Once hurt, Ahmad Dhani is forbidden to sing the song Dewa 19: My child will ask
Once Mekel admitted that he was hurt after Ahmad Dhani forbade him to sing the song Dewa 19. Because Once felt that Dhani's statement cornered him too much. Photo/Instagram Once
- Once Mekel admitted that he was hurt after Ahmad Dhani banned him from singing the Dewa 19 song. Because, Once felt that Dhani's statement cornered him too much.
The impact of Dhani's statement, Once admitted, this had an impact on his son. On the other hand, the owner of the real name Elfonda Mekel said that Mulan Jameela's husband did not understand the law governing copyright law.
"Yes, there is definitely (heartache). My child even asked (with his schoolmates), 'What's wrong, Dad, why did one school ask me (this problem)?' What's the answer, but yes, he sees that this is the dynamics of adults looking for money," said Once in the Lebak Bulus area, Jakarta Setalan, Friday (31/3/2023).
Apart from that, Once suspects that the reason why Dhani banned him from singing Dewa 19's song was not only because of royalties. But there is an element of personal problems, which the 52-year-old singer refuses to go into detail about.
"And this case is not only about me personally but also a professional bet with singers, but everything must be regulated, there is such a thing as the Copyright Law," explained Once.
As previously reported, Ahmad Dhani announced that he had banned Once from singing Dewa 19 songs. The reason was that the band from Surabaya would be holding a concert after Eid.
As the composer of the song Dewa 19, Dhani admitted that Once would not interfere with the concert by singing his band's songs. Dhani also wants to maintain the purity of his concert.
"I announced that I specifically prohibited it, I banned Once from singing Dewa 19 songs. According to the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights, this is a right of the creator," said Dhani recently.
Once Sakit Hati Dilarang Ahmad Dhani Nyanyikan Lagu Dewa 19: Anak Saya Sampai Tanya
Once Mekel mengaku sakit hati setelah Ahmad Dhani melarangnya menyanyikan lagu Dewa 19. Sebab, Once merasa pernyataan Dhani terlalu menyudutkannya. Foto/Instagram Once
- Once Mekel mengaku sakit hati setelah Ahmad Dhani melarangnya menyanyikan lagu Dewa 19 . Sebab, Once merasa pernyataan Dhani terlalu menyudutkannya.
Imbas dari pernyataan Dhani ini, diakui Once hal tersebut berdampak pada anaknya. Di sisi lain, pemilik nama asli Elfonda Mekel ini menyebut bahwa suami Mulan Jameela itu tidak mengerti hukum yang mengatur soal Undang Undang Hak Cipta.
"Ya ada lah pastinya (sakit hati). Anak saya sampai tanya (sama teman sekolahnya), 'Ada apa sih Pa, kok satu sekolahan tanyain (masalah ini) ke aku?' Gimana jawabnya, tapi ya dia melihat ya inilah dinamika orang dewasa cari duit," kata Once di Kawasan Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Setalan, Jumat (31/3/2023).
Selain itu, Once menduga penyebab Dhani melarangnya menyanyikan lagu Dewa 19 tidak hanya karena urusan royalti. Namun ada unsur masalah pribadi, yang mana penyanyi 52 tahun itu enggan menjelaskan secara detail.
"Dan kasus ini bukan hanya soal saya pribadi tapi juga pertaruhan profesi dengan penyanyi, tapi semuanya harus diatur, ada yang namanya UU Hak Cipta," jelas Once.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Ahmad Dhani mengumukan melarang Once menyanyikan lagu-lagu Dewa 19. Alasannya, grup band asal Surabaya itu akan menggelar konser setelah Lebaran.
Sebagai pecipta lagu Dewa 19, Dhani mengaku tidak Once mengganggu gelaran konser tersebut dengan menyanyikan lagu-lagu bandnya. Dhani juga ingin menjaga kemurnian konsernya.
"Saya mengumumkan bahwa saya melarang spesifik ya, saya melarang Once untuk menyanyikan lagu-lagu Dewa 19. Menurut Dirjen HAKI itu adalah sebuah hak dari pecipta," ungkap Dhani baru-baru ini.
#ahmaddhani #dewa19 #songs #oncemekel