerap CO2 dan menghasilkan oksigen dalam situasi seperti ini. Kemungkinan besar negara lain tidak memiliki teknologi seperti ini,” tukasnya.

Kapal selam pembawa rudal balistik nuklir (SSBN) milik militer China terjebak perangkap sendiri di Laut Kuning. Untuk diketahui, kapal selam Type 093 Tiongkok mulai beroperasi dalam 15 tahun terakhir. Kapal tersebut memiliki panjang 351 kaki dan dipersenjatai dengan torpedo.
Type 093 adalah salah satu kapal selam Tiongkok yang lebih modern dan dikenal karena tingkat kebisingannya yang lebih rendah.
Tenggelamnya kapal tersebut diketahui terjadi di perairan Provinsi Shandong, Tiongkok.


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