Number politician names are missing from BTS 4G corruption case document

Odd Number politician names are missing from  BTS 4G corruption case document

The Advisory Board of the UGM Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (Pukat) Zainal Arifin Mochtar said that there were a number of politicians' names missing in the prosecution documents related to allegations of corruption in the provision of 4G base transceiver station (BTS) towers and supporting infrastructure 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Bakti Ministry of Communicationand Informatics (Kominfo). 

Zainal conveyed this in a One Table Forum discussion entitled "BTS 4G Corruption Drags Many Politicians?" which airs on YouTube Kompas TV, Thursday (7/7/2023). 

"If the documents circulate, some of the prosecution plans, the documents that circulate, it seems that the politicians will be lost. Not all names are in the plan," said Zainal in his presentation. 

However, Zainal was reluctant to specify which politician whose name was lost in the investigation of the case. 

According to him, the information refers to the results of investigations from a number of magazines. 

"For example, Tempo Magazine, then the plan to prosecute the documents that were circulated, there are several names that seem to be missing, you can look at them later," he said. 

Furthermore, Zainal is of the view that the disappearance of the names of these politicians can be interpreted that the corruption case is indeed very large because it involves many parties. 

“Big man, big linkage with a certain linkage. Moreover, this is indeed a big project because this is a very good project in my opinion, that's why we have to think about it in the future," he said. 

It is known that the AGO has named eight actors in the BTS 4G corruption case. State financial losses in that case reached IDR 8.032 trillion. 

Some of the suspects, including former Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G Plate, have been processed at trial. 

The other actors are the Director of Bakti Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif (AAL); President Director of PT Mora Telematics Indonesia, Gauntung Menak (GMS); University of Indonesia Human Development Expert (HUDEV) Year 2020, Yohan Suryanto (YS). 

Then, Account Director of Integrated Account Department of PT Huawei Tech Investment, Mukti Ali (MA); Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan (IH); Main Director (Director) of PT Basis Utama Prima, Muhammad Yusrizki (MY); and Windi Purnama (WP), who is the defendant's confidantIrwan. 

Janggal, Sejumlah Nama Politisi Hilang dari Dokumen Kasus Korupsi BTS 4G

Dewan Penasehat Pusat Kajian Antikorupsi (Pukat) UGM Zainal Arifin Mochtar menyebut ada sejumlah nama politisi yang hilang dalam dokumen penuntutan terkait dugaan korupsi penyediaan menara base transceiver station (BTS) 4G dan infrastuktur pendukung 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 Bakti Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo).

Zainal menyampaikan hal ini dalam diskusi Forum Satu Meja bertajuk “Korupsi BTS 4G Seret Banyak Politisi?” yang tayang di YouTube Kompas TV, Kamis (7/7/2023).

“Kalau dokumen beredar malah, beberapa rencana penuntutan itu, dokumen yang beredar itu, kayaknya para politisi itu menjandi hilang tuh. Enggak semua namanya di dalam rencana itu,” ucap Zainal dalam paparannya.

Namun, Zainal enggan merinci siapa politisi yang namanya hilang dalam pengusutan kasus tersebut.

Menurut dia, informasi itu merujuk hasil investigasi dari sejumlah majalah.

“Misalnnya Majalah Tempo, kemudian rencana penuntutan dokumen yang beredar, itu kan ada beberapa nama yang keliatannya hilang, nanti bisa dilihat,” ujar dia.

Lebih lanjut, Zainal berpandangan hilangnya nama-nama politisi tersebut dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa kasus korupsi tersebut memang sangat besar karena mencakup banyak pihak.

“Orang besar, keterkaitan besar dengan keterkaitan tertentu. Apalagi ini memang proyek besar karena ini proyek yang sangat baik menurut saya ya, makanya kita harus pikirkan ke depannya,” kata dia.

Diketahui, Kejagung telah menetapkan delapan pelaku dalam kasus korupsi BTS 4G. Kerugian keuangan negara di kasus itu mencapai Rp 8,032 triliun.

Sebagian dari para tersangka termasuk mantan Menkominfo Johnny G Plate sudah diproses dalam persidangan.

Adapun pelaku lainnya adalah Dirut Bakti Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif (AAL); Direktur Utama PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Galubang Menak (GMS); Tenaga Ahli Human Development (HUDEV) Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2020, Yohan Suryanto (YS).

Kemudian, Account Director of Integrated Account Departement PT Huawei Tech Investment, Mukti Ali (MA); Komisaris PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan (IH); Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Basis Utama Prima, Muhammad Yusrizki (MY); dan Windi Purnama (WP) yang merupakan orang kepercayaan terdakwa Irwan.

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