Losing Pillow Contest Against Head of RT, Anies Baswedan Falls into Lebak Bulus Reservoir
The future presidential candidate from the Coalition for Change, Anies Baswedan, fell into the Lebak Bulus reservoir, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday (17/8/2023).
The moment occurred when Anies was hitting each other with a pillow with the Head of RT 06 RW 04 Cilandak Barat Village, namely Malkan.
Based on Kompas.com monitoring, Anies, who had just attended the 78th Indonesian independence ceremony, was initially invited by residents to participate in a pillow-fighting contest.
Anies also complied with the residents' request. He immediately went down and sat down on the gutter that had been provided for the pillow-fighting arena.
The former Governor of DKI Jakarta's first opponent was a citizen. Anies won in the thumping competition which lasted for approximately 20 seconds.
Not wanting to end the match, he then challenged one of the reporters covering him to participate. Not much different from the first match, he won again.
In the third match, he then challenged the Head of RT 06 RW 04 namely Malkan. It was in that match that Anies plunged into the Lebak Bulus Reservoir.
The match only lasted 15 seconds. Malkan initially attacked Anies Baswedan's left arm with his white pillow.
Anies then countered Malkan's attack. However, the attack actually made him almost fall. The moment was not wasted by Malkan.
One thump on the pillow that aimed at Anies Baswedan's head finally made Anies fall into the reservoir.
Even though he had to get drenched, Anies said he was happy with his participation in the competition.
"The audience is happy, which is important. We are also happy. Those who win and lose are both happy," said Anies after the pillow-thumping competition.
"This is really a friendly match for all. I think the people who enjoy it the most are the residents here. I lost to the RT, so God willing, it's still easy to deal with paperwork," he said jokingly.
Kalah Lomba Gebuk Bantal Lawan Ketua RT, Anies Baswedan Tercebur ke Waduk Lebak Bulus
Bakal calon presiden dari Koalisi Perubahan, Anies Baswedan tercebur ke waduk Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (17/8/2023).
Momen itu terjadi saat Anies saling gebuk menggunakan bantal dengan Ketua RT 06 RW 04 Kelurahan Cilandak Barat yakni Malkan.
Pantauan Kompas.com, Anies yang baru saja mengikuti upacara kemerdekaan RI ke-78 itu awalnya diajak warga untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam lomba adu gebuk bantal.
Anies pun menuruti permintaan warga. Ia segera turun dan duduk di paralon yang sudah disediakan untuk arena adu gebuk bantal tersebut.
Lawan pertama eks Gubernur DKI Jakarta adalah seorang warga. Anies menang di ajang adu gebuk yang berjalan selama kurang lebih 20 detik itu.
Tak ingin mengakhiri pertandingan, dirinya lalu menantang salah satu pewarta yang meliput untuk berpartisipasi. Tak jauh berbeda dengan pertandingan pertama, ia kembali menang.
Di pertandingan ketiga, ia lalu menantang Ketua RT 06 RW 04 yakni Malkan. Di pertandingan itu lah Anies tercebur ke Waduk Lebak Bulus.
Pertandingan itu bahkan hanya berlangsung 15 detik. Malkan awalnya menyerang lengan kiri Anies Baswedan dengan bantal putihnya.
Anies lalu membalas serangan Malkan. Namun, serangan tersebut justru membuat ia hampir jatuh. Momen itu tak disia-siakan oleh Malkan.
Satu gebukan bantal yang mengarah ke kepala Anies Baswedan akhirnya membuat Anies tercebur ke waduk.
Meski harus basah kuyup, Anies mengaku senang dengan keikutsertaannya untuk hadir dalam lomba tersebut.
"Penonton senang yang penting. Kitanya juga senang. Yang menang, yang kalah sama-sama senang," kata Anies seusai lomba adu gebuk bantal.
"Ini betul-betul pertandingan persahabatan untuk semua. Saya rasa yang paling menikmati adalah warga di sini. Saya kalah sama pak RT, jadi Insya allah kalau urus surat-surat masih gampang," kata dia berkelakar.
News, Entertainment, Health
Anies Baswedan
Head of RT
Lebak Bulus
Losing Pillow