The Angel Is My Mother

The Angel Is My Mother

mirrors on the walls
show me where heaven is
said to be in the soles of Mother's feet
but there are only severe cracks
I saw his chest was bleeding

in a quiet corner, Mother diligently prayed
occasionally slap myself
the gleam in the corners of her eyes refused to subside
he says its not sadness
but an effort to improve God's destiny

I saw you lying on your back exhausted
since the evening he was busy sowing weeds in the garden opposite
she said Mother was withered
while you are happy with the cracking of flowers

Mother's body was battered
for snacks served in the kitchen
his head was filled with exhaustion
his shoulders were forced tough; his heart fell

mirrors on the walls
where is the road to the steadfast house
I want to invite Mother to stay there
in order to smile again the honeyest smile
because only behind his glazed eyes
I met lots of love
even though every blink is a wound

and the angel continued to serve, breaking her own wings



cermin-cermin di dinding
tunjukan padaku letak surga itu
konon berada di telapak kaki Ibu
tapi hanya ada pecah-pecah yang parah
kulihat dadanya pun berdarah-darah

di sudut sunyi Ibu tekun menyemat doa
sesekali menampar diri sendiri
rinai di sudut matanya enggan surut
katanya itu bukan kesedihan
tapi upaya memperbaiki takdir Tuhan

kulihat Bapak telentang kelelahan
sejak petang ia sibuk menabur gombalan di taman seberang
katanya Ibu sudah layu
sementara Bapak senang pada rekah kembang

tubuh Ibu babak belur
demi kudapan terhidang di dapur
kepalanya dipenuhi penat yang penuh
bahunya dipaksa tangguh; hatinya rubuh

cermin-cermin di dinding
di manakah jalan menuju rumah tabah
aku ingin mengajak Ibu berdiam di sana
agar tersungging lagi senyum paling madu
sebab hanya di balik matanya yang sayu
kutemui banyak cinta 
meski tiap kedipnya ialah luka

dan bidadari itu terus mengabdi, dengan mematahkan sayapnya sendiri

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