This is the price of Elon Musk's Starlink Internet if it enters Indonesia

This is the price of Elon Musk's Starlink Internet if it enters Indonesia

This is the price of Elon Musk's Starlink Internet. (Photo:

JAKARTA - Elon Musk's satellite-based internet service will penetrate the Indonesian internet market. Of course, the network owned by the world's richest person has advantages in terms of speed and coverage compared to cable internet or BTS signals. 
Executive Director of the Indonesia ICT Institute, Heru Sutadi, said that Elon Musk's internet speed is estimated to reach 200 mbps. Much higher than current internet operators in Indonesia which have the highest speed of approximately 20.85 mbps. 
But in terms of price, Elon Musk's internet is not cheap. In fact, if every user wants to use the internet, they must first be charged a fee for installing a signal receiving device at a price of around USD 150-200 or the equivalent of IDR 2.3 - IDR 3.07 million. 
"It is also a misunderstanding to say that Starlink has low costs," said Heru in the IDXChannel Market Review, Monday (25/9/2023). 
Apart from the cost of installing the receiving device, Heru estimates that consumers will be charged another fee of around IDR 2.3 - 3.07 million per month for using the Starlink internet service to enjoy internet at a speed of 200 mbps. 
"The advantage of Starlink is the very high speed, they can reach 200 mbps, later it will depend on the number of satellites that will be placed in their orbit, the more satellites the speed will be very high," said Heru. 
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According to him, Elon Musk's technology will be suitable for application in the 3 T (underdeveloped, leading, outermost) areas, especially for companies that have operations in these areas. Considering that Starlink's internet coverage is able to cover all land and sea areas in Indonesia because it uses satellites. 
"For example, if people spend only IDR 300 thousand on the internet per month, they can't use Starlink. For example, if a corporation spends, for example, IDR 5 million per month, or has a business in the middle of the sea, they can use Starlink," said Heru. 
"For residential areas, many fiber optic services are provided, then for individuals there is already 4G, 5G, so the market that might be entered is the market in the interior, for example the 3T area," he concluded. 

Segini Harga Internet Starlink Milik Elon Musk jika Masuk Indonesia

Segini Harga Internet Starlink Elon Musk. (Foto:

JAKARTA - Layanan internet berbasis satelit milik Elon Musk bakal merambah pasar internet Indonesia. Tentu jaringan milik orang terkaya dunia memiliki keunggulan dari sisi kecepatan dan jangkauan di bandingkan dangan internet kabel maupun sinyal BTS.
Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia ICT Institute, Heru Sutadi, mengatakan kecepatan internet milik elon musk ini diperkirakan tembus 200 mbps. Jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan operator internet di Indonesia saat ini yang punya kecepatan paling tinggi kira-kira 20.85 mbps.
Tapi memang dari segi Harga internet milik Elon Musk ini bukan barang murah. Bahkan setiap pengguna jika ingin menggunakan internet tersebut harus terlebih dahulu dikenakan biaya untuk pemasang alat penerima sinyal dengan harga sekitar USD150-200 atau setara Rp2,3 - Rp3,07 juta.
"Salah pemahaman juga apabila dikatakan starlink ini punya biaya yang murah," kata Heru dalam Market Review IDXChannel, Senin (25/9/2023).
Selain biaya pemasangan alat penerima, untuk tarif penggunaan layanan internet starlink itu Heru memperkirakan konsumen akan dibebankan biaya lagi sekitar Rp2,3 - 3,07 juta perbulannya untuk menikmati internet dengan kecepatan 200 mbps.
"Keunggulan starlink itu adalah kecepatan yang sangat tinggi, mereka bisa sampai 200 mbps, nanti akan tergantung jumlah satelit yang akan ditempatkan di orbit mereka, makin banyak satelit kecepatannya akan sangat tinggi," kata Heru.
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Menurtnya, teknologi milik Elon Musk ini akan cocok diterapkan di wilayah 3 T (tertinggal, terdepan, terluar), terutama bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang punya operasi di wilayah tersebut. Mengingat jangkauan internet starlink ini mampu mencakup seluruh wilayah daratan maupun laut di Indonesia karena menggunakan satelit.
"Misal masyarakat spend internet perbulan hanya Rp300 ribu, yasudah tidak bisa menggunakan starlink, kalau misal korporasi spend misalnya Rp5 juta perbulan, atau punya bisnis ditengah laut, itu bisa menggunakan starlink," kata Heru.
"Kalau untuk residensial sudah banyak yang diberikan layanan fiber optik, kemudian kalau individual sudah ada 4g, 5g, jadi pasar yang mungkin di masuki adalah pasar yang wilayahnya di pedalaman, contohnya wilayah 3T," pungkasnya.

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