5 Mystical Stories from the Suramadu Bridge

5 Mystical Stories from the Suramadu Bridge

5 Mystical Stories from the Suramadu Bridge

Beautiful view of the Suramadu Bridge/Photo: Ministry of PUPR

Surabaya - The Suramadu Bridge is in the Madura Strait which connects Java Island (Surabaya) and Madura Island (Bangkalan). Behind its splendor, local people believe there are mystical things surrounding this national bridge. 

Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of PUPR, the Suramadu Bridge was built in 2003 and officially opened on June 10 2009. It is 5,438 meters long, which makes the Suramadu Bridge the longest bridge in Indonesia currently. 
The Suramadu Bridge has three parts, namely the causeway, the approach bridge and the main bridge. Construction of a bridge to accelerate development on Madura Island. 


Suramadu Bridge/ Photo: Suki/detikJatim

Mystical Stories from the Suramadu Bridge:

The story that has developed in society is that many mystical incidents occurred on the Suramadu Bridge. Starting from the mystery of the inhabitants of the Suramadu Bridge, the construction site of the former tomb, to the appearance of spirits. 

1. Mystery of the Giant Snake Demon

A giant, invisible snake demon is said to be on the Suramadu Bridge, specifically around the old prayer room near the bridge gate. During construction, the developer plans to renovate the old prayer room. 
However, local residents admitted that they had been visited by a giant snake in their dreams, who asked that the old prayer room not be renovated. So that plan never materialized. 
People also believe that the snake demon is related to the grave of Sheikh Habib Hassbullah. The snake demon is said to guard the tomb gate which is disturbed by the construction of the bridge. 

2. Former Tomb Toll Gate

Based on stories circulating, local people believe that there used to be a cemetery at the location where the bridge stood. The grave had to be moved due to the construction of the Suramadu Bridge. 

3. Appearance of Spirits

Many local people believe in spirits living and passing by on this bridge. It is not uncommon for sightings to appear which are then linked to the many accidents on the Suramadu Bridge. 

4. Appearance of Sundel Bolong

The appearance of sundel bolong is one of the most popular mystical stories on the Suramadu Bridge. In fact, it is believed that the appearance of Sundel Bolong is related to the series of accidents that occurred there. Someone claimed to have seen Sundel Bolong standing guard at the gate for three days. 

5. Genie Portal

Another mystical thing was during the construction process of the Suramadu Bridge. At that time the electrical installation was being carried out. Everything was going smoothly, until suddenly the cable hit something even though it was still new and not blocked by anything. 
One of the famous fortune tellers also mentioned that there was a fairly large magical gate on the Suramadu Bridge. Local people also believe that the Suramadu Bridge is a genie portal. 

5 Cerita Mistis dari Jembatan Suramadu

Pemandangan Ciamik Jembatan Suramadu/Foto: Kementerian PUPR

Surabaya - Jembatan Suramadu ada di Selat Madura yang menghubungkan Pulau Jawa (Surabaya) dan Pulau Madura (Bangkalan). Di balik kemegahannya, masyarakat sekitar percaya ada hal-hal mistis yang menyelimuti jembatan nasional ini.

Dilansir dari situs resmi Kementerian PUPR, Jembatan Suramadu dibangun pada 2003 dan resmi dibuka pada 10 Juni 2009. Panjangnya 5.438 meter, yang menjadikan Jembatan Suramadu sebagai jembatan terpanjang di Indonesia saat ini.
Jembatan Suramadu memiliki tiga bagian yaitu jalan layang (causeway), jembatan penghubung (approach bridge), dan jembatan utama (main bridge). Pembangunan jembatan untuk mempercepat pembangunan di Pulau Madura.


Jembatan Suramadu/ Foto: Suki/detikJatim

Cerita Mistis dari Jembatan Suramadu:

Cerita yang berkembang di masyarakat, banyak kejadian mistis terjadi di Jembatan Suramadu. Mulai dari misteri penghuni Jembatan Suramadu, lokasi pembangunan bekas makam, hingga penampakan makhluk halus.

1. Misteri Siluman Ular Raksasa

Siluman ular raksasa tak kasat mata disebut-sebut ada di Jembatan Suramadu, tepatnya di sekitar musala tua dekat gerbang jembatan. Saat pembangunan, pengembang berencana merenovasi musala tua tersebut.
Namun, warga sekitar mengaku ada yang didatangi ular raksasa di dalam mimpi, yang meminta agar musala tua tidak direnovasi. Sehingga rencana tersebut tidak pernah terwujud.
Masyarakat juga percaya siluman ular tersebut berkaitan dengan Makam Syekh Habib Hassbullah. Siluman ular disebut menjaga gerbang makam yang terusik pembangunan jembatan.

2. Gerbang Tol Bekas Makam

Berdasarkan cerita yang beredar, masyarakat sekitar percaya dulu ada pemakaman di lokasi berdirinya jembatan. Makam pun terpaksa dipindah karena pembangunan Jembatan Suramadu.

3. Penampakan Makhluk Halus

Banyak masyarakat sekitar yang percaya soal makhluk halus yang tinggal dan berlalu lalang di jembatan ini. Tak jarang muncul penampakan yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan banyaknya kecelakaan di Jembatan Suramadu.

4. Penampakan Sundel Bolong

Penampakan sundel bolong menjadi salah satu cerita mistis di Jembatan Suramadu yang paling populer. Bahkan, dipercaya penampakan sundel bolong itu berkaitan dengan kecelakaan beruntun yang terjadi di sana. Seseorang mengaku melihat sundel bolong berjaga di gerbang selama tiga hari.

5. Portal Jin

Hal mistis lainnya adalah saat proses pembangunan Jembatan Suramadu. Saat itu sedang dilakukan pemasangan instalasi listrik. Pengerjaan semua berjalan lancar, hingga tiba-tiba kabel terbentur sesuatu padahal masih baru dan tidak tersumbat apapun.
Salah satu peramal kondang juga pernah menyebut ada gerbang gaib yang cukup besar di Jembatan Suramadu. Masyarakat sekitar pun percaya Jembatan Suramadu menjadi portal jin.

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