"I can't, ma'am. Mas Wirya and I are busy,"

I could only sigh heavily hearing Nella's words when I expressed my intention to come live in her very large house. 

"I won't bother you, son. I can still do things myself." I tried to bargain his refusal hoping he would change his mind. 

After my husband died, I lived alone. Lonely, no one to accompany you. My three children are married and have their own lives. Am I wrong if I want to go with one of them? 

"I can't, Mom. Besides, you're not just my child. There's Erwin too," added Nella, her eyes remaining focused on the cellphone screen in front of her. 

I closed my eyes. The daughter I've spoiled and been proud of doesn't care about me at all. Doesn't he remember that the kiosk that sells cellphones and their accessories and credit from all operators got their capital from me by selling rice fields? 

"That's it, ma'am. You'd better go along with Mas Erwin. He's a boy. He's the one who has more responsibility to take care of you now." The daughter who has given me two grandchildren looked at me for a moment then returned to focusing on her cellphone. 

Is it really like that? Boys are more obliged to care for their mothers than girls? 

With unsteady steps I left the two-story luxury house. I rubbed my neck because my throat felt dry. My stomach growled as if the worms inside were protesting that no food was coming in. Earlier, Nella didn't serve drinks, let alone food. 

My tears flowed as the drizzle began to wet the earth. My chest feels tight when I remember how indifferent Nella was to the woman who gave birth to her. Isn't there a feeling of longing in his heart after not seeing each other for so long? Oh, he didn't even greet me, let alone hug me when I came as if his mother was a stranger. 

By riding a motorbike taxi, I arrived at Erwin's residence an hour later. 

My smile widened when I saw his luxurious house and its beautiful yard with various flower plants. I definitely feel at home living here. 

I enthusiastically knocked on the door, hoping that the child whom I always obeyed all his requests would welcome me happily. 

There were footsteps before the door finally opened. It wasn't Erwin who was there, but Diana - his wife who welcomed me. Ah, I forgot that currently Erwin is still working as a manager in a bona fide company with a big salary as he once said. 

"Mother? What do you need to come here?" Diana asked without inviting me to enter first. 

Rubbing my chest I heard the words that came out of the mouth of the son-in-law whom I had always been proud of because he was the son of a rich man. 

"I miss my children and grandchildren," I answered with trembling lips. 

Diana looked at me from head to toe. "Then, why are you carrying a big bag like that? Do you want to stay here?"

I glanced at the tote bag containing clothes that I had placed on the floor. "Yes, Di. Not only staying overnight, but I want__

I hadn't finished talking when a black car entered the yard and not long afterward the owner got out. He is Erwin, my most handsome son. 

A feeling of longing suddenly welled up in my chest to see my son now looking dashing in a plain navy blue shirt with his sleeves folded up to his elbows. His face looked even more charming with his bluish chin from being shaved. Really, I want to hug him immediately. 

However, everything did not match expectations. The child I breastfed for two years refused when I expressed my intention to come live with him. 

"Sorry, Mom. I can't accept you coming to live here. Diana doesn't want strangers in our house," said Erwin. 

My eyes feel hot. This pain and heartache. He said this woman who had given birth was a foreigner? How brave he is. Have you forgotten that he was able to build this two-story house because he sold two plots of rice fields that he owned to comply with his wife's request? 

The tears that rolled down my cheeks were a sign that I was very disappointed. When I had nothing, they just dumped me. Yes, not long ago my husband died, the remaining rice fields were sold to pay debts and the costs of arranging the body were not small. The house I own has also been sold to pay debts. 

Where should I go? 

Actually, there is still one more child that I haven't met. He is my youngest child named Nasrul, but doubts have crept into my heart about meeting him, let alone expressing my intention to live with him. 

The child I've always loved and given capital to have a family with doesn't want to accept me, let alone the one I always ignore? 

Among my children, only Nasrul does not get a share of the rice fields from me. I never approved of his marriage to Arum, who came from poor people. 

One time Nasrul came to the house wanting to borrow money for his child's hospital expenses, but I flatly refused. However, in the end I couldn't bear it. I was willing to give him a loan as long as he divorced Arum and married the woman of my choice, but he refused. I don't know why he chose Arum, who was poor. 

Of the three brothers, only Nasrul doesn't have a house and I just let him rent and don't know what work he does now. 

I sat stunned on the side of the road after returning from Erwin's house. I felt my rumbling stomach. I took my wallet and opened it. Thank goodness there is still money, even though it's not much. 

My mouth watered when I saw the fried rice seller on the side of the road. It looks delicious, you can see several buyers queuing waiting for their orders to be delivered. 

I entered the tent stall which was not very large. The distinctive fragrant smell of fried rice pierces the nose. Immediately I sat on one of the empty chairs. 

After the customers got their orders, now it was my turn to be approached by the seller to be asked what kind of fried rice I wanted. 

"Mother?" said the fried rice seller as if surprised to see me. 

I looked up at the man in front of me who was wearing a mask. How shocked I was when the mask was removed and it turned out he was Nasrul, my youngest son who I really hated. 

I immediately stood up and was about to leave the place, but Nasrul held me back. 

"Wait, Mom. Why are you here? Where are you going? And why are you carrying such a big bag?" Nasrul asked as he took my hand. 

I looked down. These clear beads just dripped down my cheeks when I remembered the children who had the heart to throw me out. If Nella or Erwin wanted to accept me, I definitely wouldn't have to be here and meet Nasrul. 

With trembling lips I told him everything because Nasrul kept insisting. 

"Oh my God, so now Mom doesn't have a place to live?"

I nodded weakly. Embarrassed, Nasrul must have been laughing at me in his heart. 

"If you want, you can come live with us,"

I looked up. "Do you mind accommodating a mother who is always mean to you, Rul? Aren't you angry and vengeful towards Mother?" I asked quietly. 

Nasrul smiled. "I will always love Mom forever."

I couldn't help but hug him. The child I hated all this time wanted to accept me while my other children who I used to love didn't care. 

"Mother, wait here, let me get you something to eat first, and after this we will go home so that you can rest," he said as he headed to the kitchen in his shop. 

I stared at his back with a sad heart. When I gave the other child a lot of capital for his business, he only became a fried rice seller. 

Instantly the feeling of regret just appeared. If I could turn back time, I wouldn't waste it. 

Nasrul invited me to get on his motorbike. My heart was beating wildly on the way. Nasrul has accepted me, but what about his wife, whom I used to insult so much? 

What if he's still hurt and doesn't want to accept me? 

"This is my house, Mom. Sorry, the house is small." Nasrul took my hand with his left hand while his right hand knocked on the door and said hello. 

I looked away when the door opened and heard a greeting from the person I really hated. 

"Mother?" said Arum. I didn't dare look up. 

I was shocked when suddenly the woman hugged me. "Thank God, if you want to live with us, Mas Nas already told you on the phone."

Oh my God, it turns out Arum doesn't hate me at all. My eyes were hot as tears flowed freely. 

In the KBM App it is finished


"Nggak bisa, Bu. Aku dan Mas Wirya sibuk," 

Aku hanya bisa menghela napas berat mendengar ucapan Nella saat aku mengutarakan maksudku untuk ikut tinggal di rumahnya yang sangat besar itu. 

"Ibu tidak akan merepotkanmu, Nak. Ibu masih bisa melakukan apa-apa sendiri." Aku mencoba menawar penolakannya berharap ia berubah pikiran. 

Setelah suamiku meninggal, aku tinggal sendiri. Kesepian, tiada yang menemani. Anakku yang berjumlah tiga sudah menikah dan punya kehidupan masing-masing. Apa aku salah jika ingin ikut dengan salah satu dari mereka?

"Enggak bisa, Bu. Lagi pula anak Ibu bukan hanya aku. Ada Mas Erwin juga," imbuh Nella dengan mata tetap fokus pada layar ponsel di depannya. 

Aku memejamkan mata. Anak perempuan yang selama ini kumanja dan kubanggakan sama sekali tidak peduli denganku. Apakah dia tidak ingat, kios yang menjual ponsel beserta aksesorisnya serta pulsa dari semua operator itu modalnya dariku dengan menjual sawah? 

"Sudah, ya, Bu. Sebaiknya Ibu ikut Mas Erwin saja. Dia anak laki-laki. Dia yang lebih punya kewajiban menampung Ibu sekarang." Anak perempuan yang telah memberiku dua orang cucu itu menatapku sebentar lalu kembali fokus dengan ponselnya. 

Benarkah seperti itu? Anak laki-laki lebih berkewajiban merawat ibunya daripada anak perempuan? 

Dengan langkah gontai aku meninggalkan rumah mewah berlantai dua itu. Kuurut leherku karena kerongkongan yang terasa kering. Perutku berbunyi seolah cacing-cacing di dalam sedang protes tidak ada makanan yang masuk. Tadi Nella tidak menyuguhkan minuman apalagi makanan. 

Air mataku mengalir seiring gerimis yang mulai membasahi bumi. Dadaku terasa sesak kala ingat betapa cueknya Nella pada wanita yang sudah melahirkannya ini. Tidak adakah rasa rindu di hatinya setelah sekian lama tidak bertemu? Oh, bahkan ia tidak menyalamiku apalagi me me lukku saat aku datang tadi seolah ibunya ini adalah orang asing. 

Dengan menaiki ojek aku sudah sampai di tempat tinggal Erwin satu jam kemudian. 

Senyumku mengembang melihat rumahnya yang mewah serta halamannya yang asri dengan aneka tanaman bunga. Aku pasti betah tinggal di sini.

Dengan semangat aku mengetuk pintu, berharap anak yang selalu kuturuti semua permintaannya itu akan menyambut kedatanganku dengan bahagia. 

Terdengar derap langkah kaki sebelum akhirnya pintu terbuka. Bukan Erwin yang ada di sana, tetapi Diana--istrinya yang menyambutku. Ah, aku lupa kalau sekarang Erwin masih bekerja sebagai seorang manager di sebuah perusahaan bonafit dengan gaji besar seperti yang pernah ia katakan. 

"Ibu? Ada perlu apa Ibu datang ke sini?" tanya Diana tanpa mempersilakan aku masuk terlebih dahulu. 

Mengelus dada aku mendengar kata-kata yang terlontar dari mulut menantu yang selama ini selalu kubanggakan karena anak orang kaya itu. 

"Ibu kangen dengan anak dan cucu," jawabku dengan bibir bergetar. 

Diana menatapku dari ujung kepala hingga ujung kaki. "Terus, kenapa Ibu bawa tas gede kayak gitu? Ibu mau menginap di sini?"

Kulirik tas jinjing berisi pakaian yang kuletakkan di lantai. "Iya, Di. Bukan hanya menginap, tetapi Ibu ingin__

Aku belum selesai bicara saat sebuah mobil hitam memasuki halaman dan tidak lama kemudian sang empunya keluar. Dialah Erwin, anak laki-lakiku yang paling tampan. 

Rasa rindu seketika membuncah dalam dada melihat anakku itu sekarang terlihat gagah dengan kemeja polos warna biru laut yang lengannya dilipat sampai siku. Wajahnya terlihat semakin menawan dengan dagu kebiruan bekas dicukur. Sungguh, aku ingin segera meme luknya.

Akan tetapi, semua tidak sesuai ekspektasi. Anak yang dulu kususui hingga dua tahun lamanya itu menolak saat kuutarakan maksudku untuk ikut tinggal bersamanya. 

"Maaf, Bu. Aku nggak bisa menerima Ibu ikut tinggal di sini. Diana tidak mau ada orang asing di rumah kami," kata Erwin. 

Mataku terasa panas. Sakit dan nyeri hati ini. Dia bilang wanita yang sudah melahirkan ini adalah orang asing? Sungguh teganya dia. Apakah lupa, dia bisa mem

Author: Siti Aisyah

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